「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 31, 2012 at 1:15 PM Post #46,849 of 177,747
which one is the bottom one? I think it's an OVA of a girl  that uses a knife. Or was it a series of movies? I saw a review on youtube saying that it had really nice animation n sound effects.

I wanted to know also. They look SO FRICKING familiar!? Canan? No idea.
Dec 31, 2012 at 1:20 PM Post #46,850 of 177,747
I wanted to know also. They look SO FRICKING familiar!? Canan? No idea.

=_= u trolling? Yesterday you said you did a reverse google search yetserday, n i didn't see an option for that. I can always look at the reviewers channel though >_>

Oh, before this year, I had previously thought that all jpop was trash (except FreeTEMPO) :p Mainly b/c i hated watching OPs n EDs
Dec 31, 2012 at 1:21 PM Post #46,851 of 177,747
LOL. It's that easy...
Anyways... so how are you making the banana fritters? Just curious, since I can make some too.

Surround banana with dough. Fry. Done.

Hmmm... Next time you might want to try mashing them, mix it with flour and a liiiitle bit of baking soda. Mix mix mix, fry the dough, using a spoon to put them in oil. It's a different texture, since there won't be whole banana, and it's in bite-size pieces. Also how are you making the dough? Again I'm curious.
Dec 31, 2012 at 1:31 PM Post #46,852 of 177,747
Hmmm... Next time you might want to try mashing them, mix it with flour and a liiiitle bit of baking soda. Mix mix mix, fry the dough, using a spoon to put them in oil. It's a different texture, since there won't be whole banana, and it's in bite-size pieces. Also how are you making the dough? Again I'm curious.

I didn't make them, my mom did. I just made the mochi.

The banana is cut in slices, and baking soda is used. Your description, other than the mashing part, is exactly how they are made.
Dec 31, 2012 at 2:02 PM Post #46,855 of 177,747
Well, my sister thought of this randomly (basically cheating and I'm bored so I'm going to do it!).
Back from vacation. Haven't been on head-fi for 8 consecutive days, and I am currently in the progress of reading every single letter of every single post. I shall pull through. The time is now 14:17, and I expect to be done in roughly 2-3 hours.

I have read Spice and Wolf (LN) volume 1, Planetus, Hidamari Sketch, Vagabond, Akira, B Gata H Kei, Hokuto no Ken, Minami-ke, SZS and Seitokai Yakuindomo. I feel like a god.

Spice and Wolf:
Interesting, been a really long time since I've read a novel, and I have to say that I am positively surprised by how much I liked it. Still, I find that I simply lack the patience for reading novels, so I doubt I'll read many more in the future.

Absolutely ridiculously awesome. Incredible art, touching and inspiring story, very interesting sense of realism to space travel and habitation.

Hidamari Sketch:
Decently amusing. Could have been worse.

The single most beautiful art I have ever seen in any manga ever. Don't like how they're distorting historical facts, but it's a sacrifice that has to be made for an interesting story. Fighting scenes were realistic, which is rare.
Marathoned this in one day of ~16 hours of continuous reading occasionally eating something or standing up to stretch out.

Decent art, good plot, excellent setting. But I'm disappointed by the blown up shounen-style ending (no spoiler)

B Gata H Kei:
Incredibly boring. Dropped.

Hokuto no Ken (AKA Fist of the North Star):
Generic looking, and close to no plot at all visible. Art is kinda good, especially if you like gore. Dropped

Very confusing, never have any clue what's going on. Otherwise kinda funny, but nothing special.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei:
Been taking a long time to finish this. Kumeta (the mangaka) is a master of satire, but not all chapters are as funny as others. Art is excellent.

Seitokai Yakuindomo:
Pretty funny yonkoma.

Minna no Nihongo books have arrived. I plan to study from them regularly, but I don't know if discipline allows. We'll see.
Thanks pandaman, I'll remember that in the future! DC 3? ;D I stopped watching harem after I watched the one w/ a guy who has 2 daughters (daughters of maous) as neighbors (think he ends up with the normal girl though). I never got around to finishing it b/c I wasn't in the mood to finish it and was kinda phasing out of harem. Do you have something that's kind of on the level of FMA:Brotherhood to watch? . 

Harem sucks, feel good about yourself for not watching it.
That doesn't look to be very long. I was expecting a Rikkun sized long. 

Like this post?
Go look at it again... what you saw was the unfinished version!
now it's all done it comes in at about 12,000 letters... the other forum I post at made me spilt it into two posts! 

You count in letters? What the hell, dude. Use words, that's way more conventional, though I guess it doesn't really matter.
It's still not that much.

But then I'm more afraid that whoever carries the torch to adapt Yotsuba! is going to mess big time, and any hope I have of it will be severely obliterated in the most offensive way. So i guess it's good that nobody still haven't adapt it, but equally bad that nobody still haven't adapt it.

That's true I guess. I hope if it ever gets adapted it'll be KyoAni.

Rewatching nichibros. My sides are hurting from laughing my lungs out.

Dropped that. I should pick it back up if I have time.

Edit: New megapost record?

Probably, though it's still broken by this one. HA!

Updating is for losers. Be a man and do it one go.
I think Bowei should be in charge of the thread...
Yay, everything on what is freeleech/neutral leech!~
Time to grab the Beatles Stereo and Mono boxes...

Even with freeleech I'm still not allowed to download anything.

Lol, anime slowly but surely corrupts all...

refreshing [gg]'s site for JJBA, when I know that it's going to come out at >5am moscow time. I fan can dream that [gg] can release it earlier.

I know that feel

Something funny I found when searching for anime demotivational posters:

That one is old.

And why would you look for anime demotivational posters? Sounds like a waste of time to me.

That scene is absolutely glorious
Tilpo could take ownership, and he's on his Highway to Japan plan, so that might be the wisest decision. All of this is under assumption that OP control can be changed though. Has anyone asked about it?

Why me? You're making the assumption that I would actually care.

And I strongly doubt it's possible in any case.
Seriously... Now Borisu's headphones AND the mad dogs are late >

I think Bowei would be good because he's always consistently online though. Tilpo... Isn't...
Ahh, melting away the few remaining brain cells not shut down by my cold with yuri yuri..

I'm often enough online. Just not on Wednesday. Or vacations, which are way too rare in any case.
It's Christmas, people are busy I guess. 

Or on vacation.
Also, suddenly it's 3am... -_-

I know that feel.

[quote name="bowei006" url="/t/586040/official-asian-anime-manga-and-music-lounge/45450#post_8982560"

Gonna watch Sukitte Ia Yo now. She and Rikkun says it was good.

It is. Now watch it.

Dammit I have to go shopping for groceries but there's JJBA to watch. I guess not starving for the next 2 weeks is better than JJBA....

No it's not. Watch JoJo.

I'm glad I still live with my parents reading this.
That picture that I took was at an intersection and it was so badly congested that no one was able to move a centimeter. Cars, buses and bikes were blocking the intersection because they couldn't move.
And yes, there are too much scooters and bikes in Jakarta and the way most of them ride them is like they own the road. Total disobedience and absolutely ignorant of any laws imposed on the road.

Boy am I glad I don't live there. Sounds horrible.
Get a few bottles of jäger

Jagermeister doesn't even taste good.
Hooooooooolyyyyyy shiiiiiiiieeeetttt. That was one hell of a JJBA episode. One of the darkest and most awesome villain intro ever from JJBA so far (can't say much in comparison to others though; more like I'm not confident enough to make any comparisons). Tilpo, you're in for a treat in this one.

It better be good.
I'm all hands up when it comes to arguing about the difference of cables.
It's all subjective. Personally, I hear a difference so I keep my opinion to myself. But best way to know if it's placebo or not is just test it for yourself.
Although the Mogami cable that I tested for the MDR-1R is definitively a huge upgrade in durability and build quality. Stock cable feels a bit flimsy to me.

I thought I was in this thread because people don't talk about audio here. Stop it.

Random thought: You know what I think goes too unnoticed in the head-fi community? The SQ of different presses. I find that getting better sounding pressings of an album is leagues above the difference between 320 or v0 and FLAC in those terms.

While that is true, I still don't care. More like sound signature that quality really. Differences exist, but I am unable to say whether it's good or bad.
My cousin's just got iPhone 5's as their Christmas presents and holy Schiit. Apple really outdone themselves with the Earpods. For $30, they aren't majestic creatures of the reindeer forest but as the new Apple standard for all devices post now, it is a good high definition upgrade to the most iconic headphones in the world.

He got an iPhone 5 for Christmas!?

Are all Americans as incredibly spoiled as that? I personally find it absolutely ridiculous. I have to work and earn my own money for my phone.
Lol, what.cd is a private music tracker. Only cool people are invited

Yay, I'm a cool person!
I would argue that people just want to sound intelligent by arguing on minor and trivial things. That and probably people already forgot the original reason they descended into this stupid rabbit hole: listening to music; they have forgone that and now only listens to gear: all the fancy cables, miracle tubes and messianic opamps.

This is exactly why I stopped caring about hi-fi.
hey guys I just bought some padding material for P-H and Kalbee's headphones.....
(13" MBP for scale lol)

Build a snow fort.
Minimum order... 4lb
That was like $23

Think that'll be enough for all the P-H units

Dang, that's cheap brother.
Do you recommend I read the LN for Spice and Wolf?

Dunno. I'm not one to judge novels, since I've only ever read 3 in my life.
I love ten to sixteen year olds.

No Jager or JD, but I got some Kraken Rum and Maker's Mark bourbon too. 


Jelly. Though I probably wouldn't really taste the difference with cheap stuff anyway, since I never drink that kinda stuff. (too expensive in comparison to beer)
lol my JPS ratio is already in the hundreds with like 500gb up

okay lets try this again
freeleech on JPS = all the Nonaka Ai.

What's Nonoka Ai?
I feel so awkward now...

Why's that?
hmm. i already downloaded everything snsd. time to pick up some big bang and some other random crap i guess?

I find that there is way too much repetition in the SNSD discography. They just use the same songs over and over on their albums.
Pffft. iTunes. We all use JPopsuki.

and merry Christmas from me and Chiri-chan! :3

Merry Christmas!

I still have 1 unopened bottle and 1 being eaten (just opened it last week). SO MUCH GOODNESS!

When I was in Germany some weeks ago, I bought a 1kg jar. It was glorious.
Just one: you.

I wouldn't mind being killed by her, if I had to choose my way of dying, that is.
Meh, too lazy to post my uTorrent, but I have close to 600 items, about 100 of which are downloads in progress...
Yay, mad dogs finally came!!!

Are you even gonna listen to that all?
I am Panda or Panda-sama, pick one

No, you are Gaijin-kun
:3 thanks panda man. Mirai Nikki was the bomb. Loved it. Akumetsu is the bomb so far. On the third chapter

Meh. Mirai Nikki was really quite disappointing in my opinion.
18K posts like a bauwss

Congrats. You're moving swiftly on onward to all time #1. LOL.

Check out these gifts.

A headphone shirt and a life size Minecraft sword.

Otasumi miina

Stop using that. It is annoying me.

Then again, that's probably one of the major reasons you're doing it in any case.

Stupid Gaijin.
We can start driving as early as 15 under adult supervision, the earliest we can drive on our own legally is 16, and 6 months later until you can drive with other people in the car other than your family.
Is it 18 in HK?

Same here. Driving from the age of 18. Though 17 under adult supervision.

Haven't bothered taking driving lessons yet.

I think I read once that computer parts are not subjected to tax! I think I should check this again though just to be sure.
But if I do ship it, I'm worried about warranty claims...sigh...

No tax? Lol.
100 posts in 1 night. I guess more must've happened before I came >_>

That's quite common really.
Sigh, first the ocz piece of crap dies and now a patriot inferno 240gb.
Time to get a Samsung 840 series, oh wait, it's a damn public holiday today so the computer stores are closed.

Ima get drunk, at 10am.
Happy new year chaps.

New year? Far from it. Still got well over one day to go.


I remember being like you. Ah, good old days.
Yo. Happy to report that my family actually had some chinese food on a holiday as opposed to stupid american food.

Good man. I'm eating Indonesian food myself tonight.


Turkey, ham, steak, mashed potatoes, etc. All the plainest most bland foods imaginable, always served dry and cold. I hate beef, steak especially, unless it's asian or mexican or what have you. Holidays I usually end up starving and only having bread to eat because everything else is so disgusting. 

(。-_-。 )人( 。-_-。)
HATE BEEF? STUPID AMERICAN FOOD? WHAT?!  NANI?!?!?!?!  WHAT SACRILEGE IS THIS?!  I'd love to have steak :3 but it snowed n we didn't have any to cook. Mashed potatoes so good. Skip on the ham and maybe turkey. Man, them hamburgers, fries, and grease are grand. 5 guys. Cheesecake Factory. You plebeians are out of your minds. 

I can appreciate a hamburger, but steaks are just disgusting.
Meh, KyoAni looking like KyoAni again. Yawn.

What's that, good friend. What's wrong with KyoAni? HUh!?

I'm keeping my eyes on you, brother.
IT's anime time, you guys know what this means:

True anime watching is done with energy drinks as only supply of nutrients.
No bowei your eyes are broken. Simple explanation.

That's always a correct explanation for anything.
Still remember how I've had to go through the list of all the anime on MAL....

There were around 6k anime when I built my list....

LOL. Sounds kinda like what I'm doing now, but at least I'm around halfway at the moment. Ugh.
Wait, how do I add anime to my list? When I try to add, it seems like I have to manually search for it

2 posts in under a minute! So that's how you got your __,___> 17,000 posts!

Hmmm, isn't that the normal way to post?
OK, I went through the first 1000 in the ranking. Prob not going to look at more. Ow my eyes hurt: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Evetan

Keep on going, my friend.
And we're pickin' up speed! asdf. 

Not enough speed to scare me off!

Haha, Finally someone who understands that you have to touch BOTH wires to get electrocuted.

Why the censoring? Censors are for the WEAK


...is what I wanted to say, but that'll mean I'm a buzzkill irl LOL


Living is also for the weak.

My new avatar!

A beautiful shop, good sir.
I have been watching anime till 3AM everyday

shounen isn't my forte

Neither is it mine. Yet our anime tastes are still almost polar opposites.
currawong w/ a geass -> panther's avatar

I usually sleep at 1 - 2 am

but it's not really shounen...?

That's late. I wish I could do that, and live with 5 hours of sleep per day. Unfortunately I feel even the 7.30 hours I'm doing is insufficient.
Damn you FUNimation!! Now I have to get Mirai Nikki and Aquarion EVOL elsewhere.

Same for Chuunibyou.

Just had dinner.

What you guys think.

Looks edible.

Look at this, Panda. This is what I ate a week ago, on my way to the Alps. French food at it's best.

Starter: Pate

Main dish: Boar stew with chestnuts.

Gratin potato as a side dish

My desert, a delicious creme brulee.

Aniki's desert; a lemon tart.

......everything BUT the first episode is done...What.

I hate it when that happens.

Long live priority settings!
My modding..didn't turn out well. It didn't do what I wanted sadly
Reverted to stock now.

The Panda is modding?

Sounds dangerous.
I'm an Asian. I gain no weight what soever.

Me neither, even though I am 100% Dutch.
Though combining this with my academics, I must be secretly Asian.
We have a spoiler rule as...we are ...itchy at reading info here

I'm not, you are.

I do act like I am sometimes, but that is to troll.
Rewatching Ano Natsu. Best character:

Remon-senpai is one of the best all-time characters of anime, imo.

It was written well. Which is more than you can say about 90% of anime................................. More than enough to put it in my good books


It was ok.

It was good but it just goes into arcs and pulls outa them. Feels kinda..not really like an anime in that sense.

It was good though, I give it a 8.5/10

It was 'OK', but it's still an 8.5/10.
What Panda logic.

You make it sound like 7/10.
What's the difference between Anime and Manga? (Sorry for the question being so obvious to you guys.

Anime is for the lazy, manga is for the lazy.

Huh? There is no difference!
You have to buy the authentic ones from Japan

I recommend Japanese ones.


Although Nissin is the only Japanese brand exporting to the Netherlands pretty much. Well, that, or pay >€5 per cup.
Nissin has some pretty good stuff, but better can definitely be had.

I'm a genetically 100% chinese that lives in Hong Kong remember?

I'm genetiucally 100% Chinese too

What's it like to be Asian?

Is it true you are all good at math?

my breakfast


Besides, I can't even breakfast properly.
I can with great difficulty eat one bowl of cereal, or one loaf of bread.

I love that face.
Never seen Nobuna, but Clannad eyes will suck you into the infinite universe!

Why am I reading this!

Because hidden in it lie the secrets of the universe, young one. You must read on!
Her oppai make me want to play the game.

Tired as a sack of potatoes, night all.

What is up with that expression?

man, you guys still keeping this thread updated!

intense lol

Yeah dude. You know how intense we are.
Fallout 3... brings backs memories~

Good old days when I was still gamin'
I hope so, but I know they will...
Lol, seriously? I thought my 13.x ratio was impressive...

Nah, it's not.

Bonus points, lol.
You said something?

I had ATT for a year last year. 18Mb/s and 1.5Mb/s up.

Their policy was 250GB per month for uverse customers(me). That was a new company policy. They were going to use a monitoring tool.

Guess what. For my region, THAT TOOL NEVER went online. It told me month after month that the bandwith monitoring service was not up and running yet and that I should disregard bandwith for that month.


Metrocast with my current 24Mb/s plan has a policy of 500GB/ month but hell, even I can't do 500GB each month. The tech told me that some have surpased that but nobody has ever gotten a letter. IT is just to look nice to other big isp's.

The US sounds like a horrible country.

Glad I'm living in the NL, where 100Mb/s up/down is widely available. Being small and densely populated means good infrastructure.
Wait, you live next to a nuclear reactor?

Learn to read. You're being almost worse than the Panda.

Nice! I wish we had snow here...

Why? I hate snow.

Whole public transport system shuts down when snow's falling.
You mean to say that plastic surgery won't make me look like Brittney Spears?

It actually will, but only if your trust in the gods is true.
Hello Mr.Cat! I am Mr. Panda! Pleased to meet you.

Then what am I?

What kind of animal do I resemble?

Kill Me Baby ED is pretty dam good. These guys dance it the best out of all the ones out there I could find.

@Graph and Rikkun
Your prespective anime tropes should dance this! WITH the official handstand included lol.

Kill Me Baby! YEAH
It's AMAZING!!! I can't believe I've been missing out on all this Anime stuff!!!

Code Geass, amazing?

LOL. That's funny. You have to try harder.
Disabling nested quotes in post replies denies you the privilege to quote quotes.

Yep, but enabling it makes quoting Haiburi a PITA.
lol why would you want to eat a chunk of salt?

Because it tastes good?
Best (late) christmas present EVER!
A bipolar variable 6kV Power Supply:

They have those at school as well.

Also worked with a 2MV power supply. Those things are awesome. I used it on CC, and I was working with several pA.

Time is 17:01

Took me ~2:45 to write this post.


<insert response>
I win.
Dec 31, 2012 at 2:06 PM Post #46,856 of 177,747
It's only in a few parts... but it's hard to tell when they may be coming up.
[rule]Bored on an afternoon.. decided to play with my MAL CSS...
Change some of the List Headings and add a welcome message + my Avatar LOL

That looks really cool Borisu!

What kinda homework is that...?

like which subject?


[rule]Decided I'm done effing around with my MAL... I've already worked on this for over 10 hours....
Feel kinda bad for using part of other people's codes too, but I really don't feel like spending more time on this.....

This one looks cool too!

Made some mochi, apple and banana fritters, and oliebollen (fried dough with raisins). This gon' be good.

Damn, that food looks good... And I'm hungry... I need to figure out how to make mochi ice cream... *sigh*
On a positive note, it appears as if DHL drove the saya no uta soundtrack all the way from Seattle in 3 hours (every time I've gone to Seattle it's taken more like 5 hours, but whatever) and delivered it bright and early this morning at 10:00AM. Yay! Now I have my ero game soundtrack! I don't regret it either. There's some cool artwork in the jewel case and the fold out.
I'll be listening to it on my cd player a bit later today :D
Dec 31, 2012 at 2:09 PM Post #46,858 of 177,747
Well, my sister thought of this randomly (basically cheating and I'm bored so I'm going to do it!).

I win.


That is completely and utterly evil...
Dec 31, 2012 at 2:09 PM Post #46,859 of 177,747
Damn, that food looks good... And I'm hungry... I need to figure out how to make mochi ice cream... *sigh*

It's actually really easy to make.

Just get some glutinous rice flour, mix it with water and sugar, put it in the microwave, fill it with ice cream, freeze, enjoy.
Dec 31, 2012 at 2:10 PM Post #46,860 of 177,747
It's actually really easy to make.
Just get some glutinous rice flour, mix it with water and sugar, put it in the microwave, fill it with ice cream, freeze, enjoy.

Sounds easy to make, as long as I can find the rice flour somewhere...

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