「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Feb 15, 2015 at 6:23 PM Post #146,582 of 177,747
  The venue for iDOLM@STER 10th anniversary concert has been announced:
Also, someone made a compilation to show how the lives have changed:

How do they do lives?
with the real seiyuus?
Feb 15, 2015 at 6:26 PM Post #146,583 of 177,747
  How do they do lives?
with the real seiyuus?

Nah, they just play some clips from the show.
Not like the hardcore fans would care.
Anime idols have it a little bit better than the real ones.
Feb 15, 2015 at 6:36 PM Post #146,585 of 177,747
Oh, Tom Yum Goong, how is the head-tracking feature of the New 3DS XL? I tend to look at my 3DS at the normal viewing angle, so the off-axis 3D effect was never a problem for me. It's not like the display is an IPS display either, so I don't understand why people bashed on it. Yes, I can't see the 3D effect when my head is 30˚ from the center, because I totally game like that; therefore the 3D sucks because it doesn't work. watlogic.jpg

I went to a Gamestop today to try out the New 3DS....but they didn't have any demo stations for any console. D:

I found someone on StreetPass who's playing Monster Hunter 4. : D

Oh and I found Reggie playing Majora's Mask 3D too.

^ that's supposed to be an Epona hat that he's wearing lol
Feb 15, 2015 at 7:27 PM Post #146,587 of 177,747
Oh, @Tom Yum Goong, how is the head-tracking feature of the New 3DS XL? I tend to look at my 3DS at the normal viewing angle, so the off-axis 3D effect was never a problem for me. It's not like the display is an IPS display either, so I don't understand why people bashed on it. Yes, I can't see the 3D effect when my head is 30˚ from the center, because I totally game like that; therefore the 3D sucks because it doesn't work. watlogic.jpg

I went to a Gamestop today to try out the New 3DS....but they didn't have any demo stations for any console. D:

I found someone on StreetPass who's playing Monster Hunter 4. : D

This Super 3D+ thingamabob or whatever it is called works really really well.
You can see some kind of flickering when you move your head a bit quicker, but if you sit and play like a normal human being you will hardly notice anything.
I pretty much never had it on when using the "old" 3DS, but now I catch myself turning it on from time to time.
Pretty cool stuff!

I played an unhealthy amount of Monster Hunter 4.
Like, 16 hours in the past two days :|
It's fuggin fantastic.
Feb 15, 2015 at 7:33 PM Post #146,588 of 177,747
I think a lot of the Apple critics are critisizing the price tag, to be honest. However, trying to put together a Lenovo at their store with similar hardware configurations will yield a somewhat comparable price. This is what gets me every time. No, it's not cheap because it's not supposed to be a cheap laptop. For a cheaper price tag, you just don't get the bells and whistles you get with expensive ones, and this is not Apple exclusive. Also, I know I sounded kind of Apple-fanboyish up there; there is no doubt in my mind that there are much better choices if gaming is of concern, or you're stuck to the Microsoft eco-system, and honestly, the Microsoft eco-system is a pretty good choice. Few stones are left unturned there, IMO, and with Satya Nadella, I'm sure MS will get even better with time. Satya just doesn't seem so bone headed that he'd risk going dinosaur on us. 
As for OS X, in that case you're way more experienced than me, but I've never really came upon any big problems at all. I have 8 gigs of RAM and it works flawlessly, even with big pics in Photoshop, or movies in iMovie (and so on). I think some of the critics pointing to a memory hungry OS is because the OS itself utilizes the RAM is a different way AFAIK. It pre-allocates memory in such a way that it looks like it's a memory hog, but in reality, it has RAM reserved for memory hungry applications. Or so I have understood it. Not going to swear on it, nor should you quote me on it.
As said, I haven't run into any huge deal breaking problems yet. Disclosure: I never did run into them in Windows or Linux either, so don't take me for a "PC-hating" dude. They're all good, but for me, Macs simply do it better, and I don't regret the higher price tag at all, not for a moment.
It's so fun, I used to be so damned anti-Apple. Then I got myself an iPad because my kids didn't like my shiny Windows 8 Pro tablet, because of the lack of games. Loved it myself. Then I got myself an iPhone and left my Samsung Galaxy Note II be my work phone instead. Don't regret it for a second. At this time, I was so baffled by my turnaround on the Apple subject, so I started looking at MBP's with a Retina screen. Same story here. A few weeks in, and I didn't even miss anything from Windows or Linux - and for the few times I want to go back for a minute, I just fire them up in Paralells or dual boot, only to boot back to OS X because I like it better there.
Now, I may suffer from new-toy-syndrome here, but this is at least my experience for now. As always, experiences are subject to change with time. But for now, I'm as happy as happy can be in my little OS X cave.
Edit: I have to admit, the iPad Air 2 with more RAM and the SoC upgrade is a freaking beast. It's just so silly fast, powerful and the thinness although being a running joke for Apple at this point is nothing to scuff at - it's thinner than your average magazine and yeah, it does change fundamentally how you use it.

Hmmm.... TBH, I don't think Macbooks are expensive at all....
My MBP (not retina) was only $1200 while my current XPS13 (still not retina) was $1700.
For OSX, as long as you don't try to do things that's not intended to be done on the system, you're good.
Mind you though... Apple repairs outside the warranty period is expensive, I used to work at an Apple service center.
If you break it, it's probably cheaper to buy a new one.... I've owned 3 Apple laptops in my life (MB 1, MBP 7, MBP 9)
The first retired after 3 years with 5 RMAs, the second retired after 3 years with 3 RMAs and the last one is still in use with 2 RMAs.
All repairs are motherboard, internal cable and charging board replacements.
Feb 15, 2015 at 8:27 PM Post #146,593 of 177,747
Beach, please.

I feel like the biggest part of Dwarf Fortress's difficulty is the atrocious UI, the menus and the presentation. It's not really fun to navigate through a game that looks and handles worse than even the most basic BIOS menu.
Feb 15, 2015 at 8:31 PM Post #146,594 of 177,747
They're not, imo.

Coming from a linux background, the unix environment feels perfect, except for the fact that uber-commercial software just works perfectly and natively. Also, being an IT professional makes me smile quietly and go to Terminal when people tell me how OS X is made for idiots when they drag'n'drop their crap in WinExplorer. As far as the hardware goes, yeah I'm sure the 700MB/s pcie ssd, the ultra high resolution with full RGB gamut, the best trackpad I've ever used and the aluminum body just pales in comparison to their $500 laptops in plastic with 5400 spinners and 1368x768 displays.

Yeah, sounds a bit pro-Apple and despite not wanting to turn it into a fanboy argument (each to their own) I still don't understand the vast majority of the criticism Apple gets. Oh well..

Don't forget that MagSafe charger! Best laptop charger I've used (and probably ever). Microsoft knows this, so their Surface is following suit.
HTC had better redeem themselves with the One M9. And why promote the M8 so late?

I saw a render of the One M9 and from a looks perspective I quite liked it. Unfortunately, this being HTC, I'm sure they'll find a way to ruin the experience. For examples, they could include the horrible Sense UI rather than just going with a stock or slightly modified Android UI. Or maybe launch the phone and then neglect to provide updates, à la the ThunderBolt.

Ain't that the truth.
I think the ThunderBolt is Verizon's fault.
I think a lot of the Apple critics are critisizing the price tag, to be honest. However, trying to put together a Lenovo at their store with similar hardware configurations will yield a somewhat comparable price. This is what gets me every time. No, it's not cheap because it's not supposed to be a cheap laptop. For a cheaper price tag, you just don't get the bells and whistles you get with expensive ones, and this is not Apple exclusive. Also, I know I sounded kind of Apple-fanboyish up there; there is no doubt in my mind that there are much better choices if gaming is of concern, or you're stuck to the Microsoft eco-system, and honestly, the Microsoft eco-system is a pretty good choice. Few stones are left unturned there, IMO, and with Satya Nadella, I'm sure MS will get even better with time. Satya just doesn't seem so bone headed that he'd risk going dinosaur on us. 
As for OS X, in that case you're way more experienced than me, but I've never really came upon any big problems at all. I have 8 gigs of RAM and it works flawlessly, even with big pics in Photoshop, or movies in iMovie (and so on). I think some of the critics pointing to a memory hungry OS is because the OS itself utilizes the RAM is a different way AFAIK. It pre-allocates memory in such a way that it looks like it's a memory hog, but in reality, it has RAM reserved for memory hungry applications. Or so I have understood it. Not going to swear on it, nor should you quote me on it.
As said, I haven't run into any huge deal breaking problems yet. Disclosure: I never did run into them in Windows or Linux either, so don't take me for a "PC-hating" dude. They're all good, but for me, Macs simply do it better, and I don't regret the higher price tag at all, not for a moment.
It's so fun, I used to be so damned anti-Apple. Then I got myself an iPad because my kids didn't like my shiny Windows 8 Pro tablet, because of the lack of games. Loved it myself. Then I got myself an iPhone and left my Samsung Galaxy Note II be my work phone instead. Don't regret it for a second. At this time, I was so baffled by my turnaround on the Apple subject, so I started looking at MBP's with a Retina screen. Same story here. A few weeks in, and I didn't even miss anything from Windows or Linux - and for the few times I want to go back for a minute, I just fire them up in Paralells or dual boot, only to boot back to OS X because I like it better there.
Now, I may suffer from new-toy-syndrome here, but this is at least my experience for now. As always, experiences are subject to change with time. But for now, I'm as happy as happy can be in my little OS X cave.
Edit: I have to admit, the iPad Air 2 with more RAM and the SoC upgrade is a freaking beast. It's just so silly fast, powerful and the thinness although being a running joke for Apple at this point is nothing to scuff at - it's thinner than your average magazine and yeah, it does change fundamentally how you use it.

Apple knows that for a vast majority of people, it doesn't matter what happens under the hood. As long as what the user is interacting with works well and works fast, specs mean nothing. That's how the iPhone can still compete with only half the hardware. In most cases, specifications tend to mislead people more than it gives them a common ground for comparison. Good specs != good phone, and many Android smartphone/Windows PC manufacturers have proven that.
However, I can't deny that the iPhone is really absurdly expensive
Now an iPhone 6+ 64GB is like 1.2k SGD in Singapore. The Xperia Z3 is like 800SGD, and while having a slightly smaller screen, you can just add a relatively affordable 64GB Class 10 and it is still a good 300 dollars cheaper
I know a lot of Apple fans would argue that the iPhone 6+ is worth that 1.2k, but I just don't see it. It is not like I have never used Apple products before, I currently own a iPod Nano and a iPod Touch (which I got for free). I just feel that other companies can match the iPhone at a much more reasonable price
I am waiting for my contract to run out and get the Xiaomi Mi Note, really hits the sweet spot for me

Well, under favorable conditions, you can get the OnePlus One 64 GB for 500< SGD...but it is not comparable to any other phone on the market at the moment.
Apple is different from the others. They take the time and effort to perfect a single device, so in the end you get a phone that fully performs to its expectations.
In the end, it does depend on what you're looking for in a phone.
  Making things irreplacable or proprietary feels like it's against their design philosophy, at least the man Jonathan Ives looks up to (Dieter Rams) who promotes environmental friendliness, and swappable components is one step towards that (so you don't have to replace everything).

It's like buying color pencils in sets... when you use up one colour, you can just replace that one colour instead of replacing the entire set

From a repair perspective, Apple actually does very well. To my knowledge, the iPhone has the most modular components, and replacing the screen does not require you to replace a substantial chassis or frame. All the buttons, the charging dock, microphones, proximity sensor, headphone jack, cameras etc. are all replaceable. Most Samsung and LG phones don't have replaceable power, volume and home buttons. Power and volume are integrated onto the logic board, while the home button on the Samsungs are sandwiched between the screen and the chassis. Sonys have replaceable buttons, but the charging port is integrated. HTCs do have many replaceable components, but the internal hardware layout is not repair friendly at all.
As for the MacBooks, Apple decided to favor external form factor over replaceable parts. I mean, how often do you need to upgrade the RAM, change the battery, replace the screen etc. as opposed to enjoying the benefits of a thinner, lighter device? Although more expensive, getting repairs done by the manufacturer ensures that a high quality standard is maintained.
I think in Apple's case, the responsibility of environmental friendliness isn't given to the user, but Apple themselves, which leaves one less thing for the user to worry about. It just comes at a price, so I don't think it's as much of an environmental issue as it is a financial issue.
How do they do lives?
with the real seiyuus?

Yes. How else?

Feb 15, 2015 at 8:33 PM Post #146,595 of 177,747
Since people seems to be posting their top 10 games, let me unleash my own list. That nobody have ever heard of the games in there.

In no particular order:

  • MechWarrior: Living Legends
  • Neotokyo
  • Dystopia
  • Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45
  • Shattered Horizon
  • Global Agenda
  • C&C: Shockwave
  • War Thunder
  • Audiosurf

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