  1. adgame

    Best budget headphones for Canada

    Hello I live in Canada and i want to buy a nice headphone. First of all, I was looking for the sennheiser hd201, but they are 40$ on and 50$ in local store (Overpriced since American can buy them for 19.99$). I also sawthe JVC rx700 for 47.66. Is there other headphones to...
  2. PaTe117

    Best headphones under 100$ / 75€

    I'm lookin for bassy headphones that are also comfortable for long gaming sessions. My current headphones are Microsoft Lifechat LX-3000s that I'm going to replace.   I've been doing some research on Sennheiser HD series and I've been thinking about getting Sennheiser 438s for 69€ because...
  3. maddbomber83

    (Xonar Xense) alternative with better bass?

    Hello!  I'm in the market for a new headset sound solution and was directed to this forum.  I've also never used 'proper' headphones before.   I used Logitech's G35 for a year before my cat chewed through the cable and I did enjoy them.  I swapped to Corsair's HS1 after that and also enjoyed...
  4. killjoyxp

    My Philips HP910 are on their way out.   After many years of reliable use, my pair of discontinued Philips HP910 are finally getting raggedy and hard to repair.   Have any of you had any experience with these and perhaps found a suitable replacement?   I find it's...
  5. jojexy

    What is the best headphone to listen to Pink Floyd?

    I'm so far looking at headphones (nothing over $250) and deciding on which headphones to buy. Currently I feel like ATH-M50 seems to be the best choice since it seems like a well balanced headphone. However, I know they are Monitor headphones which means that it might not sound as tasty as a...
  6. Moosecraft

    Fullsize headphone under 200$

    Hello im new to this forum and ive had the Vsonic gr07 for a while and i would like a fullsize under 200$ US that will be very fun sounding with lots of bass and treble.   I dont have an amp but i will be buying one later.Also i listen to basically anything but classical   Your help will...
  7. daniel9878

    $200 For Eletronic Music

    Hi, Im new in the forum and I want help from you to choose a headphone (max $200) to be my first real headphone... Im almost getting the HD 595 of sennheiser... Do you have another one to me ? I listen to eletronic music and music like jack johnson ...   Thank You all !
  8. Dsnuts

    The PANASONIC RP-HTF600-S headphones. More fun than the HD650?

        Hello to one n all that read this. I think this is a discovery worth sharing with the community.   My curiosity on these as I am a big fan of other Panasonics...Nothing written. No review nothing on these. As far as I know I think I am the very first person to hear these.  These are...
  9. omaplata

    Headphone Recommendation Please!

    Hey guys, first post here. I'm not really well versed in headphones, so I'm having trouble choosing a budget headphone setup for use at work. I was hoping that someone could steer me in the right direction.   The criteria I would like to meet are as follows:   1) 75 bucks or less (may...
  10. BLL00

    Sony MDR-V6, should I buy it off amazon ?

    So they are going for 65$. I'm a little shocked as that priced is relatively low considering the "legendary" status these headphones posses. Is amazon's listing trusted ? Why are they going for this cheap if they're that good?!...  ...
  11. aerinsol

    How should I go about (cost-effectively) improving my audio rig?

      Hi, everyone, I'm new to Head-fi, nice to meet you all. I'm posting here because I've been trying to figure out a way to improve my current audio setup because I don't feel like I'm currently able to enjoy music the way I want to and feel like I should be able to, but I'm not sure what I can...
  12. InediblePi

    Headphone Decision

    Hi guys, I'm a new member but I've been browsing around these forums for a few weeks already.    So far, I've had my eyes set on a modded HA-RX700 and the Superlux HD681. Out of the two, which one would you suggest? Any other suggestions?   Thanks for your help! :D   Edit: Whoops, I...
  13. takeshibeat

    high quality headphones with sound isolation??

    i have hi fi system marantz mcr 502 with speakers i can listen the music on my hifi just with headphones because i live in a building that has a very,very bad sound isolation (i don t think that it could be worse than this) my flat is on the second  floor and i can hear everything what...
  14. aznsammurai82

    need help on picking out headphones

    I need a new set which is budget friendly maybe around 120 or so any suggestions?
  15. Conspiracy

    Novice needs some help selecting quality portables for his daily life.

    Hello Head-Fi. I'm a junior in high school, been listening to music daily for most of my life, going back and forth from cheap headphone to cheap headphone. I've recently become very enamored with purchasing an exquisite set of headphones for my birthday.    Unfortunately, the amount of...
  16. lifehacker

    reccomendations for first set of high quality phones?

    ok first off this IS my first post, but i have been lurking for a while now and have been doing my homework. now it has come time for me to finally ditch the skullcandys for a good set. as of now i have been looking at a set of audio technica ath-m50s and ultrasone hfi-780, but any other...
  17. Wyatta4

    So many choices...

    Hey everyone I hope you don't rip me apart for making a new post but I am just so lost. I really love music, and crappy music bugs the heck out of me. I want something that sounds awesome but I am a Highschooler on a budget(no pitty needed). I have about 100 to spend on a pair. I bought a pair...
  18. NoamIsachar

    Help: Buying Music Headphones In 90$ - 100$

    Hey,   I need new full size headphones and my budget is 90$ to 100$. The options i thought about is: Shure SRH440                                              Sennheiser HD515                                              Grado SR80i   What do you recommend ? (I added a poll about...
  19. KevC

    Narrowing down a budget/value comfortable circumaural can for me

    Hello,   I'm looking for the absolute _BEST_ bang for buck can in the budget category .. preferably <$50 (soft limit) but must absolutely be < $100 shipped.   My priorities are the following.   -comfortable, circumaural design  -easily driven (plugged directly into TV or macbook)...
  20. itzzjason

    What headphones should I buy?

    Sorry in advance if I posted this in the wrong section. Noob here (this is my first post)   As the title says, what headphones should I buy?   -It'll be used on my computer   -Used for:         movies/tv shows         music             -rap, hip hop, rock (pretty much anything...
  21. Pingupenguins

    Bass under $60

    Hey I'm looking for a friend. He does not know what good bass is but he wants a lot of it. I refuse to tell him to get anything with loud muddy bass so I beseech you head-fi'ers to help me find this man true bass under $60.    Thanks!
  22. JCH-19

    Looking for comparable headphones to the XB500.

    Hey guys, I have the sony XB500 and love them but there are a couple things that I really don't like. First, they leak really bad at any decent volume and also I'm not really liking the looks. Are there any headphones out there similar in sound (especially in bass) that don't have problems and...
  23. Alphamega

    Headphone Purchase Advice (<$160)

    So I've been a big In-ear fan for a few years, gotten a lot of different earphones on the lower end of the price range which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I recently lost my pair of MEElec SP51's which I loved, so I decided I needed to buy some new earphones. I happened to have a listen to a pair...
  24. bucket indeed

    New headphone suggestions please

    Presently I have a pair of HD201's, and I love the amount of detail I got for my $16.  Last week I tried a friends new Steelseries Siberia V2's, and was surprised about what I thought.  I didn't like the relative lack of detail, but I actually enjoyed the wider soundstage (headstage?), loved the...
  25. Supertoaster

    Panasonic RP-HTF600-S squeaking

    I've had this issue since I got them. The axis that lets the cup rotate makes a really loud high pitch squeaking sound when it moves around. When I am wearing them its not an issue but taking them on or off its a quite irritating sound? I'm not gonna return these or anything over such a small...