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  • Users: Lunatique
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  1. Lunatique

    Tonebooster Morphit - Correct your headphone's frequency response, simulate other famous headphones, and more

    Some of you know that I'm a huge fan of Tonebooster's Isone, which is a feature-rich HRTF (Head Related Transfer Function) based plugin that allow you to simulate realistic listening environments (including ideal mastering studio space) and different speaker types (including full-range mastering...
  2. Lunatique

    Test and train your hearing at SoundGym!

    I just discovered this awesome site, which tests your hearing and provides a series of different training exercises such as frequency ranges, gain, dynamics, distortion, etc. It is excellent training for anyone who is serious about audio and want to develop their ears more:
  3. Lunatique

    The most reliable/easiest way to EQ headphones properly to achieve the most ideal sound (for non-professionals)

    (UPDATED on April 16th, 2020, with new links to missing test tones and YouTube videos.) I've been wanting to write a comprehensive guide on how to do surgical EQ corrections to achieve the best sound possible, in a way that is the easiest and most reliable, without any guesswork and constantly...
  4. Lunatique

    Need recommendations for most neutral/accurate yet musical and enjoyable ToTL universal IEM

    I posted in the portable headphones forum asking for recommendations, but didn't get any replies. I suspect it might be because I'm very specific in my needs and I think the Summit-Fi forum might be better equipped to help me. Below is the original post, edited to reflect most current changes...
  5. Lunatique

    Need recommendations for most neutral/accurate yet musical and enjoyable IEM in sub $1,000 range (going over is okay if it's really worth it)

    My Westone 4 went through the washer and dryer with the laundry, and now the right channel is significantly more quiet. I've tried putting it in a bin of rice to suck the moisture out, as well as let it sit under the sun, but it appears it's done for. I've contacted Westone weeks ago but didn't...
  6. Lunatique

    IEM got washed in the washing machine and then dried in the dryer... Now what?

    My Westone 4 recently was accidentally left inside the pocket of my shorts and my wife washed it with the laundry. It was stored inside a little cloth pouch, but I don't think that will prevent water from seeping through.    Anyway, she didn't realize what had happened until after it's already...
  7. Lunatique

    Non-distracting ambient music to help with concentration when doing mental-intensive work

    Whenever I need to focus on mental-intensive work but still need to have some background music to help enhance my concentration (as opposed to distracting me with distinct melodies, rhythms, and lyrics), I will put on my ambient/soundscape playlist. I thought I'd share some of what I listen to...
  8. Lunatique

    D/A and A/D | Digital Show and Tell (Monty Montgomery @

    Anyone who cares about digital audio needs to watch this:   Hopefully this will stop all the misinformation from being regurgitated.
  9. Lunatique

    FINALLY, a signal processing app (includes EQ) for your OS's audio output (Windows and Mac)!

    For many years, folks have been searching high and low for an EQ that processes the audio output of your entire operating system, and they searched in vain. It is a sought after thing because without it, any kind of processing you do (such as EQ) can only be used in the app that has an EQ...
  10. Lunatique

    iPod/IPhone battery behavior--locked vs. turned off

    I have a question that I can't find any answer to, no matter how I googled.    Basically, my portable source is the iPhone and iPod Touch. I usually use them at set times during the day--for a morning session, then, in the evening before going to bed. The rest of the time I don't use them. ...
  11. Lunatique

    Please recommend the ideal place to live in the U.S.

    My wife and I are currently considering moving back to the States (I grew up in Bay Area, California), and we're considering places outside of the Bay Area, because it's just too expensive. We did a lot of research online, but we'd like some opinions from different folks who have lived in...
  12. Lunatique

    SonoReplicator: Turn cheap headphones into expensive sounding ones?   That looks pretty interesting. It's kind of like IK Multimedia's ARC System, but can be used on headphones too.   I almost laughed when I saw them using the measuring mic through the hole of a CD--that's exactly how I do it too when I measure...
  13. Lunatique

    Meeting "The One"

    This is a reply I split off from the thread "Head-Fi TV, Episode 008: Stax SR-009: Best Headphone Ever Made?" The conversation sort of started from the page when someone asked me about my avatar...
  14. Lunatique

    Misconception of "neutral / accurate"

    ...and accurate they sound, as opposed to vanity or hype, then it's very possible for people in this range to have a listening rig that's pretty **** good.   Extremely Rich Audiophiles - This can also be a wide range, depending on who the person is. If it's someone who doesn't have to worry...
  15. Lunatique

    My Westone 4 impressions

    I have put the W4 through its paces, and after the first round of extensive testing, here are my impressions.   My main reason for getting the W4 is to hopefully replace the SE535 and W3, since I find them too colored or fatiguing/bright without EQ. Ideally, I wanted a pair of IEM's that I...
  16. Lunatique

    My EQ curves for LCD-2, HD650, M50, and 007mk2

    I originally posted my EQ curves in the IEM forum, and since many of you don't use IEM's and probably don't visit that forum, I thought I should post the full sized headphone EQ curves here.   The original thread is here...
  17. Lunatique

    A plea to the community--let's standardize the way we describe sonic signatures

    I'm posting this thread in the hopes that the people who are the leaders in our community will consider making it a sticky thread, as I firmly believe it'll help many members, as well as improve the overall quality of our forums, leading to much more helpful posts and discussions. I should be...
  18. Lunatique

    A plea to the community--let's standardize the way we describe sonic signatures

    I'm posting this thread in the hopes that the people who are the leaders in our community will consider making it a sticky thread, as I firmly believe it'll help many members, as well as improve the overall quality of our forums, leading to much more helpful posts and discussions. I should be...
  19. Lunatique

    My meticulously tweaked EQ settings for Shure SE535, Westone 3, Westone 4

    I just spent the whole night creating the ideal EQ settings for the Westone 3 and Shure SE535. I used all of my best headphones as well as my Klein + Hummel O 300D's as references, and the goal was to make them sound as close to the ideal hybrid of those references as possible, while using the...
  20. Lunatique

    On the prowl again for IEM. Need input.

    I have finished my full-sized headphone journey as some of you know, but currently, I'm still trying to finish my IEM journey. It's a bit harder because while I'm willing to spend whatever it took to finish my full-sized headphones journey, I'm not willing to do the same for IEM, mostly because...
  21. Lunatique

    Shure SE535 a bit too bright/sibilant?

    Just wondering, do most of you consider the SE535 a bit too bright/sibilant--to the point of being fatiguing? I'm finding it hard to adjust to it, especially when compared to the better headphones I have.
  22. Lunatique

    Head-Fi runs extremely sluggish in Firefox?

    Is anyone else having a really hard time loading Head-fi in Firefox? Whenever I visit Head-fi, it takes far longer to load up a page than in Chrome, and whenever it is loading, Firefox freezes up. Any additional pages/threads I open up in new tabs will also cause the freeze until the page is...
  23. Lunatique

    My comparison review of Stax Omega 2 mk2, LCD-2, HD650, and M50

    The following was supposed to be a review for the Stax 007mk2, but it ended up including a lot of comparisons with the LCD-2, HD650, and M50, and I thought I'd post it here for those that don't follow the big Stax and LCD-2 threads. Here's the comparison review:   I’ve been hearing about...
  24. Lunatique

    Personality, age, and music genres

    I've been thinking lately about how our preferences for musical genres might change as we age, or as we go through different experiences in life, and this is particularly true for people who are songwriters I think. As young pups, we tend to have a lot of angst, so we often listen to music...
  25. Lunatique

    Complete darkness + music = audio nirvana?

    I don't know how many people feel this way, but ever since I was a child, I've discovered that the most "magical" way to listen to music is in complete darkness, regardless if you're using speakers or headphones. As humans, we rely so much on our vision that it dominates our senses, so listening...