Meeting "The One"
Aug 13, 2011 at 11:39 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 52


1000+ Head-Fier
Mar 7, 2008
This is a reply I split off from the thread "Head-Fi TV, Episode 008: Stax SR-009: Best Headphone Ever Made?" The conversation sort of started from the page when someone asked me about my avatar:
I didn't want to go totally OT in that thread, so I'm posting my answer to Paganini Alfredo's question here:
Ok Lunatique, out with it...

How, when and where do the rest of us find a woman as awesome as yours???


Heh, if I was still single, I'd totally want to know too.
Unfortunately, there's no clear answer, as we all have different personalities, and the chemistry that forms when two different personalities get together can be very different. For example, I do not behave the same way I do with Elena when I was with any of my ex-girlfriends. I'm a different person now when I'm with my wife. At the same time, Elena is a completely different person when she was with her ex-boyfriends. In fact, the way she is when she's with me shocked all her family and friends. They could not have imagined she'd turn into this totally feminine, selfless, loving, nurturing, supportive, and adoring wife. She literally treats me like her king and her pampered child at the same time (that's why I say it's totally embarrassing, but I'm not complaining, and I know I'm a lucky dog).
Before meeting me, she was being wooed by men with money and power all the time (we're talking heads of large corporations and politicians like mayors and governors), but she didn't give any of them a chance, because she wasn't interested in money or power. Everyone saw her as this proud, unattainable, self-sufficient woman who wasn't easily impressed by those who wanted to impress her. The more they tried to figure her out, then more she mystified them.
When she met me, I didn't even have a job--I was a starving artist who had just lost his job, had all of his belongings stashed away in someone's garage, sold his car, and had no savings in the bank. Most women would look at a guy like that and not even give him a chance. But Elena saw the soul within--the romantic artist who had dreams and ambitions, who viewed the world from a different set of eyes than most people, and who in her opinion, was not tainted by the corrupt world of money and power. She even joked and said that she'd rather be with the guy who had the potential to become somebody, than a guy who already is somebody, because that way, she could share his journey to greatness and be a positive force in helping him, and he'll appreciate her far more than just some woman who wanted him for his money and power after he's already succeeded.
Maybe it's just luck. If I had been a different guy, then she would not have fallen for me. If she had been a different woman, it would probably wouldn't have worked for me either. It's the combination of her + me that becomes something very special--a chemical reaction. I guess you'll just have to keep searching until you find someone who creates that special chemical reaction with you. There's no guarantee that everyone will find it their lifetime. I'm an idealist and a romantic, so in the back of my mind, I always wished I'd have this fairytale-like marriage, but I was losing hope because harsh reality just isn't very compatible with fairytales. She always longed for a happy marriage too, but she wasn't sure she'd find it either. Now that we've been together for almost ten years (in two months), we feel blessed everyday because we found our fairytale marriage.
To be fair, we should hear her side of the story. Elena's got her own thoughts on our marriage too, and she wrote a blog entry a few months ago about why it's awesome to be married to me:
But it is in Chinese. Online translators will make a mess of it, so I'll do a quickie translation summary here of the 14 reasons she listed:
1) He's taken tens of thousands of photos of me in the last ten years, and he makes me look even more beautiful with his photography, perhaps because of the way he sees me.
2) He also paints me, and his paintings, I'm very classy.
3) He's passionate about music, and would write/compose songs about us, and he would pick out great music for me to listen to.
4) He loves films, and does screenwriting and directing, so he's able to pick out amazing films that he thinks I would love. I'm never short of great films to watch because his recommendations are always spot-on.
5) He goes shopping with me and helps me pick out clothes and make-up. He's my personal designer/fashion consultant. Even when I'm worn out from 12 hours of straight shopping, he still remains enthusiastic, urging me to try a few more outfits in case those styles go out of season and can't be found again. I'm like his Barbie doll, and he never tires of helping me look my best.
6) He's eternally curious and never stops learning--always teaching himself new skills and trying to push himself to become better at everything he does. His positive and healthy attitude about life and learning influences me. He's my teacher.
7) Every woman loves sweet talk, and because he's a writer, he's got the words of a poet. There are endless ways he could express his love for me, and because he's so creative, he's got dozens of terms of endearment for me.
8) Whenever we're apart such as when I'm out of town, he will describe sincerely in detail how he misses me on the phone, and how his days without me are just not the same.
9) The construction and decoration of our home is his work of art. As an artist, he's extra sensitive to composition and color, and his perfectionist personality and perseverance ensures that he achieves exactly the ideal he imagined.
10) I'm a computer idiot, while he's an expert. He takes care of fixing everything electronic around the house.
11) We talk about anything and everything--from news, art, movies, music, literature, to little things happening in our lives. This ensures we'll never grow apart, and we'll always be supportive to each other, growing together.
12) Although he may not share my passions for gardening or cooking, but he's always patient and listens to me talk about these things, and would accompany me to go shopping for related stuff, as well as send me interesting related links he found online that he knows I'll enjoy.
13) He has no bad habits (smoking, drinking, gambling), and exercises self-control when it comes to spending money on expensive things. He consults with me on every significant purchases he makes, as well consult me on all details regarding his career, seeking my opinion. His earnings goes directly to my bank account and trusts me completely in my ability to manage our finances. In return, I often encourage him to buy the expensive things he's hesitant about buying.
14) He gives me total freedom to socialize and never forces his opinions on me or ask me to make changes to my social circle. He also encourages and supports me to help out those around me such as family and friends.
So there you go. It's a highly specific circumstance of two unique individuals that had the incredible luck of finding each other. Maybe our personalities are what allowed us to find happiness. I can imagine people who are pessimistic or not very romantic probably would have a lower chance of having a wonderful marriage, since they are unlikely to feel like they are the luckiest people on earth everyday for having found each other.
Here's to all the romantics out there. Don't you ever change.
Aug 13, 2011 at 12:30 PM Post #2 of 52

Here's to all the romantics out there. Don't you ever change.

Thanks for sharing your story. A really good read, hopefully everyone including myself can have the same experience  as you.
Aug 13, 2011 at 12:56 PM Post #3 of 52
Just... wow.

Thanks for taking my question and absolutely running with it. Just goes to show how much you really, truly do love your wife.:cool:

At times I myself get frustrated with finding someone I can connect with. I read an entry off of the Best Page In The Universe one day that was very insightful, and quite honestly made me have a quasi-epiphany. I'll just quote;

"Do you remember when you were growing up in elementary school, how many dumb people there were in your class? All the morons who had crappy personalities that never changed throughout all of high school? Of the thousands of people you've met throughout school, chances are that you've managed to only become good friends with one or two of them. The problem that guys have is that as many dumb guys there were in their classes growing up, there were just as many dumb girls. The only difference is that girls are not physically repulsive like men. If only two of the thousands of people you've come into contact with were good enough to become your close friends, then what are the odds of finding someone out of the remaining thousands that's good enough to spend the rest of your life with?"

Truer words were never spoken.
Aug 13, 2011 at 3:09 PM Post #4 of 52
"Do you remember when you were growing up in elementary school, how many dumb people there were in your class? All the morons who had crappy personalities that never changed throughout all of high school? Of the thousands of people you've met throughout school, chances are that you've managed to only become good friends with one or two of them. The problem that guys have is that as many dumb guys there were in their classes growing up, there were just as many dumb girls. The only difference is that girls are not physically repulsive like men. If only two of the thousands of people you've come into contact with were good enough to become your close friends, then what are the odds of finding someone out of the remaining thousands that's good enough to spend the rest of your life with?"

Truer words were never spoken.

Too true. I have a hard time naming more than a handful of people I really liked in high school. Most were either shallow, immature, racist jerks, bullies, or morons. I got along mostly with the creative and intelligent ones--the aspiring writers, photographers, artists, musicians, filmmakers...etc, as well as those who just have a kind heart and would never do anything to hurt others. 
As depressing and daunting as that quote sounds, it really is true statistically. In order to find "The One" that matches you in an ideal way, you really have to be very vigilant and search the corners of the world (in my case, I was vacationing in a country I hated and had absolutely no interest in ever visiting, but because my mother was there I visited her). You might luck out and have a next-door neighbor who happens to be your soulmate though. If so, congrats! You didn't have to go far to find your other half. :)
Most people aren't all that picky, and they end up settling for people who should never have been designated as their life-long mate. But because they were impatient or tired of looking, or are just too pessimistic to believe they could find the right person, they give up the search and go with the convenient, inferior alternative. The result is an unhappy marriage where couples fight, cheat on each other, and divorce. Worse yet, they stay in a loveless marriage and act more like roommates than two people who love each other with all of their heart and soul.
Of course, there are also the impulsive ones who get married because they were so attracted to each other, to the point of obsession, but that is not love, nor is it trust, or sharing the same set of values, or having the same level of emotional intelligence, or similar priorities in life. It's actually kind of shocking how lightly some people treat the whole marriage thing (Hollywood celebrity fastfood marriages that only lasts weeks or months, I'm looking at you).
Some countries are much worse than others when it comes to having twisted values when it comes to marriage. For example, in China, marriages are treated more like business deals between the parents of the bride and groom. It's all about if someone can afford to buy a home, earn a certain amount of money, occupy a position in the government, have a foreign passport, and so on. It's really depressing and disgusting, but that's what happens when an entire society's culture is so twisted in general. Taiwan and Hong Kong are a lot better, but Chinese culture in general is pretty materialistic and not very romantic (there are exceptions, but few and far between). 
Aug 13, 2011 at 5:37 PM Post #5 of 52
Aug 14, 2011 at 2:52 AM Post #7 of 52
The girls from my past, they all wanted me to change. They wanted this, they wanted that, and it bothered me. Who were they to dictate my life? I am my own man. I can and will choose how I live my life.
The girl I'm with now, she doesn't want me to change... but I do. I want to be more for her. I want to discover what I am capable of. What *we* are capable of. I want to explore this change together. 
I think I'll marry this one.
edit: as for how we met, it uh... is somewhat related to my avatar
Aug 14, 2011 at 3:35 AM Post #9 of 52

The girls from my past, they all wanted me to change. They wanted this, they wanted that, and it bothered me. Who were they to dictate my life? I am my own man. I can and will choose how I live my life.
The girl I'm with now, she doesn't want me to change... but I do. I want to be more for her. I want to discover what I am capable of. What *we* are capable of. I want to explore this change together. 
I think I'll marry this one.

That's beautiful. That's how it should be--that the person you want to be with is the one who will bring the best out of you, making you want to become a better person and excel in the things you're passionate about, while encouraging and supporting you in your journey to a better self.
Some people think they are being a good mate by being very militant about pushing their other half, and that's the wrong approach. The person should want to do it naturally because they feel loved and cared for and inspired by you, not because you are nagging and yelling at them constantly.
Aug 14, 2011 at 5:06 AM Post #11 of 52

The "One" used to throw plates at my head.

(Life as a lecherous rake ain't half bad, though.)

It occurs to me that Jecklin Floats would serve as half-decent helmets in that case.
Aug 14, 2011 at 6:13 AM Post #12 of 52

The "One" used to throw plates at my head.

(Life as a lecherous rake ain't half bad, though.)

Be thankful she only threw plates at your head mine I caught sleeping with my friend and a few days after we broke up I found out she helped herself to my wallet and used my credit card to make some purchases. On the plus side I knew a friend whose wife was a lawyer and a phone call and two days later I found a envelope in my mailbox with money covering the charges on my credit card. Good thing she was just a girlfriend and not a wife talk about dodging the bullet on that one.
Aug 14, 2011 at 11:19 PM Post #15 of 52
How I met my one.
I was working as a new pediatrician in 1991 while my wife-to-be was a pediatric occupational therapist (OT) at the hospital where I treated infants and children.  I didn't really know who she was, but when I would make rounds in the neonatal intensive care I would read her OT notes. I'd initial the notes showing that I had read them, adding a small smiley face with the tongue sticking out.  She was intrigued by that and was interested in getting to know me if the opportunity arose.
She was involved with the March of Dimes because it was very close to her heart and her profession, and I was selling tickets to the March of Dimes bachelor auction in November 1991.  So she and a bunch of her friends bought several tickets to the auction from me, and once there her friends encouraged her to buy me.  She bought me and got a $550 weekend long skiing date for two at Keystone, for only $275.  
Things took off from there.  I was writing her love poems within 4 weeks.  We were engaged to marry within 8 weeks.  And tomorrow is our 19th wedding anniversary!
She is such a caring, selfless, and generous soul that she's made me a better man.  We compliment each other and what I am not she is.  19 years is a long time, but if you've got the right mate it's pretty easy.

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