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  • Users: wower
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  1. wower

    Squeezebox directly into amp.

    I didn't get any responses (in 24h) from the stereo forum so am posting here.     Does anyone have any experience with plugging the logitec squeezebox directly into an amp? Basically using it as a pre-amp? I know it's going to lack some functionality and lose some quality but it might be a...
  2. wower

    Logitec Sqeezebox as pre-amp? upgrade path questions

    I have found a couple of good local deals on speaker amps and was just wondering how functionality good the Logictec Squeezebox Touch is if used as a source and pre-amp (directly into to the amp)? Will there be gain issues? I can accept some sonic draw backs in the short term if it works...
  3. wower

    Out on a limb for Rach's Symphonic Dances

    I heard a couple of pieces from Rachmaninoff's Symphonic Dances played on CBC Radio 2 and was motivated to think, I want to hear this in all its hi-fi glory. I've sort of familiarized myself with some of the main editions but would never shell out the money without also asking for head-fi's...
  4. wower

    Audiophile Frank Sinatra suggestions

    After hearing a couple of reviewers rave about the supremacy of Frank Sinatra's vocal style, I thought it was about time I investigate this legend. I've become familiar with the different periods of Sinatra career but have yet to find an album that bests illuminates--in all it's hi-fi glory--the...
  5. wower

    Power versus driver tubes question.

    I've had good luck asking basic circuit questions here in the past and today again humbly turn to you for help - out of sheer itchy curiosity. I have a Woo Audio GES en route to me here in Calgary and want to make an effort to understand the amp design in greater depth. I know the basic science...
  6. wower

    Electrostatic HP and a wide range of diverse music

    I'm getting closer and closer to committing myself to a decent electrostatic rig, however, I'm worried this type of rig would mar my enjoyment of rock and hip-hop music. My collection consist of about a 1/3 classical music--and really electrostatics are the cat's pajamas in this regards--but the...
  7. wower

    D7000 with Silver Dragon Cable

    I'll ask because I'm sure others might have the same question: I'm interested in 1.4" termination of the d7000 for the moment, but what if in the future I opt for a balanced configuration? Can I simply have the silver dragon cable re-terminated? Or do I have to have the phones completely...
  8. wower

    THE HOW: electrostatic vs balanced rig

    This question have been bugging me for a while now. I'll qualify it by saying I know in the best of all possible worlds I would be able to audition each rig I'm considering. But to make it a meet where both these types of high end rigs are on display would eat up a substantial part of my budget...
  9. wower

    Recabling question SE to Balanced

    Ah, all the offerings from APS, Moon Audio and Headroom are grand, but they leave one question about re-cabling a high-end headphone outstanding in my mind: If I opt for single ended re-cabling now because that's what my amp (and budget) accepts and in the near future collect D7000, HD800 and...
  10. wower

    Which headphones have the best timber, tone and texture?

    Simple question: Which headphones have the best timber, tone and texture? Like the bite of a trumpet or the texture of a bow across strings? I'm looking for something amoung the topshelf 'phones that gives real density to the sound.
  11. wower

    Door-mounted Chin-up/Pull-up bar (fi?)

    I posed this question to a busy runners' forum and got nearly no responses (it was actually a cross-training sub-forum and the responses I received were less than helpful). Any ways, now I turn to you all: Does anyone out there have any impressions/experiences etc. of door-mounted chin-up bars...
  12. wower

    Two Classical music questions: Beethoven and Stravinsky recommendations

    Hello Head-fi'ers! I again turn to the magical collective brain that is head-fi for help selecting my next classical music purchases. I have spent a lot of time researching what pieces I want to buy, now I have to select the performance. I have had great success in posing this exact question...
  13. wower

    Computer Builders: PSU problems?

    I just built a nice mid-end gaming PC with a i7 chip, 6gb RAM and and ati4870. Everything was working beautiful for the last day. Even got CoD5: world at war installed and working beautifully on vista 64bit. I went to turn it on about an hour ago and the power button did nothing. I have tore...
  14. wower

    Bach Solo Violin

    I'm just putting togather an order for and need one last piece of advice from the music fans on head-fi. I heard a piece of solo violin by Bach on the radio and really liked it. I didn't catch the piece's name only that is was by him. It might have been his sonatas and partitas for...
  15. wower

    Tube masters: Some quick help please!

    I know exactly where to turn to on head-fi for the real deal on tubes! I'm looking at buying a modded CONSONANCE REF 2.2 Linear CDP and one of the mods is to change the stock Sovtek 6H30 to a JJ ECC99. The position of the tube in the circuit is an output buffer. I guess to match impedance...
  16. wower

    Tube advice: When to replace?

    I'm reposting this here as I didn't get any replies in the big yammy thread. The my yammy started to have a slightly grainy distortion in the left channel. Is this the first sign that the tube is warn out? Some trouble shooting: I switched the tubes and sure enough the distortion also...
  17. wower

    Filtered French House Music

    I have scoured the net in all the usual places and now turn to trusty head fi for some music recommendations. I have a gig coming up and the set is coming nicely but these Japanese crowds can't get enough french house rockers - and neither can I for that matter. If any house music has tickled...
  18. wower

    RAVE: Daft Punk's Alive 2007 (and summer music)

    With summer here and people looking for good music to blare loudy out open windows, I wanted to give mention to Daft Punk's Alive 2007 CD. (I finally picked it out as I am a little slow over here in regards to music.) People raved about the tour; about how they half expected the pyramid to...
  19. wower

    Radiohead - In Rainbows - Live from the Basement

    I just got an email about this from WASTE and wanted to know more infomation. It seems you have to buy it form iTunes at the moment which seems strange considering the direction they took with In Rainbows. Does anyone have more detailed infomation on availability or its contents? Is it a video...
  20. wower

    Mozart Violin Sonata's and Beethoven Piano Sonata's?

    I'm going CD shopping for the first time this year (sad sad story, please console me) and wanted recommendations from the forums on Mozart Violin Sonata's and Beethoven Piano Sonata's selections. I'm a bit out of my depth on each. I've been craving more solo piano recently but heard some of...
  21. wower

    FPS Online Gamers: Some advice please

    After playing multiplayer Quake 2 and Counter-strike solely for years, I left that scene when I moved overseas. Now I am soon moving back and would like some advice about what system - desktop or console - to pick up. I really miss first person shooters. I love the fine dexterity and...
  22. wower

    Open Air CD Transports

    Here is a pressing questions for the boards: What are the differences between a traditional CD transport enclosed in darkness and some of the newer designs left open to the air so-to-speak? To elaborate, I read an article awhile back about how Burmester, the teutonic German manufacture, went to...
  23. wower

    Friggn poor luck when leaving Japan: dead iPod mini

    ...the Shuffle and the Nano and I beg the wise peeps of the portable forum, a forum I have scarcely visited, for help. Please be sitting down: **I am not looking for strict SQ only** **I am not using this with an amp** This will primarily be used for running, which leans toward the...
  24. wower

    Tubes to never use in audio

    I hope I've come to the right forum. Several times it has been bandied around on head-fi about certain tubes to never use in hi-end audio reproduction. I have searched extensively but can't find the references again. I ask because I'm looking at a tube output stage CDP which uses a 12AX7/ECC83...
  25. wower

    Naim Source in a Non-Naim system

    I keep describing my sound and people keep coming back with NAIM. I'm just wondering, for other naim owners or audio-aficionados out there, is there a preformance hit when using the RCA connects rather than NAIM's DIN system? I know the DINs are a technically superior connect but I was wondering...