ZMF Caldera Closed
May 10, 2024 at 10:19 PM Post #541 of 879
Yep… I hear you (no pun intended?) I had VC Blackwoods and wanted… REALLY wanted them to work out. Mesmerizing holographics and great details… but for me, that was about it. To my ears… sounded hollow with little to no body, or soul. Sold. In came the AO… hallelujah!
Next stop… AC mid- hardwood!
CC sounds enticing AF… I plan on “speed dating” them in the fall @ CanJam for sure.
I had a similar experience with my Ironwood VC. My Ironwood VO, in contrast, is probably my favorite headphone period. Wave Theory reviewed two different VC's and came to the same conclusion I did and that it sounds like you have. The VC is the only flagship ZMF I don't like. Yet it sounds like most think the VC is up there with the CO and AO, and most seem to like it more than the VO. Weird how different people are. I suspect it might have to do with hearing: the VC has a peak in the upper-mids, while the VO is pulled back in that region. If your hearing is good in that region, the VO should sound better, while if your hearing isn't as good in that region, the VC should sound better.
May 10, 2024 at 10:22 PM Post #542 of 879
I owned two VC's, including one Ironwood, which is similar to the Blackwood. I must have good hearing in the upper mid frequency, because on both VC's I had to keep the volume set so the upper-mid spike wasn't too loud. This caused all the rest of the frequencies to be too quiet, and it took away the excitement. I have and love all other ZMF flagships, but the VC I just couldn't like. Oh well. With 4 screaming kids under 10, close back headphones and heavy metal are very tempting. The CC is especially temping I must say....
The current VC I have is the fourth I have owned. I ordered the Ironwood version a few seconds after the very first VCs became available roughly 5 years ago. That was the most I had ever spent on a piece of audio equipment. I was in the middle of a work meeting and stood up and just said "I will be right back, I have something I need to attend to." I ordered the Ironwood and then went back into the meeting with a smile on my face.

Another side story is that I had left the HP world for a few years and was VERY deep into IEMs. After three years of IEMs, I wanted to get back into HPs so I asked an audio friend what is considered a current top notch closed back HP. He said the VC is still one of the best. So I ordered my first of now two African Blackwoods and that was my entrance back into the HP world.

I ended up selling the other three VCs because I could not gel with them. I was not getting the clarity I wanted. I am gelling with this current Blackwood for unknown reasons. Change in systems I use or change in preferences maybe. Not sure. But the joy is there and that is what it is all about :)
May 10, 2024 at 10:25 PM Post #543 of 879
I’m on the fence now about ordering an atrium closed to go along with the caldera closed. I love the cocobolo…do the two cover different ground and are different enough to have both in the collection?
If you do get an AC I am going to say two words.......Queensland Maple.

May 10, 2024 at 10:33 PM Post #544 of 879
The question for me is that with all the headphone tweaks that goes into the Caldera Closed to tame its treble do you lose some of the sound clarity and stage compared to Caldera Open? And is it possible for us to mod the CC as well for our own sound signature?

I realized that some headphones have untamed treble not because of faulty driver but from inadequate amplifiers and DACs. Some of our systems may already counter that so maybe we can undo some of the ZMF mods on the CC?
I haven't heard the CC, but I have a lot of experience with the VC vs VO and AC vs AO. In my experience the closed versions of the ZMF's don't sound like they have less sound stage. The open versions just sound like the sound goes out without originating anywhere in particular in the depth dimension. The closed versions don't go out as far, but they go out far and you hear where the sound originates from in the depth dimension. This means the closed versions are more holographic with better imaging and a better ability for your mind to locate where on the sound stage the sound is coming from. But the closed versions have a large sound stage, just not infinite like the open versions. For the open versions, your mind just has to use its imagination to determine where in the depth dimension the sound is coming from. So, if anything, I would say the closed versions have a better sound stage than the open versions since the soundstage dimensions are better defined.

As for clarity, what I have noticed (VC vs VO, AC vs AO) is not that the closed versions are less clear or less detailed, but that you loose a bit of the micro harmonys the open versions are capable of. I am guessing it is because the sound has to dissipate within the closed cup, and this masks the micro harmony details. In the open versions, the excess sound just leaves the can, so it doesn't mask that micro harmony detail. The closed versions are alot a bit bassier, so this probably also masks a bit of that micro harmony detail.
May 10, 2024 at 10:50 PM Post #546 of 879
I'm a big metal listener, and I am really enjoying it with the CC. Guitars have a nice crunchy hardness to them that reminds me of the live version. And the mids in general are a perfect amount of forward enough without being too forward. Bass is tight and powerful, and solos have good bite and enough presence to make you clinch, just like the real thing! It's a more lively and energetic response than the AC, which is bassier, smoother, and less forward in the mids. I'm not sure I'd say the CC is "better" than the AC yet for metal, but definitely as good, just different. Been going down memory lane today with my old thrash favorites like Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Pantera, Anthrax, etc. And to follow up on the Tuba/CC combo, it's been awesome! Not Stratus good, but more than enough to keep me satisfied. The CC is a fast aggressive listen so far for me at work, but I'm not fatigued yet. That's a good sign. And i've been distracted by the music all day, enjoying the CC's rendition of my beloved favorites. Mustaine shredding on Megadeth's early stuff is really exciting.

One thing that keeps coming into my head with the CC is it's Grado-like in it's speed and attack. Aggressive and energetic, with forward mids and treble. But unlike Grado, I'm not getting tired yet. Even the best Grados i've heard tire me out within an hour. My ears ring too much and I have to stop. Not so here, so far at least! :) But woo this headphone is fun. As i learn it more i'm seeing a pattern develop in regards to my preferences and the overall ZMF lineup. I adore the Atriums, Bokeh, and Atticus. The slower, bassier, warmer headphones. This is more like the Auteur in it's brighter nature, and makes for an excellent compliment to those other models. At lunch I ran home and grabbed my LCD2 Closed for fun. It only took a few tracks for me to toss it back in the case and end that experiment. It just has nothing against the CC. It was thinner, more strident, less resolving, and overall just hazier and less engaging. I really need to sell it, i'm just lazy right now. So anyone thinking they can save money and approximate the CC with the LCD2C....don't even bother. If the CC is out of your budget get a Bokeh, or keep saving.

One thing I do want to try is the other mesh, the black one. @zach915m which mesh has the most treble attenuation? The red or black?
AC on metal? Yikes. I listen to a lot of metal (power metal, sludge metal, symphonic metal, gothic metal, etc) as well as hard rock, and I would never listen to any of that on an AC or AO. The CO is the best headphone for metal by far. Metal needs speed, which the CO has. I also have a Hifiman HE1000SE, which is the only planar other than the CO I have ever been able to tolerate, but it isn't great on metal or rock for the same reason planars usually aren't: the sound isn't thick enough since it lacks that excursive force that comes from a dynamic driver. The CO has that thickness somehow (probably due to the caldera design in the driver), so it has all the benefits of a planar for metal without any of the drawbacks. Have you compared the CO to the CC on metal?

For a good stress test, try the CC on this power metal track:

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May 10, 2024 at 11:19 PM Post #548 of 879
May 11, 2024 at 12:27 AM Post #549 of 879
I’m on the fence now about ordering an atrium closed to go along with the caldera closed. I love the cocobolo…do the two cover different ground and are different enough to have both in the collection?
I was so close to buying the CO so many times after falling in LOVE with the AC. But somehow someway I was patient enought for the CC to come out. I prefer closedbacks because of the ambient noises around me like computer fans etc...
May 11, 2024 at 3:43 AM Post #550 of 879
AC on metal? Yikes. I listen to a lot of metal (power metal, sludge metal, symphonic metal, gothic metal, etc) as well as hard rock, and I would never listen to any of that on an AC or AO. The CO is the best headphone for metal by far. Metal needs speed, which the CO has. I also have a Hifiman HE1000SE, which is the only planar other than the CO I have ever been able to tolerate, but it isn't great on metal or rock for the same reason planars usually aren't: the sound isn't thick enough since it lacks that excursive force that comes from a dynamic driver. The CO has that thickness somehow (probably due to the caldera design in the driver), so it has all the benefits of a planar for metal without any of the drawbacks. Have you compared the CO to the CC on metal?

For a good stress test, try the CC on this power metal track:

It’s all about preference. I find the CC thin in comparison to the AC and that takes away some of the power of metal for me. I do love the sound of guitars with the CC though. And I’m very mood based so I’ll seek speed and precision one day then warmth and thickness the other. Nice track! Love Sabaton.
May 11, 2024 at 3:48 AM Post #552 of 879
I’m on the fence now about ordering an atrium closed to go along with the caldera closed. I love the cocobolo…do the two cover different ground and are different enough to have both in the collection?
They’re very different to me. I actually was comparing them at work today and was really surprised how different they are. The AC is about warmth and fullness. The CC is more about technical’ prowess and clarity. Very complimentary sets imo.
May 11, 2024 at 3:53 AM Post #553 of 879
AC on metal? Yikes. I listen to a lot of metal (power metal, sludge metal, symphonic metal, gothic metal, etc) as well as hard rock, and I would never listen to any of that on an AC or AO. The CO is the best headphone for metal by far. Metal needs speed, which the CO has. I also have a Hifiman HE1000SE, which is the only planar other than the CO I have ever been able to tolerate, but it isn't great on metal or rock for the same reason planars usually aren't: the sound isn't thick enough since it lacks that excursive force that comes from a dynamic driver. The CO has that thickness somehow (probably due to the caldera design in the driver), so it has all the benefits of a planar for metal without any of the drawbacks. Have you compared the CO to the CC on metal?

For a good stress test, try the CC on this power metal track:

Sorry missed the cc vs co for metal question. Not in depth. I really need to get them side by side more. Right now I listen all day to the cc at work then switch to the co after work, with limited side by side time. As of right now I prefer the co overall to the cc, but the cc is still breaking in, so things will change. The co does metal very very well in general.
May 11, 2024 at 4:14 AM Post #554 of 879
I'm also very interested in your opinions on the best ZMFs for metal. Currently own VC, AC, AO. I tend to like more and more both closed cans, Atriums O recently became for me a little too shouty. Now considering selling one the above and getting CC or CO for faster - paced and more complex music. CC is sooo tempting, especially this beautiful limited edition :wink:
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