ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)
Dec 20, 2023 at 10:32 PM Post #886 of 2,540
Been using the Bokeh via the RU7 from the Steam Deck. It's now my new favorite portable gaming set up - especially now that I've switched to the Hybrid pads. Great balanced sound and quality. I no longer see a reason to keep the Meze's now. They always had too much treble bite and thinner mids.
Dec 20, 2023 at 10:51 PM Post #887 of 2,540
Been using the Bokeh via the RU7 from the Steam Deck. It's now my new favorite portable gaming set up - especially now that I've switched to the Hybrid pads. Great balanced sound and quality. I no longer see a reason to keep the Meze's now. They always had too much treble bite and thinner mids.
It's been about 7-8 months since I had the 109 Pros but from what I remember, there's no contest. I'd take the Bokeh with hybrids every time (although right now I'm really liking it with the Caldera suedes). I've got a few minor quibbles with the different form factor but in terms of sound and tonality, the Bokeh is quickly becoming one of my favourite headphones.
Dec 21, 2023 at 7:37 AM Post #888 of 2,540
OK so I couldn't resist. Pair ordered :darthsmile:
Dec 21, 2023 at 12:10 PM Post #889 of 2,540
Bokeh cannot really hit Harman with my measurement rig (every rig is different), but I can confirm that to my ears hybrid pads without mesh sound very normal in a good way. There is nice amount of both bass and treble, and mids are more even than it seems on my graph. With the stock burst mesh Bokeh might sound more ZMF (if you know what I mean), but I am aiming for different experience on purpose. Without the mesh and with hybrids, Bokeh is probably the easiest ZMF to recommend to those who have never heard any of their headphones and like pretty neutral sound with fun bass.

After measuring almost every ZMF I could call them the hardest headphones to get accurate results.

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Dec 21, 2023 at 1:01 PM Post #891 of 2,540
The Bokeh, the littler one that can.

My demo unit is fully burned in now, and I am ready to share my story. Spoiler. . .the Bokeh really took me by surprise and honestly I was not looking for another headphone. I was happy with what I have (VC and Atticus), but now that I have heard this headphone in my system, I have to own one.

The first time I got to hear the Bokeh was at CanJam Dallas, and honestly it didn't really blow my hair back. However, that was in show conditions and with only one set of pads (Protein), so not really the best way to get a feel for a headphone. So after that a few weeks go by, and then out of nowhere I get a shipping notification from ZMF. Shortly after the shipping notification, I got an email from Zach with info about the Bokeh. Zach just asked me to check it out and share my thoughts only if I wanted to. As an OG ZMF Fanboy I sure was excited to be included, however with what I heard at CanJam I was not expecting to be blown away. Two days later the Bokeh showed up, and this is where things started to get very interesting. . .

I started off listening to the Bokeh using my Cayin HA300MK2 with the stock Protein Pads and Burst Mesh. The first listen in my own environment was promising with a warm full sound that punched hard down low and had crunch and a bit of spice up top, with the mids being a bit further back in the mix. The sound was super fun, and I enjoyed it for a bit, but as I continued to listen it started to sound too bloated and strong in the bass, and the mids were further back in the mix than I prefer. So, I switched the pads out for the Hybrids and took off the Burst Mesh and put the Titan Mesh on, and this is when the magic happened. The sound became super cohesive, with the bass tightening up, the mids came forward and became more euphonic and the highs stayed extended but smoothed out a bit. The staging also opened up a bit and became more holographic as well, with the Hybrid Pads and Titan Mesh now installed. I really started digging what I was hearing, so I decided to stick with that configuration and the burn-in began.

I proceeded to listen with the Bokeh as I was burning them in, and at first the sound was quite intense, tight, and with a more in your face kind of stage presentation. The bass was a bit boomy and lacked a bit of texture/detail as well. Once, I got to about 50 hours, the sound began to change for the better. I started noticing that the bass had tightened up and I could hear more texture/detail within it, and the mids became a bit more smoother and euphonic, and the highs stayed present yet became smoother as well. The staging also improved and opened up a bit, with the images having better separation, and everything became more cohesive and had it's own space. That being said I highly recommend not forming an opinion on the sound until you have at least reached 50 hours of run time.

The sound of the Bokeh is super musical and addictive. The bass is the star of the show for me, and hits hard with good detail and texture. The subbass extension is excellent and the middbass punches so hard you can literally feel it. If you are a basshead like me, chances are you will love the way it's presented with the Bokeh. The transition from the bass to the mids is excellent with no bleed or too much bloom, and is perfect for my taste. The mids are very well balanced and present with amazing euphonic texture, and can bit foward at times but never sound congested or forced. There is some serious magic going on with how the mids stay clean with so much bass presence, and I believe the ADS (Atrium Damping System) is playing a big role, but more on that later. The vocals are flat out seductive on the Bokeh, being quite forward, yet floaty and smooth at the same time. I am a vocal lover and these headphones definitely deliver the goods, as you can clearly hear all that the singer is putting out and you can get a really good sense of the emotion being portrayed. The vocals really are to die for on this headphone folks! The transition from the mids to highs is also very very well done, and there is no glare or harshness in the upper mids and the highs are quite present yet stay smooth and are tuned exceptionally well. The way the bass, mids, and treble all work together so cohesively and smooth really is a testament to how well Zach has gotten at tuning headphones.

The staging and imaging is another area where this headphone is flat out magical, and I attribute this to the ADS system (Zach's tuning). The ADS is such a game changer, and I am so glad Zach was able to implement it in the Bokeh. The staging overall is more on the intimate side, and normally that would be a negative for me as I am soundstage junkie, yet the way everything is layered, well separated and in it's own space makes the stage seem bigger than it really is. As mentioned, the stage is overall on the more intimate side, yet when a song really calls for it, the Bokeh can still provide a vast stage that will surprise you. I think the overall more intimate and forward nature of the Bokeh is actually a strength as nothing is too diffused sounding or distant and you can clearly hear all the note articulation and decay as if you were right there where it's happening. The imaging is absolutely fantastic and I think is probably the Bokeh's greatest strength and one that makes the sound extremely engaging. Images are fully fleshed out, while they float in and out and decay very naturally, and it's so addictive hearing sounds pop up all around your head from all directions.

The speed and dynamics, are another couple of areas where the Bokeh truly excels. This headphone is quick, and never gets bogged down or congested no matter how busy the song gets. The speed lets all the notes come through clearly and well articulated, and no matter what the song calls for the Bokeh delivers without breaking a sweat. The amazing thing is it does all this without making it sound forced and it never gets fatiguing and stays smooth. As for the dynamics, this headphone rocks and is very punchy. You can literally feel the music, and it really ups the engagement factor substantially for me.

Detail retrieval on this headphone is actually really good. The Bokeh is not a detail monster by any means, but you are able to hear quite a lot due to excellent balance top to bottom. Also, the way everything has it's own space and is so well layered, really lets me hear a surprisingly good amount of detail and especially for a headphone that is tuned for fun.

The size of the Bokeh is slightly smaller than the other headphones in the lineup, and it is actually a better fit for my small head. The fit is tighter feeling, and a bit stiffer than the other headphones, but I am sure they will loosen up a bit over time. Overall, I am very pleased with the fit, and I think many will dig the slightly more compact size.

As far as amp pairing goes, the Bokeh scales amazingly well. To tell you the truth, I am shocked how good this headphone sounds with my HA300MK2, and it sounds very much like a high-end headphone that is very capable and extremely fun at the same time. Running them off the Cayin HA300MK2, they have become my favorite headphone and don't lack in any area. I actually prefer them over my VC and Atticus, but more on that later. Due to the lower impedance and higher sensitivity compared to the other "Big Boys" in the lineup, the Bokeh sounds absolutely fantastic with my Cayin RU7 Dongle as well. Going with the RU7 from the HA300MK2, I do loose some refinement and extension on both ends as well as weight and punch, but the mids are incredible, the staging is quite expansive, and there is top notch layering. The RU7 is just a different but equally enjoyable experience as with my full-sized system. I have to say, being able to take the ZMF sound on the go, and hearing that beautifully musical sound outside of my listening room, has been an absolute revelation.

As for how the Bokeh compares to some other headphones in the lineup, I have been an avid fan/owner of the VC and Atticus for the past several years, and the Bokeh holds it's own no doubt with it's own unique sound. The VC's have been my daily driver for the past 2 years so I am very familiar with their sound, and the Bokeh are actually more enjoyable for everyday all day listening. Yep, I just said that. :wink: The VC's are more neutral and open sounding with tighter and more detailed bass, and more detail in the mids, with a bit more spice up top, and the Bokeh are musical, with a more weighty and impactful sound yet not quite as detailed. The Bokeh has a smaller stage, but the excellent layering and tight imaging make up for that. Now for the Atticus, and this is the comparison I was most excited for, as both are tuned for fun. Just for reference, the Atticus has a special place in my heart and I have always been one of the biggest fans of that headphone, and my pair is in Cocobolo (harder than stock) and I use the stock Ori Lambskin pads. The Atticus is a true OG and one I never thought would leave the lineup, but the Bokeh is actually taking it's spot, so it has a lot to live up to and with what I am hearing it does. The Bokeh has better subbass extension and the middbass punches harder yet is not quite a detailed and nuanced as the Atticus. The transition from the bass to the mids is also better on the Bokeh, as there is no bleed and bloom to get in the way. The mids also have better balance with the Bokeh, and I can hear more detail. As for vocals, the Bokeh's are more floaty and smooth, while the Atticus sound more raw. The vocals are both quite forward, and super fun to listen to, however I prefer the vocals on the Bokeh, as they are just more smooth and seductive. The highs on the two headphones are also quite different, with the Bokeh having much better presence and extension, and the Atticus being a bit rolled off. The Atticus has a bigger/more open and laid-back sound overall, but lacks the excitement, and punch of the Bokeh. Yep, the Bokeh punches harder than even the Atticus folks. So with that being said, I am happy to say the Bokeh deserves the spot as ZMF's most affordable headphone, and has taken over the roll as ZMF's most fun one no doubt.

The overall listening exprience, is all about getting lost in the music. The sound is so well balanced and has a very analog-like quality to it that makes for a very smooth and enjoyable listen. There is excellent balance and smoothness, coupled with outstanding dynamics and punch. I never feel like anything is lacking, and it really is the kind of presentation that makes you forget about everything around you and just enjoy the music. I can't tell you how many times I have said "one more song. . .", and it's so hard to stop listening as every track in my library no matter the genre sounds amazing.

So with all that said, I am happy to say the Bokeh has become my favorite headphone and new daily driver.

Thanks so much to Zach for giving me the opportunity to demo the Bokeh. This has been such an honor and pleasure. 🙏

Long live the Bokeh!
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Dec 21, 2023 at 1:22 PM Post #892 of 2,540
Ok I'm only two or three songs in so I'll leave sonics for later, other than "I like it already". But here's some unboxing pics. I really like the packaging. Really really like. Yes, saying really twice makes it more special. But hats off to whomever designed the packaging, everything is awesome.

I won't lie, when I opened the box in my car at FedEx I felt a slight disappointment. After seeing all those glorious red units, I expected mine to be the same. I'm not sure which wood this is, Cherry? But it wasn't that luscious red I'm seeing in the other pics. After handling these more orange cups for a bit now, I'm beyond happy I got them. I love the chatoyance, the honey like hue, and overall vibrancy of them.

Unboxing pics:
@zach915m Hi Zach, question on my demo Bokeh, what wood is this? I'm thinking cherry but wanted to confirm. I love the chatoyance!

EDIT - And if I wanted the cups to be fully rotating could I swap out the rods for regular ZMF rods without the lock to achieve this? Or are they different diameter rods?

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Dec 21, 2023 at 1:54 PM Post #893 of 2,540
The Bokeh, the littler one that can.

My demo unit is fully burned in now, and I am ready to share my story. Spoiler. . .the Bokeh really took me by surprise and honestly I was not looking for another headphone. I was happy with what I have (VC and Atticus), but now that I have heard this headphone in my system, I have to own one.

The first time I got to hear the Bokeh was at CanJam Dallas, and honestly it didn't really blow my hair back. However, that was in show conditions and with only one set of pads (Protein), so not really the best way to get a feel for a headphone. So after that, a few weeks go by, and then out of nowhere I get a shipping notification from ZMF. Shortly after the shipping notification, I got an email from Zach with info about the Bokeh. Zach just asked me to check it out and share my thoughts if I wanted to. As an OG ZMF Fanboy I sure was excited to be included, however with what I heard at CanJam I was not expecting to be blown away. Two days later the Bokeh showed up, and this is where things started to get very interesting. . .

I started off listening to the Bokeh using my Cayin HA300MK2 with the stock Protein Pads and Burst Mesh. The first listen in my own environment was promising with a warm full sound that punched hard down low and had crunch and a bit of spice up top, with the mids being a bit further back in the mix. The sound was super fun, and I enjoyed it for a bit, but as I continued to listen it started to sound too bloated and strong in the bass, and the mids were further back in the mix than I prefer. So, I switched the pads out for the Hybrids and took off the Burst Mesh and put the Titan Mesh on, and this is when the magic happened. The sound became super cohesive, with the bass tightening up, the mids came forward and became more euphonic and the highs stayed extended but smoothed out a bit. The staging also opened up a bit and became more holographic as well, with the Hybrid Pads and Titan Mesh now installed. I really started digging what I was hearing, so I decided to stick with that configuration and the burn-in began.

I proceeded to listen with the Bokeh as I was burning them in, and at first the sound was quite intense, tight, and with a more in your face kind of stage presentation. The bass was a bit boomy and lacked a bit of texture/detail as well. Once, I got to about 50 hours, the sound began to change for the better. I started noticing that the bass had tightened up and I could hear more texture/detail within it, and the mids became a bit more smoother and euphonic, and the highs stayed present yet became smoother as well. The staging also improved and opened up a bit, with the images having better separation, and everything became more cohesive and had it's own space. That being said I highly recommend not forming an opinion on the sound until you have at least reached 50 hours of run time.

The sound of the Bokeh is super musical and addictive. The bass is the star of the show for me, and hits hard with good detail and texture. The subbass extension is excellent and the middbass punches so hard you can literally feel it. If you are a basshead like me, chances are you will love the way it's presented with the Bokeh. The transition from the bass to the mids is excellent with no bleed or too much bloom, and is perfect for my taste. The mids are very well balanced and present with amazing euphonic texture, and can bit foward at times but never sound congested or forced. There is some serious magic going on with how the mids stay clean with so much bass presence, and I believe the ADS is playing a big role, but more on that later. The vocals are flat out seductive on the Bokeh, being quite forward, yet floaty and smooth at the same time. I am a vocal lover and these headphones definitely deliver the goods, as you can clearly hear all that the singer is putting out and you can get a really good sense of the emotion being portrayed. The vocals really are to die for on this headphone folks! The transition from the mids to highs is also very very well done, and there is no glare or harshness in the upper mids and the highs are quite present yet stay smooth and are tuned exceptionally well. The way the bass, mids, and treble all work together so cohesively and smooth really is a testament to how well Zach has gotten at tuning headphones.

The staging and imaging is another area where this headphone is flat out magical, and I attribute this to the ADS system (Zach's tuning). The ADS is such a game changer, and I am so glad Zach was able to implement it in the Bokeh. The staging overall is more on the intimate side, and normally that would be a negative for me as I am soundstage junkie, yet the way everything is layered, well separated and in it's own space makes the stage seem bigger than it really is. As mentioned, the stage is overall on the more intimate side, yet when a song really calls for it, the Bokeh can still provide a vast stage that will surprise you. I think the overall more intimate and forward nature of the Bokeh is actually a strength as nothing is too diffused sounding or distant and you can clearly hear all the note articulation and decay as if you were right there where it's happening. The imaging is absolutely fantastic and I think is probably the Bokeh's greatest strength and one that makes the sound extremely engaging. Images are fully fleshed out, while they float in and out and decay very naturally, and it's so addictive hearing sounds explode all around your head from all directions.

The speed and dynamics, are another couple of areas where the Bokeh truly excels. This headphone is quick, and never gets bogged down or congested no matter how busy the song gets. The speed lets all the notes come through clearly and well articulated, and no matter what the song calls for the Bokeh delivers without breaking a sweat. The amazing thing is it does all this without making it sound forced and it never gets fatiguing and stays smooth. As for the dynamics, this headphone rocks and is very punchy. You can literally feel the music, and it really ups the engagement factor substantially for me.

Detail retrieval on this headphone is actually really good. The Bokeh is not a detail monster by any means, but you are able to hear quite a lot due to excellent balance top to bottom. Also, the way everything has it's own space and is so well layered, really lets me hear a surprisingly good amount of detail and especially for a headphone that is tuned for fun.

The size of the Bokeh is slightly smaller than the other headphones in the lineup, and it is actually a better fit for my small head. The fit is tighter feeling, and a bit stiffer than the other headphones, but I am sure they will loosen up a bit over time. Overall, I am very pleased with the fit, and I think many will dig the slightly more compact size.

As far as amp pairing goes, the Bokeh scales amazingly well. To tell you the truth, I am shocked how good this headphone sounds with my HA300MK2, and it sounds very much like a high-end headphone that is very capable and extremely fun at the same time. Running them off the Cayin HA300MK2, they have become my favorite headphone and don't lack in any area. I actually prefer them over my VC and Atticus, but more on that later. Due to the lower impedance and higher sensitivity compared to the other "Big Boys" in the lineup, the Bokeh sounds absolutely fantastic with my Cayin RU7 Dongle as well. Going with the RU7 from the HA300MK2, I do loose some refinement and extension on both ends as well as weight and punch, but the mids are incredible, the staging is quite expansive, and there is top notch layering. The RU7 is just a different but equally enjoyable experience as with my full-sized system. I have to say, being able to take the ZMF sound on the go, and hearing that beautifully musical sound outside of my listening room, has been an absolute revelation.

As for how the Bokeh compares to some other headphones in the lineup, I have been an avid fan/owner of the VC and Atticus for the past several years, and the Bokeh holds it's own no doubt with it's own unique sound. The VC's have been my daily driver for the past 2 years so I am very familiar with their sound, and the Bokeh are actually more enjoyable for everyday all day listening. Yep, I just said that. :wink: The VC's are more neutral and open sounding with tighter and more detailed bass, and more detail in the mids, with a bit more spice up top, and the Bokeh are musical, with a more weighty and impactful sound yet not quite as detailed. The Bokeh has a smaller stage, but the excellent layering and tight imaging make up for that. Now for the Atticus, and this is the comparison I was most excited for, as both are tuned for fun. Just for reference, the Atticus has a special place in my heart and I have always been one of the biggest fans of that headphone, and my pair is in Cocobolo (harder than stock) and I use the stock Ori Lambskin pads. The Atticus is a true OG and one I never thought would leave the lineup, but the Bokeh is actually taking it's spot, so it has a lot to live up to and with what I am hearing it does. The Bokeh has better subbass extension and the middbass punches harder yet is not quite a detailed and nuanced as the Atticus. The transition from the bass to the mids is also better on the Bokeh, as there is no bleed and bloom to get in the way. The mids also have better balance with the Bokeh, and I can hear more detail. As for vocals, the Bokeh's are more floaty and smooth, while the Atticus sound more raw. The vocals are both quite forward, and super fun to listen to, however I prefer the vocals on the Bokeh, as they are just more smooth and seductive. The highs on the two headphones are also quite different, with the Bokeh having much better presence and extension, and the Atticus being a bit rolled off. The Atticus has a bigger/more open and smoother sound overall, but lacks the excitement, and punch of the Bokeh. Yep, the Bokeh punches harder than even the Atticus folks. So with that being said, I am happy to say the Bokeh deserves the spot as ZMF's most affordable headphone, and has taking over the roll as ZMF's most fun one no doubt.

The overall listening exprience, is all about getting lost in the music. The sound is so well balanced and has a very analog-like quality to it that makes for a very smooth and enjoyable listen. There is excellent balance and smoothness, coupled with outstanding dynamics and punch. I never feel like anything is lacking, and it really is the kind of presentation that makes you forget about everything around you and just enjoy the music. I can't tell you how many times I have said "one more song. . .", and it's so hard to stop listening as every track in my library no matter the genre sounds amazing.

So with all that said, I am happy to say the Bokeh has become my favorite headphone and new daily driver.

Thanks so much to Zach for giving me the opportunity to demo the Bokeh. This has been such an honor and pleasure. 🙏

Long live the Bokeh!
Awesome write up. I do need to try the titan mesh at some point. So far am definitely preferring the hybrid pads over the protein ones. Haven't felt the need to try the suedes yet.
Dec 21, 2023 at 2:08 PM Post #894 of 2,540
@zach915m Hi Zach, question on my demo Bokeh, what wood is this? I'm thinking cherry but wanted to confirm. I love the chatoyance!

EDIT - And if I wanted the cups to be fully rotating could I swap out the rods for regular ZMF rods without the lock to achieve this? Or are they different diameter rods?

I think yours is unstained Cherry and mine is stained Cherry. My Bokeh also has some nice chatoyance!
Dec 21, 2023 at 3:41 PM Post #895 of 2,540
Bokeh cannot really hit Harman with my measurement rig (every rig is different), but I can confirm that to my ears hybrid pads without mesh sound very normal in a good way. There is nice amount of both bass and treble, and mids are more even than it seems on my graph. With the stock burst mesh Bokeh might sound more ZMF (if you know what I mean), but I am aiming for different experience on purpose. Without the mesh and with hybrids, Bokeh is probably the easiest ZMF to recommend to those who have never heard any of their headphones and like pretty neutral sound with fun bass.

After measuring almost every ZMF I could call them the hardest headphones to get accurate results.

Interesting. Do you have measurements for the other combinations of mesh/no mesh and pads also?
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Dec 21, 2023 at 4:23 PM Post #896 of 2,540
Interesting. Do you have measurements for the other combinations of mesh/no mesh and pads also?
I still have to measure quite many combinations, but on my Squiglink site you can already find results of all 3 pads with the stock mesh. My rig unfortunately doesn't show much difference between hybrid and suede pads, but I can hear suede being more airy and the presentation overall being quite different. Luckily, Zach already has proper pad measurements available. Additionally, pad material usually has its own effect on sound, which is hard to predict from frequency response alone.
Dec 21, 2023 at 4:59 PM Post #897 of 2,540
Switched to the hybrid pads couple days ago. I think this is it for me. Haven’t tried the third set of pads yet but the hybrid just feels perfect (Default mesh).

Bokeh is equally lovely on my desktop (Homage) or “portable” around the house (Sony ZX707).


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Nice J2 too- I have a couple.
Dec 21, 2023 at 5:57 PM Post #898 of 2,540
It's now my new favorite portable gaming set up
Oh - we will have a gaming cable for the BOKEH listed very shortly. Within the next day or so I believe.
@zach915m Hi Zach, question on my demo Bokeh, what wood is this? I'm thinking cherry but wanted to confirm. I love the chatoyance!

EDIT - And if I wanted the cups to be fully rotating could I swap out the rods for regular ZMF rods without the lock to achieve this? Or are they different diameter rods?
The rods are not swappable with the other chassis unfortunately as they are screwed in from the bottom. A little more secure, but a little less modular. And yes that is definitely cherry!!!
ZMFheadphones ZMF headphones hand-crafts wood headphones in Chicago, USA with special attention to exceptional sound and craftsmanship. Stay updated on ZMFheadphones at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Dec 21, 2023 at 7:54 PM Post #899 of 2,540
Saw in the latest ZMF drop email there are still about 75 discount Bokeh's remaining - for those still on the fence.
Dec 22, 2023 at 9:10 AM Post #900 of 2,540
@zach915m Hi Zach, question on my demo Bokeh, what wood is this? I'm thinking cherry but wanted to confirm. I love the chatoyance!

EDIT - And if I wanted the cups to be fully rotating could I swap out the rods for regular ZMF rods without the lock to achieve this? Or are they different diameter rods?

I bet those just flat out glow, with the right angle and lighting. I would love to see those in person!
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