XENNS (previously known as Mangird) Impressions Thread
May 27, 2021 at 1:22 PM Post #436 of 922
Maybe Thieaudio Clairvoyance. Or upcoming Moondrop Blessing EST(variations).
what about the Thieaudio Oracle? do you think those are at Clair level?
and to take a further step above, I know it's not fair and possibly makes little sense, but how the Tea compares to Mest MKII? of course I know the SQ will be very different, I'm mainly interested in the differences in timbre, speed, bass extension, etc..
May 27, 2021 at 4:31 PM Post #438 of 922
what about the Thieaudio Oracle? do you think those are at Clair level?
and to take a further step above, I know it's not fair and possibly makes little sense, but how the Tea compares to Mest MKII? of course I know the SQ will be very different, I'm mainly interested in the differences in timbre, speed, bass extension, etc..
Hard to tell, we get rave reviews but from my experience if a well regarded shop tunes multi BA drivers well, the more the driver the richer the tonality will get, 2BA after all is 2BA separations thusfar you can get, no miracle happens there.

Tea Vs MKII, you may refer the PDF file


Both MKII and Tea has warm bass-rolled tuning, but Tea has much more dark treble/mids. MKII may sounds harsh for some songs around 6khz, but it has incomparable wide sound stage /resolution/positioning/imaging capabilities
May 28, 2021 at 2:35 AM Post #439 of 922
Hard to tell, we get rave reviews but from my experience if a well regarded shop tunes multi BA drivers well, the more the driver the richer the tonality will get, 2BA after all is 2BA separations thusfar you can get, no miracle happens there.

Tea Vs MKII, you may refer the PDF file


Both MKII and Tea has warm bass-rolled tuning, but Tea has much more dark treble/mids. MKII may sounds harsh for some songs around 6khz, but it has incomparable wide sound stage /resolution/positioning/imaging capabilities
many thanks for your comments, very useful for me.... now I will need to listen to these Mest really very carefully before buying....
I'm really impressed by the work you've done in the pdf :clap::clap::clap::clap:
May 31, 2021 at 12:58 PM Post #440 of 922
Hard to tell, we get rave reviews but from my experience if a well regarded shop tunes multi BA drivers well, the more the driver the richer the tonality will get, 2BA after all is 2BA separations thusfar you can get, no miracle happens there.

Tea Vs MKII, you may refer the PDF file


Both MKII and Tea has warm bass-rolled tuning, but Tea has much more dark treble/mids. MKII may sounds harsh for some songs around 6khz, but it has incomparable wide sound stage /resolution/positioning/imaging capabilities
Very interesting PDF!

However, how do you reconcile "Unparalleled Coherence" with "Above Average Coherence" overall?


Staging coherence even gets an "F"...
May 31, 2021 at 2:31 PM Post #441 of 922
well, after having listened to these Tea for some time now, I can say the coherence (if this means that all audio bands are reproduced with the same timbre/technical qualities) is quite good. specifically, the tuning of the DD seems really spot on, it is impossible for me to say where it stops and the Sonion BAs kick in, while I can hear some differencies in transparency/detail between the Sonion BAs and the Knowles BAs.
regarding stage, I would not say it is narrow, at least with my setup, but it is seems "unbalanced", in the sense that it is more expanded vertically (the most) and in depth (little less) than horizontally, so it can give the "impression" that it is narrow. but if you take the horizontal axis alone, then I would say it's not so bad, not the largest I've heard, but definitely not narrow.
of course the above is only my impressions, I'm by no means an expert, and as usual YMMV. I'm using stock cable and the starline tips included.
all in all, I really like these Tea. I don't know how they compare to other IEM in the same price range, but these are definitely "my" cup of tea (pun intended :) )
May 31, 2021 at 4:05 PM Post #442 of 922
I haven't heard the Tea in quite a few months, but have the MKII to hand and I'm quite confident it surpasses the Tea in all regards. From memory, most notably in its more natural timbre and deeper and more textured bass.
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May 31, 2021 at 4:45 PM Post #443 of 922
you mean the UM Mest MKII? well, would be quite weird if a 1500$ IEM is not better than a 300$ IEM, would it? btw, the Mest MKII is my next step :) I'm happy it is definitely better than Tea, I really need to listen to these MKII :)
May 31, 2021 at 4:57 PM Post #444 of 922
you mean the UM Mest MKII? well, would be quite weird if a 1500$ IEM is not better than a 300$ IEM, would it? btw, the Mest MKII is my next step :) I'm happy it is definitely better than Tea, I really need to listen to these MKII :)

I would be weird wouldn't it! I only replied because you asked for an opinion on it.

but how the Tea compares to Mest MKII? of course I know the SQ will be very different, I'm mainly interested in the differences in timbre, speed, bass extension, etc..

Timbre more natural, much more dynamic and musical and deeper bass.

Enjoy your Tea anyway!
Jun 2, 2021 at 9:38 AM Post #447 of 922
thanks! I was looking for a replacement cable, and this seems really nice and not so expensive (which is always good :) )
It’s a reasonably priced model of PW audio, which infamous UM MEST MKII uses highend PW Copper M2($560) as stock cable. I pair that Copper M2 with Tea and pretty much convinced that is the great marriage, then looked the lower priced copper cable from PW Audio, which worked great! It sounds as good as Copper M2👍

Tea is one of my favorite IEM due to it’s rich midrange, I listen more than Blessing2 Dusk and Thieaudio Monarch for some mid range focused genres!
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Jun 2, 2021 at 9:31 PM Post #448 of 922
I find the Tea to be very sensitive to cable choice. I think I’ve tried more cables with this IEM than with any other IEM, including my typical go-to selections, a pure silver cable and a single crystal UPOCC cable. After all that experimentation, I found this relatively inexpensive cable (when purchased during a sale) to sound the best to me, to my surprise. I’m guessing the Faaeal copper cable probably sounds very similar.

Jun 2, 2021 at 11:49 PM Post #449 of 922
I find the Tea to be very sensitive to cable choice. I think I’ve tried more cables with this IEM than with any other IEM, including my typical go-to selections, a pure silver cable and a single crystal UPOCC cable. After all that experimentation, I found this relatively inexpensive cable (when purchased during a sale) to sound the best to me, to my surprise. I’m guessing the Faaeal copper cable probably sounds very similar.

Yea NiceHCK, XINHS, KBEAR makes very good and high quality cables with very reasonable pricing.

I just ordered XINHS’a graphene alloy cable in a hope it matches with some IEMs which I still struggling to pair a suitable cable with like SeeAudio Yume& KBear Believe. ZAX.

US $39.12 31% Off | 4 Cores Graphene Alloy Silver Plated Wire MMCX 0.78mm 2 Pin Replacement Headphones Cable Audio Upgrade Cable
Jun 3, 2021 at 12:28 AM Post #450 of 922
Yea NiceHCK, XINHS, KBEAR makes very good and high quality cables with very reasonable pricing.

I just ordered XINHS’a graphene alloy cable in a hope it matches with some IEMs which I still struggling to pair a suitable cable with like SeeAudio Yume& KBear Believe. ZAX.

US $39.12 31% Off | 4 Cores Graphene Alloy Silver Plated Wire MMCX 0.78mm 2 Pin Replacement Headphones Cable Audio Upgrade Cable
I really like the graphene cable, I have two of the 8 core graphene but I asked xinhs to make them for my headphones.

This is the spec of the 8 core graphene cable from xinhs.

133 cores * 8=1064 cores of single crystal copper silver plating + graphene. I would guess that the 4 core is half that.

The 8 core is quite hefty and might feel too heavy for some people just fyi.

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