Nov 29, 2024 at 2:53 AM Post #3,183 of 3,405
I don’t think the “PROTECT” mode has anything to do with ESS or AKM cards. It most probably has to do with the fact that either the DAC or op-amps are not seated properly. This could either be due to a manufacturing defect of either of these or a user error.
Nov 29, 2024 at 2:59 PM Post #3,184 of 3,405
I don’t think the “PROTECT” mode has anything to do with ESS or AKM cards. It most probably has to do with the fact that either the DAC or op-amps are not seated properly. This could either be due to a manufacturing defect of either of these or a user error.
It only happens with the akm (for me) not the ess. Only happens after hitting certain volumes with load added, w/o load is fine. Doesn’t seem like it’s an opamp issue, or insertion issue.
Nov 29, 2024 at 4:53 PM Post #3,185 of 3,405
It only happens with the akm (for me) not the ess. Only happens after hitting certain volumes with load added, w/o load is fine. Doesn’t seem like it’s an opamp issue, or insertion issue.
What you are describing is the problem.
What I was suggesting were probable root causes for the problem.
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Nov 29, 2024 at 9:29 PM Post #3,187 of 3,405
ROHM module on Fir2 sounds the best for female vocals, anyone share the same findings as me?!
Nov 30, 2024 at 6:28 PM Post #3,188 of 3,405
ROHM module on Fir2 sounds the best for female vocals, anyone share the same findings as me?!
The ROHM module sounds far better on FIR2 with everything, imho. I've found the slow roll-off option works better on both my XD05 PRO ROHM module and VMV D2R DAC.
Nov 30, 2024 at 6:43 PM Post #3,189 of 3,405
Nov 30, 2024 at 6:48 PM Post #3,190 of 3,405
Personally, I like the Sparkos SS3602 best of the opamps that fit inside the XD05 PRO, at least of those I've tried. These offer a significant step up from the stock opamps, and pair very nicely with the ROHM module.
Nov 30, 2024 at 7:29 PM Post #3,191 of 3,405
個人的には、XD05 PRO に搭載可能なオペアンプの中で、少なくとも私が試した中では、Sparkos SS3602 が一番気に入っています。これらは標準のオペアンプよりも大幅に性能が向上しており、ROHM モジュールと非常によくマッチします。

Dec 1, 2024 at 4:56 AM Post #3,193 of 3,405
ROHM module on Fir2 sounds the best for female vocals, anyone share the same findings as me?!
After your request I did some specific tests and I can confirm that the ROHM module enhances the voices better, as well as all the string instruments, both compared to the ESS module and to the external R2R DAC (I bought the V3 which sounds even better...).

Compared to the singers it is as if for example with the other modules the singer was about 4 meters away from me, while when I switch to the RHOM it is as if the distance decreased, and therefore perceiving her closer I distinguish the texture of the voice better.

However, this effect creates a more intimate type of listening, in the sense that the whole scene is perceived closer to your head, and the side effect is a less wide and deep stage.

With my new mini DAC R2R V3 I perceive a wider, deeper stage with excellent spatiality and definition of the instruments in the scene, which I prefer especially with classical music, but there is no doubt that to make you hear all the possible texture of a singer the RHOM module works better.
Dec 1, 2024 at 5:18 AM Post #3,194 of 3,405
After your request I did some specific tests and I can confirm that the ROHM module enhances the voices better, as well as all the string instruments, both compared to the ESS module and to the external R2R DAC (I bought the V3 which sounds even better...).

Compared to the singers it is as if for example with the other modules the singer was about 4 meters away from me, while when I switch to the RHOM it is as if the distance decreased, and therefore perceiving her closer I distinguish the texture of the voice better.

However, this effect creates a more intimate type of listening, in the sense that the whole scene is perceived closer to your head, and the side effect is a less wide and deep stage.

With my new mini DAC R2R V3 I perceive a wider, deeper stage with excellent spatiality and definition of the instruments in the scene, which I prefer especially with classical music, but there is no doubt that to make you hear all the possible texture of a singer the RHOM module works better.

Totally agreed with your findings. ROHM seems to bring the vocals more forward hence I feel makes vocals more pronounced & more enjoyable to listen to.
Dec 1, 2024 at 7:10 AM Post #3,195 of 3,405
For those who want to try an external R2R dac I higly recommend this little gem that for less than 180 dollars (version with dedicated power supply) offers an extraordinary result in terms of width and depth of the soundstage, the best I have ever heard, maintaining detail and excellent separation/identification of the instruments in space (3D positioning). An even wider and more articulated soundstage but (and) removing that sense of crowding and fatigue that characterizes the ESS, compared to which it results in a more material (full) soft and relaxed listening, but without sacrificing dynamics and detail.
Obviously both voices and acoustic instruments gain in body and naturalness, a characteristic of all R2R.


All this... already with the stock Muse 8920, whose performance has however been significantly improved by the new configuration of the driver circuits of the V3 version, but it can then be further improved by replacing the 8920 with this new L.K.S Audio Pure Class A opamp (discrete board- external mount) that I discovered, which makes the sound even more "analog" and absolutely free from fatigue, while maintaining excellent details and separation.


I recommend trying this also in pair on the XD05 Pro, the best result I have obtained so far; compared to the MuzgAudio it has a greater soundstage, instrument separation and even more less listening fatigue.

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