X-Men III Trailer
Dec 9, 2005 at 2:26 AM Post #16 of 44

Originally Posted by GuffMorgan
Eh, I'm still a fan of Batman Begins more than any of the others. Though if the Superman story is done well (with the saviour overtone) then it should be quite good. As far as the X-Men movies go, eh, I've enjoyed them, but then I've read some really well written X-Men stories and it'll take a lot for a movie to impress me with it's story (as far as X-Men goes). Though I could say that about Batman and Superman and all the others as well.

Totally agree. Nolan's Batman Begins is the new standard in comic book movies. I liked it even better than Sin City. It was that well done.

By the way, Happy Birthday GuffMorgan!
Dec 9, 2005 at 2:26 AM Post #17 of 44
Casual fan of the movies here. I find the (soon-to-be) trilogy to be more interesting than most other Hollywood movies and I'm looking forward to X-Men III this summer. I'm not a comic reader, but I've always found it interesting when comic books are made into movies. The extreme detailedness of the original comics makes for some pretty dedicated fans and (sometimes) some pretty good movies. The background music with that beat in the beginning of the trailer has been stuck in my head for the past few days though.
Dec 9, 2005 at 3:09 AM Post #20 of 44

Originally Posted by Borat
Totally agree. Nolan's Batman Begins is the new standard in comic book movies. I liked it even better than Sin City. It was that well done.

By the way, Happy Birthday GuffMorgan!

Yeah, I definitely agree with that, though I'll admit that Spider-Man definitely set the bar when it came out. The original X-Men was decent, though I liked the second one better (I really wanted more Colossus in it, though). Wonder Woman might actually be a really good movie since Joss Whedon is doing it. Many only know him for Buffy/Angel/Firefly but he also did 12 issues of his own X-Men series and it was damned good, and he will be doing another year's worth in '06.

Oh, and thanks


Originally Posted by haycheng
The batman movie is very nicely done. I do find his car kind of odd though and the old man seem to be too smart and good to be true. I also enjoy spiderman.

Well, the car was basically taken directly out of Frank Miller's Batman story, The Dark Knight Returns, which is an excellent story that is highly recommended if one wants to read any Batman. I liked the Batmobile in Burton's Batman, but honestly to me the Batman Begin's Bat-tank or whatever you want to call it, just makes more sense really.
Dec 9, 2005 at 3:34 AM Post #21 of 44
I has read that comic.It is a very good story. I still find the battank out of place in the movie though. It is too over the top for me. That car cause a lot of damage in the movie, and seem to go against what batman stand for(the no killing part).
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:02 AM Post #22 of 44
I thought Batman Begins could almost be in its own league. It almost was too realistic to fit the criteria for comparison of the Marvel movies.

X Men is great because there are so many mutants with different powers it keeps it very interesting and keeps the focus on a larger group vs. two or three main characters.

I just watched the preview and it almost sounds like this may be the last one, with the dialog giving a climactic boil over final war feel.
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:13 AM Post #23 of 44
Yeah, I doubt they'll try for a 4th one, there's been too much trouble just trying to make this one. In fact I have a feeling they're only doing this one is for more of spring-board for the Wolverine movie they're going to make with Jackman.

There has also been talk of a Superman/Batman movie, which could possibly be awesome as long as it's well written and they get the right actors. Though I guess that goes for just about anything.
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:50 PM Post #24 of 44

Originally Posted by Borat
Totally agree. Nolan's Batman Begins is the new standard in comic book movies. I liked it even better than Sin City. It was that well done.

But I have a serious problem with Batman Begins. What did they do? The movie is a reboot of a reboot! (original Batman movie) No part of the action matches up with Keaton's Batman movie, which was a reboot itself.

Just exactly how many times can you reboot a franchise and get away with considering it "realistic"??

Gordon helps Batman - but in the Keaton Gordon is against Batman, seeing him as stealing the Police spotlight and acting like a vigilante. And the entire city believes Gordon. If Batman saved the city as per Begins, with Gordon helping him, you think the city would be against him?? And the Batsignal is created, showing the city wants Batman, again against the first movie.

The movie was great but the reboot just grated on me to no end. They could have, all too easily, kept cannon with Batman (Keaton) and made things easily fit. Begins could have easily shown Batman as the rebel vigilante that Keaton had to deal with while getting on with a great plot.
Dec 9, 2005 at 5:08 PM Post #25 of 44
I don't consider it a reboot on the Buton films, but rather a movie that stayed more in line with the comics. Which makes Begins that much better in my eyes, because there's a reason the comics have been around for as long as they have. Gordon is like a father figure to Batman, and that's how he should be portrayed, and if not that then atleast a friend. The film would have grated on me if it would have tried to stay cannon with Burton's films, because enjoy them as I may, they're just not as good in my eyes.
Dec 9, 2005 at 6:54 PM Post #26 of 44

Originally Posted by Thinduke
I think it looks quite good. Beast seems pretty nice, but I really don't like what they have done with Juggernaut. Where's the helmet and armor? He isn't even big as he's supposed to be. In comics, hes pretty much unstoppable being with massive power, now he looks like a regular bodybuilder in costume.
But well, I'm still waiting this with anticipation. Hopefully it is as good as the first two, though I have my doubts 'cause the director has changed which can be bad or good thing, dunno. Bryan Singer did pretty nice job with the first two after all.

35 secs and 1:23 secs into the trailer you see him. You are correct, I was hoping he would be much bigger!
Dec 9, 2005 at 7:14 PM Post #27 of 44

Originally Posted by GuffMorgan
I don't consider it a reboot on the Buton films, but rather a movie that stayed more in line with the comics. Which makes Begins that much better in my eyes, because there's a reason the comics have been around for as long as they have. Gordon is like a father figure to Batman, and that's how he should be portrayed, and if not that then atleast a friend. The film would have grated on me if it would have tried to stay cannon with Burton's films, because enjoy them as I may, they're just not as good in my eyes.

I guess I think just the opposite. The original Batman was absolutely fantastic; it feels like a "rebirth" of film noir, in terms of Batman / Wayne having a very dark sided personality (when they are coving the personality). Begins is probably more atune to the comics but that makes it overblown in terms of explanation / comic book "heroic-ky". I really liked Begins but the original Batman gives the character a dark overtone that seemingly fits.
Dec 9, 2005 at 8:05 PM Post #28 of 44
Yeah, I can understand why people like the Burton version because it is darker, I mean like I said, I enjoy them, I just like Begins better. Probably because I'm a huge comic book nerd
and begins sticks more closely to how Bruce/Batman is written in the books (the playboy/vigilante).
Mar 7, 2006 at 4:04 PM Post #29 of 44
Ok, so who else saw the extended trailer during 24 last night??? OMG! I'll be going to the theatre for that one for sure! It's looks freakin awesome!
Mar 7, 2006 at 5:26 PM Post #30 of 44
I work projection at a movie theater so if anyone wants the trailer on film just contact me, I might sell them ^_^

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