www.twistedpearaudio.com (then rant and ramble)
Jul 15, 2007 at 2:53 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 51


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 10, 2007
I'm trying to check out the opus DAC on www.twistedpearaudio.com on my mac but it keeps crashing my browser.

I notice that the site isnt using HTML or XTML but .asxp. I googled it and found my way to some page in microsoft.com that explained that with SP2 it wouldnt work with, and then a long list of really common pages or some such nonsense. If only they spent the time coding instead of telling you why things dont work.

Is this some kind of sick joke www.twistedpearaudio.com?

Is a commercial company really trying to sell things, to people relying on some non-compliant voodoo? I've never hung Safari before, never.

I was interested in a Portable DAC but the Cordia Move doesen't have a charging circuit. I think the Headphonia is the best featured one but it's ugly as a power brick.

And then I do some research and find that the two companys owners had locked horns on some unproved copying accusation and the Headphonia guy gets banned because the Cordia guy is a sponsor here and gets backed up by the admins.

Yeah poor admins, but wow! Really well timed when the next Headphonia was just about to spank the Cordia on price and features. The amp in question was a discontinued amp anyway, and the Cordia guy publicly demanded business details on a public forum. Strange that they are both in Germany, one is Dutch and the other is German. Makes you wonder why the request wasn't made in German, on a German site doesn't it. Guess who seems to have the better language skills.

Well if you haven't seen the thread search for Skylab's excellent review of portable amps he links to it.

So I'm trying to work out this DAC thing, and figured if they don't sell what I'm after, I'll make one. So I came down here to DIY. Well the first couple of posts I saw. looked interesting. Group buy of boards, then found some kits, then discovered that www.twistedpearaudio.com had some populated boards. Then this browser thing.

Sorry if I'm coming over all 'down' but I only found this site a few days ago, and I've now been lurking here for 32 straight hours, might be time for some more coffee, or maybe not.

Great site, even has some Reality TV style rows.

Oh yeah, any hints on a DAC ?
Jul 15, 2007 at 5:42 AM Post #6 of 51
the .aspx connection does not mean anything about the html the site sends you. the website extenion is pretty much arbitrary and can be whatever the webmaster decides it to be. In this case, the .aspx file is run like any other program on the web server and returns (or at least it's supposed to) an html/xhtml formatted web page to your browser.

Try restarting your mac or updating safari if you haven't yet. I just went to the website through the latest version of safari on windows and it appears to run fine. usually, if firefox can render it properly, then the page should be compliant with the standards. Either way, a noncompliant page really shouldn't crash a browser.
Jul 15, 2007 at 6:04 AM Post #7 of 51

Originally Posted by threepointone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the .aspx connection does not mean anything about the html the site sends you. the website extenion is pretty much arbitrary and can be whatever the webmaster decides it to be. In this case, the .aspx file is run like any other program on the web server and returns (or at least it's supposed to) an html/xhtml formatted web page to your browser.

Try restarting your mac or updating safari if you haven't yet. I just went to the website through the latest version of safari on windows and it appears to run fine. usually, if firefox can render it properly, then the page should be compliant with the standards. Either way, a noncompliant page really shouldn't crash a browser.

actually this is true, i've seen websites will all strange page extensions, i myself had a website with .dc as my page extensions for a while and as long as the server is correctly configured it should work
Jul 15, 2007 at 8:54 AM Post #10 of 51
First of all, relax. You come here with only 21 posts and start a thread like this?

FIY, twistedpearaudio.com is not a comercial company, it is 2 DIYers "junkies" ( in the good way) that work like crazy ( on the side of their full time job) to make great products for the DIY comunity. Even though Twisted isn't much talked around here, they are well respected in the DIY audio comunity and in sites such as DIYaudio.com.

A few things:

If you cannot see their site with your browser, just change it, it is no big deal certainly not worth starting a new thread about and start talking about things you probably don't know about. If it is too much of mess to use another browser, then just don't Xitch about it, look for another product...

If you start a thread you should really try to stick to your own topic. Why do you start to talk about the Corda( yeah it is Corda, not Cordia, at least do you homework and learn the correct names of the things you're talking about.) and the Headphonia, and admin/sponsor business? Making comments like this will either get you banned really quickly or not getting any respect by other forum members.

If you want more info on DACs or any other subject, USE THE SEARCH FUNTION. There are many comercial and DIY offerings out there so SIY(search it yourself).



Originally Posted by thebob /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm trying to check out the opus DAC on www.twistedpearaudio.com on my mac but it keeps crashing my browser.

I notice that the site isnt using HTML or XTML but .asxp. I googled it and found my way to some page in microsoft.com that explained that with SP2 it wouldnt work with, and then a long list of really common pages or some such nonsense. If only they spent the time coding instead of telling you why things dont work.

Is this some kind of sick joke www.twistedpearaudio.com?

Is a commercial company really trying to sell things, to people relying on some non-compliant voodoo? I've never hung Safari before, never.

I was interested in a Portable DAC but the Cordia Move doesen't have a charging circuit. I think the Headphonia is the best featured one but it's ugly as a power brick.

And then I do some research and find that the two companys owners had locked horns on some unproved copying accusation and the Headphonia guy gets banned because the Cordia guy is a sponsor here and gets backed up by the admins.

Yeah poor admins, but wow! Really well timed when the next Headphonia was just about to spank the Cordia on price and features. The amp in question was a discontinued amp anyway, and the Cordia guy publicly demanded business details on a public forum. Strange that they are both in Germany, one is Dutch and the other is German. Makes you wonder why the request wasn't made in German, on a German site doesn't it. Guess who seems to have the better language skills.

Well if you haven't seen the thread search for Skylab's excellent review of portable amps he links to it.

So I'm trying to work out this DAC thing, and figured if they don't sell what I'm after, I'll make one. So I came down here to DIY. Well the first couple of posts I saw. looked interesting. Group buy of boards, then found some kits, then discovered that www.twistedpearaudio.com had some populated boards. Then this browser thing.

Sorry if I'm coming over all 'down' but I only found this site a few days ago, and I've now been lurking here for 32 straight hours, might be time for some more coffee, or maybe not.

Great site, even has some Reality TV style rows.

Oh yeah, any hints on a DAC ?

Jul 15, 2007 at 9:23 AM Post #11 of 51
Sorry guys, should have thought a bit more before hitting that send button.

Obviously I'm very new at this and searching is either returning to many hit or tells me to be more specific, and I dont know enough to be specific. I'll just have to search in a different way.

The browser thing was just a shock, I tried restarting, using a different computer, even using Explorer but always the same just hangs the browser.

So sorry again everyone.
Jul 15, 2007 at 9:50 AM Post #12 of 51
Im sure they didnt do it on purpose, a very user-run site like twisted pear audio arent going to have 100% browser compatibility, especially because they probably dont have macs, and safari was only released on windows recently.

Really if any site deserves to be bitched about its Ram electronics, which until a couple of weeks ago had a javascript menu bar that would freeze browsers AND your computer for a good 20 seconds before allowing the page to load. Of course its now changed, thank god. Really i dont know how it went on for so long. Maybe they realized they were losing business because people didnt want to go through the extraordinary hassle of actually browsing and ordering anything from their website??
Jul 15, 2007 at 9:58 AM Post #13 of 51

Originally Posted by Fitz
The site is in fact using XHTML

No, not really. In the header, it is stated that the site is using XHTML 1.0 transitional (that's like crappy html with some xhtml-like coding style), but they have managed to include 27 errors on their start page.


Im sure they didnt do it on purpose, a very user-run site like twisted pear audio arent going to have 100% browser compatibility, especially because they probably dont have macs, and safari was only released on windows recently.

if you're writing clean xhtml, you don't have to test your site on different browsers. it just works everywhere.

Ok, that was the rant on my part

p.s.: a friend of mine designs homepages which are 1. fully xhtml compatible 2. nice looking. he was, out of the blue, begged by a webdesign company to start working at them. seems to indicate two things: there are indeed people/companies who emphasize on good html coding, and there are way to few web designers actually able to do it
Jul 15, 2007 at 10:05 AM Post #14 of 51

Originally Posted by balou /img/forum/go_quote.gif
if you're writing clean xhtml, you don't have to test your site on different browsers. it just works everywhere.

Hahaha, I wish.

Anyway, 90% of the cross-browser headaches I've ever run into have been due to IE6's handling of CSS, not HTML/XHTML markup or Javascript problems.
Jul 15, 2007 at 10:59 AM Post #15 of 51
Sorry but when you consider the site is called "twistedpear" audio and it crashes "Apple" browsers I thought it was malicious.

I followed a link because a poster said they sold assembled DACs and it messed with my head.

Anyway I shouldn't have gone off but it did seem relevant to other skulldugery I had been reading about concerning DAC venders, though when I read that now it does sound a bit farfetched and paranoid.

Still much calmer now, sorry if i brung you all down.

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