Originally Posted by dsavitsk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Are you seriously still complaining about this? The above quotes suggest to me that maybe DIY is not for you. What are you going to do when a voltage is off, or an opamp is oscillating, or some transistor goes up in smoke? Figuring out how to send these guys an email is comparatively trivial. If you need the help, try looking them up at DIYAudio.com and go from there (this was already suggested by MASantos below from whom, I might add, you can buy an assembled and tested Alien DAC).
Moreover, I understand that poorly done HTML that won't render on your computer is a pain, but when HTML brings your computer down it is a bug in the browser. I suggest you contact Apple.
Sir, your inference that lack of knowledge of electronics and computer ignorance are related, is not only a Non-Sequitur but borders on Ad hominem.
If I may explain. Standards are there for a reason. I’m sure anyone developing electronic circuits will understand that they are there for the protection of everyone.
The site is rendering non compliant .html code which you suggest should be supported by Apple. Now, exactly which noncompliant code do you suggest Apple should support...
You see that road leads to chaos.
As a potential customer, I am attempting to evaluate whether this companies products will be a suitable interface with my computer. If my only experience of them is a demonstration of the disregard of standards, then the possibility of a blasé attitude toward USB standards also exists. This is of great importance to me because the USB port on my expensive computer is protected by standards, just as surely as it is protected by fuses.
On the other hand I must be careful not to fall victim to the fallacy suggested in the first sentence.
I am aware that MASantos is selling assembled Allien DAC’s even though he did not mention it Several points in his mail lead me to believe that I would not enjoy the customer experience I am looking for. The Allien DAC is a great project, but the choice of R31/R32 is critical. Performance issues exist if IC3 is outside the range of 4.5 - 4.8V. If a problem arose would I be told “It’s no big deal” and not to “Xitch about it” ?
Again I must apologize for my first post, but in mitigation, the title clearly states it is a rant.