Worst Fanboys?
Nov 30, 2011 at 11:55 PM Post #301 of 636
That, to me, says the LCD-2 is pretty much a way overhyped headphone; as I own the T50RP and it's a pretty poor headphone stock to my ears (weak bass, damp treble, it's all mids, and a very stereo sound).

This is the kind of stuff my previous post in this thread pretty much is derived from.

Very best,

the fostex are pretty beastly when dampened properly. i have them comparing to my 240DF's and that's quite the accomplishment right there cause the 240DF's when hooked up to beastly class A amp, has unmatched speed and transparency and will blend into any form of music you present it. i say the fostex handles pretty well running them off of speaker outputs. i was skeptical of all the hype too and thought people were full of themselves but turns out these fostex are pretty boss.
Nov 30, 2011 at 11:56 PM Post #302 of 636
19-63 Posts​
5/2010 Join Date​
Jackson Heights, New York​
November 30th, 2011​
25-81 Posts
4/2011 Join Date
The South, USA
Dear Malveaux,
Ref: posts 1-2582
I'm not mad; I've improved your template; feel free to use it.
Best Regards,​

Nov 30, 2011 at 11:57 PM Post #303 of 636

Dec 1, 2011 at 12:11 AM Post #306 of 636
don't make me take out the friendship cannon. we need to love and tolerate. you guys need to watch more MLP:FIM. you guys would learn a lot more love for each other and what the power of friendship is like.
Dec 1, 2011 at 12:13 AM Post #309 of 636

19-63 Posts​
5/2010 Join Date​
Jackson Heights, New York​
November 30th, 2011​
25-81 Posts
4/2011 Join Date
The South, USA
Dear Malveaux,
Ref: posts 1-2582
I'm not mad; I've improved your template; feel free to use it.
Best Regards,​


I think it is because you forgot to include "Heya" 

Dec 1, 2011 at 12:14 AM Post #310 of 636

don't make me take out the friendship cannon. we need to love and tolerate. you guys need to watch more MLP:FIM. you guys would learn a lot more love for each other and what the power of friendship is like.

I think that would cause me to rage worse. Either way, I WILL LOVE AND TOLERATE THE **** OUTTA ALL OF YOU PEOPLE.
Dec 1, 2011 at 12:15 AM Post #312 of 636
ip whois?  No, not familiar, but I believe you had your location up at some point in the past.  And actually, yes, I had nothing to contribute to the discussion but this.  I hope that doesn't offend anyone.
Dec 1, 2011 at 12:19 AM Post #315 of 636
headfi fanboys? nah still apple fanboys for me.  theyre so annoying.

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