worst date stories
Apr 28, 2014 at 7:21 AM Post #1,291 of 1,450
  Oh, if that's what you mean then yea I will ask him what's going on. If its something that affects me on the other hand, unless I'm close to the person I generally won't speak up out of my own obligation. I'm weird like that.

Then Sir I'm exactly like that, but then people don't really get you, because it's our fault we aren't too open. Well atleast I'm not.
However I was referring to in that same case above, if you didn't give a damn about the friendship, you would not have asked him what's going on. Same happens a lot in boy-girl relationships, sometimes the girl feels pity or sad for their bad behaviour and then act extra sweet in order to coax their innerself into thinking that they're a good person and they've done all that they could have
Apr 28, 2014 at 7:29 AM Post #1,292 of 1,450
Indeed, but sometimes its useful to be stoic 

Yea I get what you mean now; could be a case of that, or it could just be her wanting to nice. Interpersonal relationships can be complicated like that!
Apr 28, 2014 at 8:19 AM Post #1,293 of 1,450
Then Sir I'm exactly like that, but then people don't really get you, because it's our fault we aren't too open. Well atleast I'm not.

However I was referring to in that same case above, if you didn't give a damn about the friendship, you would not have asked him what's going on. Same happens a lot in boy-girl relationships, sometimes the girl feels pity or sad for their bad behaviour and then act extra sweet in order to coax their innerself into thinking that they're a good person and they've done all that they could have

I can understand this one as I rejected someone once... Felt sorry about it and started act kind to that person.. I accidentally fell for it a little but got out of it quickly xD
May 1, 2014 at 9:05 AM Post #1,294 of 1,450
  everytime she did those things I keep my thoughts on "let it goooooooooo" xD although it tends to have the opposite effect... indeed she will fight for it if she really wanted it... it just get kind of awkward everytime she attempts to get closer... maybe I shall let in sometime xP 

Seems you've gone Frozen crazy, my girlfriend made me watch it (my girlfriend is a redhead called Anna haha) and now I have the soundtrack in FLAC...
May 2, 2014 at 9:33 PM Post #1,297 of 1,450
We had world language week at school and on Tuesday we alternated verses and sang 'Let It Go' in 4 languages, French Spanish Latin and Chinese, was pretty cool.
May 3, 2014 at 8:56 PM Post #1,299 of 1,450
I'm very heartbroken right now... the first girl I genuinely fell for in years turned me down

My heart was pretty much cold and dead for the past 3 years. I don't want to sound like a jerk or a player or anything, 'cause I'm not, but I just didn't meet anyone who really opened my heart, and I guess I was also trying to protect my heart by not getting attached. Then she comes along at the beginning of the year, and she's got this magical ability to light up the world around her. Whenever she's around, she makes people happy. Every time she smiled at me it was like a dose of sunshine, even if it was -40 outside. I've met a lot of beautiful women in my life but I've never met anyone like her. There's something about her that feels so warm and fuzzy, so comfortable, so much like home, and she not only thawed my heart and brought it back to life, but actually set it on fire.
Unfortunately, she left me to burn - she said she didn't have feelings for me and only wanted to be friends (although we're not even real friends, more like casual acquaintances now that we've gone our separate ways). I don't understand what happened or what went wrong, but I could've sworn she was interested at some point. She's even said some things that suggested that she liked me, and in a not very subtle way either. Maybe she was just flirting with me like it was no big deal.
What hurts the most though, is knowing that her ex was a crazy, stupid guy who was an embarrassment to her. How did a screw**g idiot like him get to be with her for years, when I didn't even get a chance? That burns... real bad.
I don't know what to do now... I know that feelings can't be forced so I respect her decision, but at the same time I still really love her and I don't know if I should keep trying, even though she's given me a straight answer.
May 3, 2014 at 9:57 PM Post #1,300 of 1,450
Alfred: Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.
Bruce: You still haven't given up on me?
Alfred: Never.
Now dust yourself up and keep walking fellow Canuck. The next one is waiting

May 4, 2014 at 2:11 AM Post #1,301 of 1,450

I have similar experience as you although to certain extend, mine is slightly worse than yours. She held my hand before and whispered that she missed me. A few weeks ago I expressed myself and she said that she can't go out with me and asked if we can still be friends. We are still doing the similar thing just not that close anymore. Maybe she's just not ready for the next step. 
Anddddddddd then I saw another guy trying to impress her yesteday and requested for a high five from her which he got it. I indeed felt pretty bad about it, but I though I am just going to pretend I didn't saw it and work on my "2014 Resolution". Maybe just going to write my the sweetest letter to her on her birthday and prepare for the best/worst scenario. 
My final point is, always prepare for the best and worst scenario when it comes to things like this :/ sorry about your bad experience though
May 4, 2014 at 11:23 AM Post #1,302 of 1,450
  I'm very heartbroken right now... the first girl I genuinely fell for in years turned me down


Sir, I'm almost in your situation, so I'll try to say what I want to say to myself. First of all, most of the pain is inflicted on us by ourselves, we think a lot, our mind races and we try to find out all the things that could have meant something as a signal, so we can continue to hope. Also comparisons NEVER help but only serve to drag us into the forlorn hole.
We should learn to let go, I don't believe in the concept of more fish in the ocean as I don't really fall for a girl, but I follow the concept that there's someone out there who will appreciate me for who I am, and that person wasn't "that" person.
One should try and stay normal and be happy for oneself.
In my case, it's the second time I've liked a girl in all these years of my existence, and I told her that I liked her. To my dismay (and sadly not to my shock) she told me she never felt anything for me and that I was just a great friend to her. For me, I've personally have had enough of all the "formality" friendships and have seen some changes within myself, the major one being my utter hatred for anything involving social interaction. The thing is that I can either kill all those feelings and be just friends with her or break it all, apparently the other person doesn't want to break it off but says that she values our friendship, however I've seen the care wane more than almost anything. I've now decided to be a hermit and stay away from people, and more-so girls, as far as possible. And I know it's not good, but it's what a man's gotta do to survive. There were a lot of things that were a sure-shot signal for me but apparently they were only friendly-gestures from her side. I've changed and now I can never be who I once was.
If there's once thing I believe in @blueangel2323 it's that whatever happens it's for the good. Almost everything happens for the good, and the exceptions don't involve things like these.
So I've told her that I feel nothing towards her, and she says we can start afresh but the truth is that I can't stay friends with anyone, especially her.
@gikigill: Aptly chosen quote Sir
May 11, 2014 at 1:21 AM Post #1,303 of 1,450
I went out with a dude recently that I met through my housemates.

Nice enough looking guy, he told me he used to be kinda heavy but had lost a lot of weight recently. We started on the, "So what's your story" conversation.

He was married for almost twenty years to a Japanese woman, and they have three daughters. He said that after his oldest daughter left home to start college, and his middle and youngest daughters had started high school, he came home from work one day to find everybody gone. She had taken the girls and moved into a hotel and had left him a letter with divorce papers and a directive to sign them and move out within the month.

He was understandably upset telling me this and I asked him what had happened: had they had a fight, what?! He told me that she just refused to discuss it, only saying there was no chance of reconciliation or anything. I asked him how long it had been since his divorce and he told me about a year.

I have to admit I felt a little bad for the dude, thinking, "What kind of woman just ends a twenty year marriage with no signs or clues that she's unhappy or anything?" So I agreed to go get a drink with the guy, if for no other reason than to hear the rest of this crazy story.

We picked a bar on accident that was closing right as we walked in so we had one drink and then left. He insisted on walking me to my door and then coming inside (to pee, supposedly) even though I gave him the standard excuses: "I'm really tired, my house is messy," etc.

I figured I'd just show him around and then say thanks for the drink and he'd take a clue and leave. Instead, he kind of pushed me up against a wall and tried to kiss me. I pushed back and said, "Hey, don't go so fast, I don't know you well enough yet to be intimate." He came in again, trying to kiss me several times while I kept turning my face away and saying, "Cmon, I said no, I don't know you well enough for this. We've only had one twenty minute date!"

He tried one more time to kiss me and this time I clamped my lips shut and physically pushed him away from me. He got this hurt look on his face and said, "But I thought the whole purpose of 'dating' is to get intimate and figure out if you like each other or not!! How are you going to know if you don't TRY IT?!" I just shook my head wordlessly and pointed to the door.

Then he said the thing that really made my stomach turn over, as if the past few moments fending him off hadn't been bad enough. He kind of laughed and reached around to pinch me on the butt and he said, "Okay, okay. I'll be a good boy. You're so hot, I'm actually surprised I haven't raped you yet!! But.. I'll be a good boy. This time." And then he leaned in one more time to try to kiss me and got my cheek, as I stood there in shock. Then he finally opened the door and left.

I now no longer wonder why his wife left him. If I had to put up with that every day I wouldn't have lasted another twenty minutes, let alone twenty years, without poking my own eyes out with a fork.

A lesson to anyone who doesn't already know: rape jokes on a first date? Not cool.
May 11, 2014 at 1:28 AM Post #1,304 of 1,450
And rape jokes are never funny.
Glad you avoided that seriously dangerous situation/person.
May 11, 2014 at 1:37 AM Post #1,305 of 1,450
So I was holding carnations on my hand yesterday as I entered my class around 5mins late. My friends freaked out and can't help but ask who is it for and the girl that I STILL like after the reject blushed but as I passed it to my friends, who is a guy (just delivering it to him), my whole class went crazy and though I'm gay HAHAHAHA

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