worst date stories
Sep 28, 2013 at 5:29 AM Post #646 of 1,450
This is normal. I knew from when I was a child that I was supposed to seek out a certain person. When I met my wife, I KNEW I was to marry her. It was something greater than myself that knew it. 

No she is not. This is just attention seeking. People who really intend to kill themselves don't tell others. 

Curra I feel ya there.

fun story of pointless musings almost showed my portable geat with a pretty stranger yesterday
almost got a number to do it all went downhill and unfortunately the whole purpose for her being at the college at 7 in the morning kinda fell through the proctor forgot to get her test

" every failure which one step closer to finding the right one"

stoner guy from high school
Sep 28, 2013 at 9:49 AM Post #647 of 1,450
Currawong, I had to convince another guy not to kill himself and showed my ex why not to cut herself. Most the people I know talk to me about suicide because I actually know a good bit about this stuff, and she's not attention seeking, honestly she wants everyone to forget about her and both kids only told me. :/ I called the suicide hotline on one kid that was about to kill himself, but they hung up thinking I was prank calling. :frowning2: I didn't sleep convincing this guy not to kill himself and telling his crush to talk to him and stuff. :/ I got so many late grades that day. :p
Sep 28, 2013 at 9:55 AM Post #648 of 1,450
Currawong, I had to convince another guy not to kill himself and showed my ex why not to cut herself. Most the people I know talk to me about suicide because I actually know a good bit about this stuff, and she's not attention seeking, honestly she wants everyone to forget about her and both kids only told me. :/ I called the suicide hotline on one kid that was about to kill himself, but they hung up thinking I was prank calling.
I didn't sleep convincing this guy not to kill himself and telling his crush to talk to him and stuff. :/ I got so many late grades that day.

Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it worked out for the best for them. Still nice to see this level of depth on Head Fi, 
It's a shame the hot line hung up on you >.> 
Did I Post this story yet btw? 
 have a friend, we've known each other for about 7 years. I've ALWAYS liked her and I think she's ALWAYS know that much, I was kinda of direct when I was younger and naive [er]
Still that said over the past 7 years... she's I guess been flipping on me. I get 6 months of being her friend, and when it peaks [we have just a great day, laugh smile, joke, share, exchange ect... all the things friends should do] after that great day [and it has to be like EPIC and it usually is like an entire day of just... enjoying each other [not sexually or exclusively] she just stops speaking to me for like 6 months :/
So for YEARS it's been back and forth, and ofc as young as I was I fell very much in love with her, for those I guess expected happy times, I genuienly just enjoy being with and around her, talking, playing tennis, going to concerts [all things we did in a larger group but still... we had our own thing going] eating at resturants ect... so with all of those happy times, it's always kind of out weighed the sad times. But ofc I as 13 when I met her, and she was about 19... so the age differance seems to have been a hinderance
But I think it's more of... her own self doubt. She's not a super positive person, she's rather strange but seems to not always have the most confidence in her self [dates ass holes, then realizes there ass holes and dumps them] so she has pride in her self and standards, but I think... with me espically she was too afraid of being judged to just be my friend. In those off times she was... polite. And ofc an "ON AGAIN' was random. I'd usually have a nice day, shoot her an email and she'd respond. I'd usually send emails about once every two months and literally just wait for her to get back to me, and that was the start of the Up times. And those emails would get to about 7 exchanges, over the course of a few months... then as I mentioned... she'd stop talking to me again... very systematically. Like maybe she felt guilty for enjoying my company
And she's flirted with me before, and mind you she's not too flirty a girl. Not to mention she's ALWAYS eating of my hands when she's drunk [that was fun for a 15 year old xD her and my mutual friends used get together and do dinner, spades and some wine]
But still, 7 years of that has really messed me up :/ I'm pretty sure I've not gotten over her, and for better or worse she's as single as always. And to make matters worse, I emailed her about 2 months ago and she got back to me 2 weeks later [in the past it's usually been days, if it's longer than 3 days it's not happening]
So I'm just wondering... why she's always been... dragging me along ALL these years... she's like clock work. But she moved away about a year ago, the same time I moved out of my Parents house as well... so since then we don't speak much sadly... still I might go visit her next week. I've got a day off and I need to actually take care of some business where she works 
we'll see how it goes, but she's like two people. One person is... just that friend you just chill with! Your open, you don't care if you say somethign assine, as both people are on the same page. And the other person treats me like a stranger
and ofc poor old me can't get over her :/ [I sent u her picture, the Red Head with small lips a big nose and green eyes]
and OFC like a moron, I've still got her picture on my PC and I had the nerve to send it to you... I suppose I sort of feed my own addiction don't I 
Sep 28, 2013 at 1:12 PM Post #649 of 1,450
Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it worked out for the best for them. Still nice to see this level of depth on Head Fi, 

It's a shame the hot line hung up on you >.> 

Did I Post this story yet btw? 

[COLOR=222222] have a friend, we've known each other for about 7 years. I've ALWAYS liked her and I think she's ALWAYS know that much, I was kinda of direct when I was younger and naive [er][/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]Still that said over the past 7 years... she's I guess been flipping on me. I get 6 months of being her friend, and when it peaks [we have just a great day, laugh smile, joke, share, exchange ect... all the things friends should do] after that great day [and it has to be like EPIC and it usually is like an entire day of just... enjoying each other [not sexually or exclusively] she just stops speaking to me for like 6 months :/[/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]So for YEARS it's been back and forth, and ofc as young as I was I fell very much in love with her, for those I guess expected happy times, I genuienly just enjoy being with and around her, talking, playing tennis, going to concerts [all things we did in a larger group but still... we had our own thing going] eating at resturants ect... so with all of those happy times, it's always kind of out weighed the sad times. But ofc I as 13 when I met her, and she was about 19... so the age differance seems to have been a hinderance[/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]But I think it's more of... her own self doubt. She's not a super positive person, she's rather strange but seems to not always have the most confidence in her self [dates ass holes, then realizes there ass holes and dumps them] so she has pride in her self and standards, but I think... with me espically she was too afraid of being judged to just be my friend. In those off times she was... polite. And ofc an "ON AGAIN' was random. I'd usually have a nice day, shoot her an email and she'd respond. I'd usually send emails about once every two months and literally just wait for her to get back to me, and that was the start of the Up times. And those emails would get to about 7 exchanges, over the course of a few months... then as I mentioned... she'd stop talking to me again... very systematically. Like maybe she felt guilty for enjoying my company[/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]And she's flirted with me before, and mind you she's not too flirty a girl. Not to mention she's ALWAYS eating of my hands when she's drunk [that was fun for a 15 year old xD her and my mutual friends used get together and do dinner, spades and some wine][/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]But still, 7 years of that has really messed me up :/ I'm pretty sure I've not gotten over her, and for better or worse she's as single as always. And to make matters worse, I emailed her about 2 months ago and she got back to me 2 weeks later [in the past it's usually been days, if it's longer than 3 days it's not happening][/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]So I'm just wondering... why she's always been... dragging me along ALL these years... she's like clock work. But she moved away about a year ago, the same time I moved out of my Parents house as well... so since then we don't speak much sadly... still I might go visit her next week. I've got a day off and I need to actually take care of some business where she works [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]we'll see how it goes, but she's like two people. One person is... just that friend you just chill with! Your open, you don't care if you say somethign assine, as both people are on the same page. And the other person treats me like a stranger[/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]and ofc poor old me can't get over her :/ [I sent u her picture, the Red Head with small lips a big nose and green eyes][/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222]and OFC like a moron, I've still got her picture on my PC and I had the nerve to send it to you... I suppose I sort of feed my own addiction don't I [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]
Sums up my life, the other with dual personalities and Schiit sucks horribly bad. :frowning2: I've just stopped trying to date and trying to be a friend, but that's still hard because she's feeling so depressed lately. :frowning2:
Sep 28, 2013 at 1:28 PM Post #650 of 1,450
 I've just stopped trying to date and trying to be a friend, but that's still hard because she's feeling so depressed lately.

It's good of you to be supportive, but, ultimately, the main solution to her depression is to increase her level of awareness of how she is resisting something(s) in her life experience (consciously &/or subconsciously) and subconsciously generating emotions from this resistance. It's a chain of thought, much of which occurs in the subconscious domain, so emotions seem to 'appear' out of nowhere, and the person doesn't know how to stop them occurring or how to improve their emotional state.
I've already discussed this stuff, earlier in this thread, and some readers got shirty about it, so I won't repeat it here, but suffice to say that no other person (including you) can solve her depression, but you could help her to move towards an understanding that she needs to increase her awareness of her subconscious thought processes, and perhaps assist her in actually doing so (provided she has no history of epilepsy, binaural meditation soundtracks can be helpful, and to a lesser but still worthwhile extent, so can Cognitive Behavioural Therapy / CBT).
She should also ensure she is eating a nutritious diet with sufficient iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc.
Certain food sensitivities can also lead to clouded thinking and poor memory. Gluten is one example, if you happen to be sensitive to it.
Also consider that certain toxins (e.g. mercury, lead, copper, halogens, etc.) can influence the function of the endocrine and central nervous systems, so it may be worth testing for these. You would be truly astonished by how profoundly such toxins can affect a persons physical and/or mental health. There is also a strong link between certain toxins damaging the bacterial ecology of the digestive tract, and because many of the health-promotive bacteria that live in the GI tract of a healthy humanbeing actually produce chemical compounds that support healthy neurotransmitter production, a GI tract with an imbalance of such bacteria may have an unexpected influence upon the neurological health of a person. There is a specialist (Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride) in Cambridge, UK, for example, who has had great success with treating poor GI tract health in her patients (many of them children) and who has seen remarkable improvements in their mental health (even including those with autism).
The problem is that no one practitioner will be specialised in Psychology, nutrition, and environmental medicine.  Furthermore, the standard modern approach is to suppress symptoms through the use of pharmaceutical drugs, rather than check for other possibilities. So finding out which thing(s) may be influencing a persons chronic state of mind is often not easy. (I've worked in the mental health field for a number of years and seen many people fobbed off with medication rather than a deeper approach being considered).
It is complex, and there's no denying that.
Sep 28, 2013 at 1:56 PM Post #651 of 1,450
I understand you completely, she's been despising the city because her parents are really strict and drink and the school system out here is actually really, really bad. :/ I know first hand that you need to just come face to face and accept what's going on, I still get stressed over important stuff like friends killing themselves and cutting, but I really just accept it, do what I can without being a bother, and I haven't failed yet. :p she's eating fine, and she's really really worried about her self image, but not anorexic. I've been anorexic before and my parents got me on hunger things so I'm hungry. :p she actually has a decent sleep schedule due to no electronics after an incident between her and this guy she know online kinda taking advantage of her. :frowning2: so that's that. :/ I got that guy arrested for a while by reporting him as a pedophile, which he was, and also the night after she almost killed herself so me and 3 friends biked over there at 11pm to give her a present and tell her parents what we knew. :p But that saved her thankfully. :D
Sep 28, 2013 at 2:31 PM Post #652 of 1,450
I understand you completely, she's been despising the city because her parents are really strict and drink and the school system out here is actually really, really bad. :/ I know first hand that you need to just come face to face and accept what's going on, I still get stressed over important stuff like friends killing themselves and cutting, but I really just accept it, do what I can without being a bother, and I haven't failed yet.
she's eating fine, and she's really really worried about her self image, but not anorexic. I've been anorexic before and my parents got me on hunger things so I'm hungry.
she actually has a decent sleep schedule due to no electronics after an incident between her and this guy she know online kinda taking advantage of her.
so that's that. :/ I got that guy arrested for a while by reporting him as a pedophile, which he was, and also the night after she almost killed herself so me and 3 friends biked over there at 11pm to give her a present and tell her parents what we knew.
But that saved her thankfully.

oh gawd how old are you, or is she. I'm talking about a 26 year old women [she was 19 when I met he] 
if ur still in high school you'll grow out of those teenage suicide bouts. I wanted to kill my self once in middle school. After a years months of work and bills you should level out 
ofc be supportive no matter what 
Sep 28, 2013 at 3:01 PM Post #653 of 1,450
I still say, it's that music these kids choose to listen to  
 j/k , j/k
There is biological depression which one can come to somewhat accommodate for through understanding, and behaviors/choices,
and for crips sake try to steer clear of any added anxiety or particularly problem situations ,ie. other folks with their problems and dramas .
Although, I fell better about my own biological depression and Chronic Lyme Disease by way of "At least I'm not that dude" .
 Best regards~
/ And cheer-up, it's the weekend ! 

Sep 28, 2013 at 3:20 PM Post #654 of 1,450
  I still say, it's that music these kids choose to listen to  
 j/k , j/k
There is biological depression which one can come to somewhat accommodate for through understanding, and behaviors/choices,
and for crips sake try to steer clear of any added anxiety or particularly problem situations ,ie. other folks with their problems and dramas .
Although, I fell better about my own biological depression and Chronic Lyme Disease by way of "At least I'm not that dude" .
 Best regards~
/ And cheer-up, it's the weekend ! 

agree'd these young kids need some HAPPY HARD CORE in their life ;3 
Sep 28, 2013 at 3:52 PM Post #655 of 1,450
  I still say, it's that music these kids choose to listen to  
 j/k , j/k
There is biological depression which one can come to somewhat accommodate for through understanding, and behaviors/choices,
and for crips sake try to steer clear of any added anxiety or particularly problem situations ,ie. other folks with their problems and dramas .
Although, I fell better about my own biological depression and Chronic Lyme Disease by way of "At least I'm not that dude" .
 Best regards~
/ And cheer-up, it's the weekend ! 

Hmm... interesting that you should mention Lyme and depression at the same time....
Are you aware that Lyme disease can be substantially influenced by suppression of the immune system, something commonly associated with heavy metal intoxication, and heavy metal intoxication also, as I mentioned earlier, can exert profound effects upon the central nervous system, including the brain.
Having personally experienced heavy metal intoxication, this is a topic I am (unfortunately) rather familiar with.
Have you ever been tested for heavy metal toxicity, Hi-Finthen?
Sep 28, 2013 at 6:08 PM Post #656 of 1,450
Hmm... interesting that you should mention Lyme and depression at the same time....
Are you aware that Lyme disease can be substantially influenced by suppression of the immune system, something commonly associated with heavy metal intoxication, and heavy metal intoxication also, as I mentioned earlier, can exert profound effects upon the central nervous system, including the brain.
Having personally experienced heavy metal intoxication, this is a topic I am (unfortunately) rather familiar with.
Have you ever been tested for heavy metal toxicity, Hi-Finthen?

I've enjoyed reading your enclosed post in this thread , re: meditation , diet, MUSIC as well as sound general counsel and I agree !
Aware ? Yes, of the psychological and physical effects from what is diagnoised differently by whichever specialist is seen - treatments (RX) side effects eventually adding to the cluster of symptoms.
Heavy metals, you say ... I will persue the Happy Hardcore suggestion, too ...
Words are inadequate to describe and typing is difficult ; But I do appreciate your caring and wanting to be helpful .
- Have you ever been tested for heavy metal toxicity?
No  !
Lyme Disease was positive when tested ; Returning (Relaps/Recover in terms of intensity and 1-10 scale degree)Flue  symptoms
, tiredness ,neck,throat,eye,low back muscle & major joint pain, stiff swollen experience in joints and difficulty sleeping with vivid nightmares.
- So, How You Doin' ?
Sep 28, 2013 at 6:17 PM Post #657 of 1,450
I've enjoyed reading your enclosed post in this thread , re: meditation , diet, MUSIC as well as sound general counsel and I agree !
Aware ? Yes, of the psychological and physical effects from what is diagnoised differently by whichever specialist is seen - treatments (RX) side effects eventually adding to the cluster of symptoms.
Heavy metals, you say ... I will persue the Happy Hardcore suggestion, too ...
Words are inadequate to describe and typing is difficult ; But I do appreciate your caring and wanting to be helpful .
- Have you ever been tested for heavy metal toxicity?
No  !
Lyme Disease was positive when tested ; Returning (Relaps/Recover in terms of intensity and 1-10 scale degree)Flue  symptoms
, tiredness ,neck,throat,eye,low back muscle & major joint pain, stiff swollen experience in joints and difficulty sleeping with vivid nightmares.
- So, How You Doin' ?

I'll take this to PM, with you.
Sep 28, 2013 at 7:50 PM Post #658 of 1,450
Oct 2, 2013 at 6:05 PM Post #659 of 1,450
Clearly you're into the wrong type of girl 

I like to look at this differently. Hez quite lucky that those who are in need of assistance are attracted to him because that means he has more chances to improve the lives of those around him. But yea it is interesting how most of the girls he has dated have been into him. Im just wondering if its him thats attractive is he attracted to these girls.
Btw who is the girl in your profile picture? She is very pretty,
Oct 2, 2013 at 6:11 PM Post #660 of 1,450
I think a huge problem comes when people realize that not only are they attracted to others but others can be attracted to them. Truly, we form expectations of how society should view our beauty and what we should get out of it. But the beauty of love and appreciation lies in its ability to surprise; to provide enjoyment outside of the realm of expectations. Another problem that this has bred is that of an individualistic notion of love. Where we are only happy when the love we experience goes both ways. In other words, we only feel happy when we are with the person we love, not when the person we love is happy. But has anyone thought that true love is when you are willing to sacrifice everything, including your relationship, to make another happy? I think that its only when we get to this selflessness in our relationships, that the true power and beauty of appreciation and loving others can really change things, because otherwise love becomes an excuse to protect, to hurt, to ostracize others, and to discriminate. 
When i ask for selfless love, i mean that sacrifice is as much a part of love as happiness is, and when we get to the point where we can sacrifice the entire relationship with someone for their happiness and well being, then we can experience true comfort and joy and live contently.

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