Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)
Jan 31, 2024 at 7:01 PM Post #4,096 of 4,172
Exhibit A: (v moda m100s)


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Jan 31, 2024 at 9:45 PM Post #4,098 of 4,172
If you're worried about it being wobbly, just buy two and glue them together side by side.
Feb 2, 2024 at 5:02 PM Post #4,100 of 4,172
If anyone passes by, pick up two (or four) for me!

Heck, you can always place some under equipment like feet for cooling.
Feb 9, 2024 at 12:16 AM Post #4,103 of 4,172
Hi guys, haven’t posted in a while, I hope everyone’s been doing well. I have a question I’m almost embarrassed to ask, I’ve been using my iPod touch 4th gen as my digital music player forever running it through my ALO Rx2 which I love the sound of, but the iPod is on it’s last legs. I’m looking for a more current piece of equipment to migrate the iPod to. I have a ton of ALAC music I’ve been using as source (I’m a Mac guy), so the new player would have to be compatible. I’d like a stable simple Mac based app to load it from, touch screen and the ability to create and edit playlists on board would be preferred. Bluetooth would be nice but not a dealbreaker. hoping to keep it under $500, if possible. Doesn’t need to have lots s of bells and whistles, just a decent reliable pocket sized box. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. One more thing, I’ve been casually keeping my eyes open for a pair of Fostex Purplehearts, if anyone has, and may be willing to part with.
Thanks, Mike
Feb 9, 2024 at 1:25 AM Post #4,104 of 4,172
Wow @SennheiserMiser it's been a long time. Hope you've been keeping well! I think I'm the only person still active here who would remember you.

I'm not a mac person... but couldn't an old iphone do most of what you're looking for?

As for the Fostex purpleheart... paging @Viper2005, years ago I seem to recall he had a collection of the different woody versions, so he might have one.
Feb 12, 2024 at 1:34 AM Post #4,105 of 4,172
Feb 17, 2024 at 8:57 AM Post #4,107 of 4,172
Only somewhat. I work a lot of overtime in part to ensure we have staffing, but it's hard to resist double time. The Canada Labour Code limits the number of hours an individual can work (not just ATC, any federally regulated worker). Navcanada, my employer, has an additional fatigue management program to ensure we don't burn out.

That video was about the FAA, which has indeed been struggling with staffing issues and equipment modernization. In Canada, the equipment is much more advanced, due to Navcan investing vast amounts of cash in technology. My comparison is based upon me visiting several towers in southern California in 2001, so things may have changed since then. One advantage of being a private company is that there's no need to be accountable to the taxpayer, unlike down south.

As for mental health issues, Navcan has a lot of programs in place to ensure we are looked after. Whether it's booze or just the weight of responsibilty, there's always someone you can reach out to without fear of reprisal. I only know of two individuals in the last thirty years that had to bow out due to mental health.

That's all I'm willing to say here. One part of the video I agreed with is we don't talk to the press. Not because my boss will come down on me. Rather, because they always misrepresent what's been said. I speak from personal experience.

You're welcome to come to my Tower for a tour to see what I do. Just ask.

PS: aviation in Canada is very safe due to a robust safety management system used by all stakeholders.
Feb 18, 2024 at 12:57 AM Post #4,108 of 4,172
My dad worked at Navcanada years ago (back when it was called Transport Canada) back in the 90's. He wasn't an ATC, he ran the cafeteria, but he was there for over a decade and got to know a lot of the guys very well. He did note that there was quite a bit of turnover in his time and cited that it was a high stress high burnout job. Lots of trainees coming in all the time and those that made it through the program only a small handful stuck around.
Feb 18, 2024 at 8:47 AM Post #4,109 of 4,172
Yeah, one reason there's a shortage across the country is the low rate of qualification. If a class of 20 begin basic training, I'd expect less than 5 to reach qualification. It's a tough job to do, it's even tougher to learn.
Feb 21, 2024 at 8:54 PM Post #4,110 of 4,172
Hi guys, haven’t posted in a while, I hope everyone’s been doing well. I have a question I’m almost embarrassed to ask, I’ve been using my iPod touch 4th gen as my digital music player forever running it through my ALO Rx2 which I love the sound of, but the iPod is on it’s last legs. I’m looking for a more current piece of equipment to migrate the iPod to. I have a ton of ALAC music I’ve been using as source (I’m a Mac guy), so the new player would have to be compatible. I’d like a stable simple Mac based app to load it from, touch screen and the ability to create and edit playlists on board would be preferred. Bluetooth would be nice but not a dealbreaker. hoping to keep it under $500, if possible. Doesn’t need to have lots s of bells and whistles, just a decent reliable pocket sized box. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. One more thing, I’ve been casually keeping my eyes open for a pair of Fostex Purplehearts, if anyone has, and may be willing to part with.
Thanks, Mike
You have seen this, right?

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