Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)
Aug 31, 2010 at 1:25 AM Post #227 of 4,138
I work till 5 so I could make it by 5:30 for sure.
Then I'll be heading out later for cruise night!
Aug 31, 2010 at 5:20 PM Post #228 of 4,138
I'm still trying to see if I can have it at my place, guys... it depends if we're going on a trip this weekend.
How many people are interested in coming so far?
Also, as the weather has been kinda crappy lately, should we assume that if it's raining this Sunday that we set a rain date for the next weekend, or something like that? I wouldn't really have the room to accomodate a lot of people in my house.
Would it be appropriate to ask if everyone brings a few bucks to chip in for pizza and drinks? I have a barbeque but I'm not super-skilled with it, but maybe Armaegis could handle that part ^_~
Aug 31, 2010 at 5:29 PM Post #229 of 4,138
I'm thinking with people's schedules so far that we should push it back to 5pm so we aren't all rushing.
Yeah let's set a rain date for the Sunday after.
Tsk, you can solder your own amps but can't bbq?
I'll be happy to work the grill. I'll bring some sausages. If no one else is bringing stuff though, then pizza might be the easiest.
Sep 3, 2010 at 11:11 AM Post #231 of 4,138
So 5pm at what address? can someone pm me an address? I may have a Grant Fidelity Tube Dac09 and am curious what you guys may think of it. Also what do I bring for food?
Sep 3, 2010 at 1:35 PM Post #233 of 4,138

So 5pm at what address? can someone pm me an address? I may have a Grant Fidelity Tube Dac09 and am curious what you guys may think of it. Also what do I bring for food?

I didn't know that product existed - I am also curious to know what it sounds like!  I see from the GF website that you have the choice between tube and ss preamp outputs.  Do you know if the headphone stage comes from the tube side or the solid state?
Edit:  never mind, I see from another thread that the headphone out is solid state.  It seems to be the same unit inside as similar products from Xiang-Sheng and Maverick Audio.  I'm still interested in hearing it though - maybe the next meet!
Sep 3, 2010 at 6:28 PM Post #234 of 4,138
Okay... so with a few people dropping out this week and very few actually confirming, let's postpone until next Sunday the 12th, say 4pm. Takaji will let us know if his place is available, otherwise mine is open.
Anyone have time this week to send out PMs to see who's available?
Sep 4, 2010 at 10:05 AM Post #237 of 4,138
Well, I'm available for tomorrow. Headcount for tomorrow is: Armaegis/Awah/AJM/maybe Mythless?. If you guys want to meet, call or text me and I'll tell you my address. Location might be different from last time, but is still in the south end:
Sep 4, 2010 at 1:13 PM Post #239 of 4,138
We could possibly make it for the next weekend after Sept 12, I'm just wondering if it'll start to get cold outside or not? If everyone who is interested in attending could please let me know or post in here whether they prefer Sept. 12 or Sept 19, that would be appreciated.
Sep 4, 2010 at 2:36 PM Post #240 of 4,138
We could just have a couple guys meet tomorrow, then have a bigger one next week or the week after?
Here's what I've currently got, though I probably won't be able to bring everything depending where we go.
headphones: Phiaton MS400, AKG K240 Sextett MP, K340 stat/hybrid, Senn HD580, ATH-M50, M-Audio Q40, ATH-A700 balanced
amps: Ortofon HD-Q7, Bottlehead Crack OTL tube amp, G&W T2.6f tube/hybrid
Hmm probably more, just check my profile.

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