Winamp vs Foobar2000 ?!
Jul 6, 2010 at 1:06 PM Post #91 of 106
allright, we finally got it - f2k plays via ReClock. Some guy from russian forum discovered that magic chain: f2k > GraphStudio: VAC>ReClock

Jul 6, 2010 at 1:47 PM Post #93 of 106

sounds like a headache, and I'm not sure it'd sound as good as MPC+ffdshow.. care to give more details?

Can't say about SQ right now coz i just did it and LT1364 still make some strange sound in my setup. I have Virtual Audio Cable installed already and found it in f2k KS (i'm under XP right now). So, GrahpEdit > VAC1 (from audiorenderers) + ReClock. look at this pic:
Jul 6, 2010 at 5:35 PM Post #96 of 106
Nonono, it was you who wanted gapless playback and i only want .cue support. Oops, Pot supports .cue... So, what do i want anyway? Oh, its big incoming buffer up to 500 Mb to load whole CD image. Yes, sir, thats all i want - .cue and big buffer. Only gapless music i listen now are Tom Waits live concerts and i don't need .cue for this.
It seems like terrible jitter in that VAC couse few ppl have different SQ impressions. So, no miracle - its not better than MPC+R, but worse no doubts. But it's worth to play with VAC settings anyway... IMO, VAC has no fixed SR, but SR range. I've set it 44.1....96 and got 44.1 from f2k to R (as you can see in pic).
Jul 9, 2010 at 9:10 PM Post #97 of 106
I think they sound the same but i dont have a super high end system. I do think Exaile(my linux player of choice) also sounds the same. Foobar is light years ahead of winamp in layout and has more options that i use though.
Jul 14, 2010 at 4:34 PM Post #99 of 106
What I love about Foobar is that not only is it a world class media player but it is also an object lesson in how to design and build user configurable software.
Starts out small, simple and compact but does 80% of everything you need. Then when you discover what it is you want you can download and install it. Within weeks you have a perfect tool unique to your own requirements. No bloat and you know how it all works because you built it. Genius.
Jul 14, 2010 at 8:35 PM Post #100 of 106
I use Winamp, purely because of 2 things -
iPod Support, a lot of my older music is on my iPod with the origninal files long gone it gives me a lot more options to have that supported
I just never got on with Foobar, I guess I'm not spec'd up enough to be able to use it properly, I've no doubt its a great piece of software, I just can't use it to any point.
Winamp w/ ASIO4ALL and MAD decoder takes care of me for the moment.
Jul 14, 2010 at 10:59 PM Post #101 of 106
Agree, foobar is one of the best designed applications I've seen, not only that it keeps getting better with each major version, and you thought it can't get better.
What I love about Foobar is that not only is it a world class media player but it is also an object lesson in how to design and build user configurable software.
Starts out small, simple and compact but does 80% of everything you need. Then when you discover what it is you want you can download and install it. Within weeks you have a perfect tool unique to your own requirements. No bloat and you know how it all works because you built it. Genius.

Jul 15, 2010 at 7:49 PM Post #102 of 106
What I love about Foobar is that not only is it a world class media player but it is also an object lesson in how to design and build user configurable software.
Starts out small, simple and compact but does 80% of everything you need. Then when you discover what it is you want you can download and install it. Within weeks you have a perfect tool unique to your own requirements. No bloat and you know how it all works because you built it. Genius.

To me Foobar is an object lesson in how to design software that I don't want to use.  I don't want to have to bother with doing so much user configuration just to get it to work beyond just basic features.
I'm a geek and a software developer.  I'm well capable of figuring out how to configure Foobar to do amazing things.  Yet I refuse to do so.  I've never configured Foobar beyond the basic features it comes with, except for a few things I got curious about like VST and such.  But basically I use Foobar as it comes out of the box which means I don't use it for much.  The last thing I want to do when I get a media player is have to fiddle with it just to make it useful. 
Oh, here's five different plugins that all do similar things for layout.  And here's another bunch for library management.  Try them all and use the one you like best.  No thanks.  What a great way to waste an evening.  And that about sums up my opinion of the Foobar way of doing things.  What a great way to waste a number of evenings doing what the Foobar developers should have done themselves.
Jul 15, 2010 at 8:36 PM Post #104 of 106
Well, at least Foobar's not as gimp as Winamp (well, WA used to be anyways), or in the case of iTunes, useless.
Configuring foobar is pretty much a one time thing, I don't see the problem. It shouldn't take hours either.
Jul 16, 2010 at 5:47 PM Post #105 of 106
Things I like and can't get by without that foobar has:
Multiple tabbed playlists
Easy and configurable free-db tagger
Full unicode / shift-jis support
Haven't touched winamp for ages, maybe it caught up and has these features by now, dunno. Foobar wins hands down for interface alone, for me anyway. I see no reason to go back.

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