Who here cuts their own hair?
Apr 24, 2008 at 1:38 PM Post #46 of 54
Nicely performed 'selfcut' Mrdeadfolx.

I trim my own hair, or I rather should say head since I use the 3mm trimmer on both 'headhair' and beard, same length. Vuuury convenient. And I guess it averages out my wifes $80-100 cuts....
Apr 24, 2008 at 3:14 PM Post #47 of 54

Originally Posted by snejk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nicely performed 'selfcut' Mrdeadfolx.

I trim my own hair, or I rather should say head since I use the 3mm trimmer on both 'headhair' and beard, same length.

Same here, no fussing over varying lengths. 15 minutes, same trim guard for head and beard. Let it grow out 2 weeks, repeat process.
Apr 26, 2008 at 10:24 PM Post #48 of 54
well, i tried cutting my own hair for the first time... everything went pretty well until i tried to fade the back and then oops
so i took the 1/4 and went all over
i crack up every time i see myself in the mirror
Apr 26, 2008 at 10:29 PM Post #49 of 54
I only tried to cut my hair once, and that was in middle school. My dad was too busy cleaning the garage, and I thought it wouldn't be too hard. So first thing I did was grab one of those huge buzzing razor things, the kind used for the back of the head for fading. I thought I could start by chopping off all of the excess hair here and there.

But I disregarded two crucial facts: one, I didn't have any plastic guard on it, and two, it cuts way faster than I thought.

Fortunately my dad helped save the day for my hair (or what was left of that near-bald spot) shortly after.
Apr 27, 2008 at 12:38 AM Post #50 of 54
Over spring break I got talked into a mohawk, which lasted about one day before I decided it was horrible and had to go. Unfortunately, we forgot the attachments for my friend's clippers at home, so I had to go over the whole thing with bare clippers.

That sucked a lot. Having a cold head is a terrible, terrible feeling.

But now it's grow out a bit, to the point where it's 3/4" to 1.5" everywhere, and I kind of like it. Except some parts are starting to get annoying, like the sideburns and the back of the neck stuff. I used to keep my hair a little on the long side, so I want to keep my options open. How hard would it be to keep everything clean looking with a set of clippers while everything grows out? Would that be a worthwhile investment, or should I just go back to haircuts?
Apr 27, 2008 at 5:17 AM Post #52 of 54
Let's see:
  1. Trim nose hair with electric nose hair trimmer.
  2. Trim ear hair with, err...electric nose hair trimmer.
  3. Shave head, first with electric clippers, then razor.
  4. Under-arm hair once a year. (Rapunzel actually used her under-arm hair.)
  5. Eyelashes...once shaved them off completely to see how it would work with my shaved head. Unimpressive.
  6. Around the naughty-bits...none of your damn business.
  7. Back hair...nope.
  8. Chest hair...nope.
  9. Legs...nope (although I had considered it for a fleeting moment cause I ride a road bike.)
  10. Hair of the dog...um...not relevant.
Apr 28, 2008 at 9:58 AM Post #53 of 54

Originally Posted by Zuerst /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm thinking about getting this...

Remington Shortcut | Uncrate

and trim my hair myself

Looks interesting, would love to read a few reviews or at least see some before and after pics

Personally I use a Remington with the 6mm attachment, and I've never had a problem (if you dont mind the short-all-round look). I keep saying "I'm gonna try the 3mm today", but I always change my mind at the last minute

Style cuts are better left for hairdressers IMHO

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