Which *single* CD would you take...
Jul 15, 2001 at 2:44 AM Post #17 of 60
aos, I'm glad to hear you like the Alban Berg Quartett's performance of the Beethoven string quartets as well. I'm not sure how much the complete set costs (my dad got it a little while back -- from BMG, I think); but it's not a minor label like Naxos -- it's EMI Classics, which is rather large. But it's definitely one of my favorite recordings, although I'm a huge fan of chamber music (it's probably my favorite kind of music).

I have yet to hear the Alban Berg Quartett's performance of Bartok's string quartets (my favorite music on earth). I got the Emerson Quartet's recording as part of my graduation present; hopefully ABQ's rendition is just as good.

Right, that was off topic...
Jul 15, 2001 at 2:54 AM Post #18 of 60
Another possibility - Beethoven's 5th. USSR symphony with Evgeny Svetlanov. My first LP

DanG, I also have Emerson quartet's collection of 6 Bartok's string quartets. That one was costly, but I don't think I ever listened to it! Waiting for the right time I guess.

I know Beethoven CD is EMI Classic. However the one I have is their "Red Line", I quote "a new budget label which offers you real value for money". They color-code CDs based on content. This tells me that CD was probably CDN$12 as opposed to $19-20 which is normal for EMI. Actually, no, normal price for a big-label CD has crept up to $22. I guess only these 2 quartets are available in budget label, for the set I'd have to pay full price
Jul 15, 2001 at 3:30 AM Post #19 of 60
I would _not_ take one of my favorite albums, as I have them both memorized -- _Wish You Were Here_ and _Animals_. Ditto _DSOTM_. I think I might take some classical music, since I don't find most pop music intellectually challenging enough for repeated listenings for the rest of my life.

But I actually have been stuck on a dessert island (Hawaii) for 5 weeks once (on business, original plan was two weeks, and it kept getting extended), and I had only brought about 30 CD's with me, and the one that got _far and away_ the most listening was Tear Garden's _Last Man To Fly_ (I even got to the point where I started figuring out the programming feature on my portable CD player and sequenced it backwards). But I just about have that one memorized, too, although I would need a refresher before I left...

So I would probably pick an album based on the artist's reputation, but which I haven't heard yet. So, not knowing what's in store next for godspeed you black emperor!, and since I haven't heard _I Poopoo On Your Juju_ by Third Eye Foundation (his/their latest album), yet, I would probably pick that...but then I think about those wonderful instrumentals on _www.pitchshifter.com_...no, pretty much got that memorized, too...I've only heard Hooverphonic's _The Magnificent Tree_ once, and, funny coincidence, I had just pulled that out to listen to again, so maybe that...no...

Ask me again when I'm more decisive...no, that's not the problem, I'm pretty decisive right now...yeah, but I could be more decisive...(spontaneously combusts)...
Jul 15, 2001 at 5:33 AM Post #20 of 60
"double live gonzo" Ted Nugent

Just to get the live/long "white Buffalo" and the live "Stranglehold" really rocks

Favorite CD ?


But I figure that after a few plays the batteries will run out anyway so .........................
Jul 15, 2001 at 8:49 AM Post #21 of 60
OK... this one's cake.

Astral Weeks , by Van Morrison.

Because... well, it's perfect. I know it by heart... but it still makes my heart palpitate every time I hear it.

Now, if I had to bring _2_ albums, I'd probably end up staring at the sand on the deserted island, all my neurons fried by contemplating the impossible task.
Jul 15, 2001 at 10:57 AM Post #22 of 60
If we are all on the same *island* we can just swap our *1 cd choice* among ourself and get more music listening LOL !

the 1 cd that I am taking with me for sure is
*The legend by Bob Marly and the Wailers*. BUT MacDEF seems to have problem with greatesthits/compilations. so I have like NO cd pick right now.

Jul 15, 2001 at 6:07 PM Post #23 of 60
Sorry, you just violated Rule #1 -- you've just been voted off the island

You're going to have to buy some Bob Marley albums before the trip so you'll be able to pick one...
Jul 15, 2001 at 6:15 PM Post #24 of 60
Glenn Gould playing the Goldberg Variations.
That is Bach.
Jul 16, 2001 at 12:31 AM Post #25 of 60
Hmm... I think I'd take my favorite CD of all time, Stevie Wonder's Talking Book. For some reason, I never tire of hearing Stevie's smooth voice... and its good for any mood I'm in, usually. I can sing along, or just listen and relax.

Miles Davis' Kind of Blue, which has been mentioned a few times, isn't a bad choice either.
Jul 16, 2001 at 12:52 AM Post #26 of 60
Hmm, my no. 1 CD?

John Williams: 'The Empire strikes Back' [SE] CD2

This is truly powerful/emotional/melodic/simply beautiful
music I could listen to for years and years and years....


Jul 16, 2001 at 1:25 AM Post #28 of 60
i would pick a love supreme by coltrane. Problem is, it's around half an hour long....SHORT! NOOOOOOOO!

So, then, i guess, um.......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....

I would have to go with, "I like MDs better for being stranded on desert islands." So there!
Jul 16, 2001 at 1:44 AM Post #29 of 60
I'm with DustyChalk in that all my trusty old favorite albums I have long since memorized to the point where I don't need to hear them a thousand more times. Rush's Hemishperes, Pink Floyd's DSOTM, The Beatles' Sgt Peppers all fall into that catagory.

So... I'm going to chose something that I've only recently discovered and fell immediately in love with...

Return To Forever's Romantic Warrior

Featuring Chick Corea, Al Di Meola, Lenny White, and Stanley Clarke.

Simply delicious.


I haven't even scratched the surface of the complexity of this album. There's easily a hundred (if not a thousand) listens in it before I know it inside and out.

p.s. I'll take the SACD version with me, thank you very much.
Jul 16, 2001 at 3:14 AM Post #30 of 60
...just 1 CD huh? don't think the choice would really matter, cos i would probably get sick of it after a week (or less) and end up killing myself anyway...

but just for discussion's sake, today it would be "Live At Filmore East" by the Allman Brothers Band.

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