Where are Audio Technica headphones made?
Feb 27, 2009 at 10:18 AM Post #46 of 61

Chinese manufacturing is cheaper for two reasons: 1. A stupendously large workforce and 2. Low living costs. More people competing for a job means the wages are driven down. Lower living costs means the average salary needs not to be as high as in western countries.


Interesting... I didn't realize it was so simple.
Feb 27, 2009 at 10:25 AM Post #47 of 61
Well I'm sure my synopsis is over-simplified. A econ major would have much more to say about the phenomenon.

OP: Get the AD700s, you won't regret it.
Feb 27, 2009 at 10:30 AM Post #48 of 61
Can only think of one brand from your hint. Don't know if it's it, but I do think you're being overly biased in this mindset. (especially if it's the brand I think it is. with a brand that big, their products will span the entire market, from the pure crap for low amounts of $, to the niche markets with the high end)

I really would look more at one company's reputation, more so than "oh it's made in china." Heck, the headphone could be assembled in Japan but have most parts come from China. In the end, I would look more at quality control. With the amount of production done in China, yeh there's gonna be a lot of bad ones. The sheer volume of it provides the opportunity for it, and I know in the past things were pretty bad. I believe it was Juran and Deming introducing quality control standards, heavily involving statistics, to the Japanese that put Japan's products up there in terms of quality. Helped the manufacturers out a lot in terms of costs in the long run.

I totally support looking into details such as this, researching the items you're interested in, to try to ensure your spending wisely. Great idea and practice, just this implementation of it, might not be the most efficient.
Feb 27, 2009 at 10:38 AM Post #49 of 61
I'm surprised you're deciding which headphone to get based on where it's made...
Feb 27, 2009 at 10:45 AM Post #50 of 61
Products built in China and Taiwan often have parts made in the country where the designer/Distributor resides. In this case it would be Japan. Every aspect of these headphones is the same as the Japanese counterparts except for the place where they are assembled. If it works then it is just as good as the Japanese built models. People want inexpensive headphones and the most for their money??? Either the product can suffer or labor costs can be reduced. Which method would you choose? Ever wonder why low end Grado models look like they are WWII rejects? Because they are more expensive to build here in the US. Sony has some lower end stuff made in other countries as well.
Feb 27, 2009 at 11:48 AM Post #51 of 61

Originally Posted by bleedingeardrums /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hi guys,

im looking at getting my first pair of decent headphones, the AUDIO TECHNICA ATH-AD700 to be exact.

my question is, where are these headphones made?

i dont want to spend a couple of hundred $AU of my hard earned cheddar to get something made in China, Thailand, Taiwan etc, even if they are raved about...i might as well get something tinnie for 1/10 of the price if they are all made in a dodgy sweatshop...

where are they made?

thanking you in advance for your help

you're an ignorant racist person, your thread has been reported as such, and I hope in the future you'll refrain from trying to engage people with an IQ over 60 in common conversation, its people like YOU that make living in the 21st century painful and obnoxious with your "GOTTA BUY FROM AMERICA" or "GOTTA BUY FROM WESTERN EUROPE" anti-asian anti-arab anti-indian sentiments

open your god damned eyes and ears in the future, try owning the product you're going to trash for no reason other than because someone with a different shade of skin touched it, and stop being such a bleeding racist

as far as "stuff from china is always crap", thats a load of crap in and of itself, maybe if you didn't buy cheap crap in general, it wouldn't break on you

country of origin has nothing to do with build quality, the quality put into the product from conception to shipping is what really dictates that, you realize that some of the most precise and complex manufacturing in the world is accomplished in taiwan and china? not to mention some of the most complex engineering in the history of mankind (a majority of which is fairly attributed to the sub-continent or china)

now please, do us all a favor and stuff the racism before you consider posting again, and I could give a **** if this steps on your precious little racist toes, because I have zero tolerance for your kind of thinking
Feb 27, 2009 at 11:52 AM Post #52 of 61

Originally Posted by bleedingeardrums /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Are you sure about this?? why would they make the 900 in Japan and the 700 in Taiwan???? If the 700 was made in Japan i would buy for sure, but now that i've heard they are made in a country with a reputation for producing inferior goods i am both angry and sad at the same time...

This is the dumbest post I've read this week.

I also reported, unacceptable, borderline racism.

OP don't buy any computer products from now on. Absolutely none.

Don't browse the Headphone Amps section. By far majority discussed there are chinese, and everyone at Head-Fi that has purchased one must be dumb. Even Meier Audio, German, are manufactured by Shanling, Chinese. So don't buy them either.

Don't buy shoes or clothes. Don't buy majority of furniture. God forbid you decide to buy any televisions. And just remember, while every other country is in recession, which country is still expected to have economic growth this year? Oh right, their recession is a decrease in economic growth.

And if you are from the US, guess you you have to thank for the last few economic bail outs and the current and future? Where do you think all this money is coming from? Who do you think US owes over a trillion now? Yeah the country who fails at manufacturing.
Your posts are disgusting.
Feb 27, 2009 at 12:08 PM Post #53 of 61

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif
you're an ignorant racist person, your thread has been reported as such, and I hope in the future you'll refrain from trying to engage people with an IQ over 60 in common conversation, its people like YOU that make living in the 21st century painful and obnoxious with your "GOTTA BUY FROM AMERICA" or "GOTTA BUY FROM WESTERN EUROPE" anti-asian anti-arab anti-indian sentiments

open your god damned eyes and ears in the future, try owning the product you're going to trash for no reason other than because someone with a different shade of skin touched it, and stop being such a bleeding racist

as far as "stuff from china is always crap", thats a load of crap in and of itself, maybe if you didn't buy cheap crap in general, it wouldn't break on you

country of origin has nothing to do with build quality, the quality put into the product from conception to shipping is what really dictates that, you realize that some of the most precise and complex manufacturing in the world is accomplished in taiwan and china? not to mention some of the most complex engineering in the history of mankind (a majority of which is fairly attributed to the sub-continent or china)

now please, do us all a favor and stuff the racism before you consider posting again, and I could give a **** if this steps on your precious little racist toes, because I have zero tolerance for your kind of thinking

the only 'racist person' here is you. it suspect you have some kind of intellectual impairment that stops you from reading through and comprehending whats actually going on in this thread.

you're a couple of hours too late with the racist accusations too, if you actually take a step back, maybe you could get your carer, or mother or father to read this thread to you and help you to understand the discussion that has been going back and forth before you decided to jump the gun and point straight to my decisions for purchasing being based on the colour of someones skin.

you really are embarrassing yourself here, with a post like that. you would see that my concern about the quality of the product is indeed based on the widely shared conception that there is a high amount of inferior goods coming out of china. if race/skin colour had something to do with it, why would i would not draw the distinctions between japan and china and taiwan.

other posters have actually been helpful in explaining the quality of the headphones, and theories on why the quality of certain countries my not be a factor for AD700's, you have made a useless, irrelevant post and embarrassed yourself.

please read the thread before posting - "anti-asian" - no
"anti-arab" - no "anti-indian" - no. nowhere did i mention this, clearly you are the racist here, as you decide to make the link with no evidence to do so.

as for 'trashing' the product, nowhere did i put down their product, reiterating what has already been said multiple times throughout this thread - but which you obviously didnt read in your blind, racist-witchhunt - is that i am actually considering buying the AD700s because they get such great reviews.

Do everyone a favour and stay off the board.
Feb 27, 2009 at 12:13 PM Post #54 of 61

Originally Posted by mbd2884 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is the dumbest post I've read this week.

I also reported, unacceptable, borderline racism.

OP don't buy any computer products from now on. Absolutely none.

Don't browse the Headphone Amps section. By far majority discussed there are chinese, and everyone at Head-Fi that has purchased one must be dumb. Even Meier Audio, German, are manufactured by Shanling, Chinese. So don't buy them either.

Don't buy shoes or clothes. Don't buy majority of furniture. God forbid you decide to buy any televisions. And just remember, while every other country is in recession, which country is still expected to have economic growth this year? Oh right, their recession is a decrease in economic growth.

And if you are from the US, guess you you have to thank for the last few economic bail outs and the current and future? Where do you think all this money is coming from? Who do you think US owes over a trillion now? Yeah the country who fails at manufacturing.
Your posts are disgusting.

i'll chalk you down as jumping to conclusion too.

here, let me spell it out for you, as you are finding it hard to understand.

some countries have a reputation for manufacturing goods that are of a lower quality than other countries.

this actually has nothing to do with their race, or skin colour, or anything related, but actually their quality control process.

please dont blindly assume that because i am actually drawing a distinction between countries, that i am racist.

its ok to recognise that some countries are different to others, there is no need to blindly point the finger and shout 'racist'...you will have to look elsewhere for someone to blindly point your finger at.
Feb 27, 2009 at 12:13 PM Post #55 of 61

Originally Posted by bleedingeardrums /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the only 'racist person' here is you. it suspect you have some kind of intellectual impairment that stops you from reading through and comprehending whats actually going on in this thread.

you're a couple of hours too late with the racist accusations too, if you actually take a step back, maybe you could get your carer, or mother or father to read this thread to you and help you to understand the discussion that has been going back and forth before you decided to jump the gun and point straight to my decisions for purchasing being based on the colour of someones skin.

you really are embarrassing yourself here, with a post like that. you would see that my concern about the quality of the product is indeed based on the widely shared conception that there is a high amount of inferior goods coming out of china. if race/skin colour had something to do with it, why would i would not draw the distinctions between japan and china and taiwan.

other posters have actually been helpful in explaining the quality of the headphones, and theories on why the quality of certain countries my not be a factor for AD700's, you have made a useless, irrelevant post and embarrassed yourself.

please read the thread before posting - "anti-asian" - no
"anti-arab" - no "anti-indian" - no. nowhere did i mention this, clearly you are the racist here, as you decide to make the link with no evidence to do so.

as for 'trashing' the product, nowhere did i put down their product, reiterating what has already been said multiple times throughout this thread - but which you obviously didnt read in your blind, racist-witchhunt - is that i am actually considering buying the AD700s because they get such great reviews.

Do everyone a favour and stay off the board.

no no, you're right, I'm a racist because I hate you, I hate you because you're going on about "you're ignorant for thinking china is bad for manufacturing"


and for future reference, the word you were looking for, is "caretaker"
Feb 27, 2009 at 12:19 PM Post #56 of 61
China is GREAT for manufacturing. They got more experience, more equipment and more dedication than anyone else in the business. Welcome to the 21st century, dumbass.

Tell me bleedingeardrums, do you have a TV, a PC or anything electronical? Discard it RIGHT now if you have problems with electronics being manufactured in the far east, cuz probably 90% of the stuff you own has parts made in China.

Even the toys you played with in your early days were probably made in China.
Feb 27, 2009 at 12:28 PM Post #57 of 61

Originally Posted by bleedingeardrums /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i'll chalk you down as jumping to conclusion too.

here, let me spell it out for you, as you are finding it hard to understand.

some countries have a reputation for manufacturing goods that are of a lower quality than other countries.

this actually has nothing to do with their race, or skin colour, or anything related, but actually their quality control process.

please dont blindly assume that because i am actually drawing a distinction between countries, that i am racist.

its ok to recognise that some countries are different to others, there is no need to blindly point the finger and shout 'racist'...you will have to look elsewhere for someone to blindly point your finger at.

and I think we understand just fine, you're a racist, and hate china for having chinese people

its been explained to you mutiple times that QC has nothing to do with culture, race, national origin, or anything else, but lets break that down a bit (as you're having a spot of trouble following me on a learning adventure)

a factory is either owned wholly or leased by a company wishing to produce a product, that company then choses how much its gonna dump into this factory, financially, and what kind of QC and manufacturing tolerence control its going to require, for example taiwan (which you're claiming has no QC) is home to most of the world's silicon foundaries (if you take Intel out of the calculation, as they operate globally, basically whoever is offering the biggest tax cut when they want to expand (and when you're looking at around US $2 billion from inception to opening day for a foundary, tax cuts matter)), which are going to have higher QC than most academic foundaries, and better production abilities than most facilities in the world (but, I forgot, its taiwan, so its gotta be crap, right?)

now you've also got some manufacturing facilities in the US, lets say, Thomson SA's facilities in Indiana before they closed in ~2004, which were notorious for low quality junk across the board (brands like RCA, which survived purely for the "HAS TO BE MADE IN THE USA" types, priced higher than the import equipment, purely because it costs more to do less in-country because of cost of living considerations, americans are simply one of the most expensive nationalities to employ world-round, solely because of being born in the US)

now of course you could argue back, but Intel manufactures in the US, along with other high precision machine companies, carmakers (including Mercdes Benz and Toyota (which I doubt you'd buy because the home office is in Japan)), thats entirely true, but if you're going to accept that, you must also accept the inverse, that those high precision facilities exist in Taiwan, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, India, and so on, solely becuase labor is less expensive, land is less expensive, and the governments are more friendly to industrial manufacture (sometimes over-zealously so, such as the Mexican government in the 1970's and 1980's)

your post has nothing at all to do with "products from some places are lower quality", because if it did, you'd be talking about specific brands or sub-contractors, which can very easily be blamed for poor QC, take SkullCandy for example, its manufactured at the lowest possible cost, its designed at the lowest possible cost, and the primary investment is marketing dollars, you get low quality crap as the output result, however it would be low quality crap if it was manufactured in California or Canton, becuase it isn't designed or intended to be precision equipment

take generalizations of this, and forming and feeding sterotypes in an ignorant manner, such as saying "all products from China and Taiwan are junk", thats text-book racism, plain and simple

or would you prefer the term xenophobe? hate-monger? backwards idealist? culturally insensitive prick?
Feb 27, 2009 at 12:30 PM Post #58 of 61

Originally Posted by Bonthouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Even the toys you played with in your early days were probably made in China.

no, his were probably handed down generation to generation, because they were from the olden days and made in a "pure white" country, like the UK or US, with "pure white" lead paint, how else do you explain the blanket ignorance?
Feb 27, 2009 at 12:31 PM Post #59 of 61

Originally Posted by bleedingeardrums /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i'll chalk you down as jumping to conclusion too.

here, let me spell it out for you, as you are finding it hard to understand.

some countries have a reputation for manufacturing goods that are of a lower quality than other countries.

this actually has nothing to do with their race, or skin colour, or anything related, but actually their quality control process.

please dont blindly assume that because i am actually drawing a distinction between countries, that i am racist.

its ok to recognise that some countries are different to others, there is no need to blindly point the finger and shout 'racist'...you will have to look elsewhere for someone to blindly point your finger at.

I read bleedingeardrum's most recent post (quoted above), but I haven't read the entire thread.

I agree with the quoted post above, however, in that there are different reputations by country, whether valid or not, in terms of perceived quality. Do many not associate German engineering and construction with higher quality than most? Japanese engineering and construction quality is also thought by many to be of higher than average standard in many things. Swiss watches. Etc. Whether we like it or not, these perceptions exist, and, in some cases, these perceptions may be valid.

Again, I haven't read the entire thread--and I don't have the time right now to do that--but it's going nowhere good fast, so I'm closing it.
Dec 13, 2018 at 2:12 PM Post #60 of 61
omg i am just browsing what ath stuff that build on jdm and found this dumb thread lol

ok i wanna ask what ath equipment that have made in japan brand ??

as far i know ad2000 and ad900 ? do their X part have made in japan to ?>

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