What's your view on custom headphone cables?
Aug 17, 2010 at 4:15 PM Post #286 of 881
Would you accept that any difference is not then due to the cable, but instead it is down to you alone?
No.  Why?  Then that would make me and a bunch of cable lovers delusional.  All along I've known that something's going on with the cabling.  I don't know what, but the why isn't important.  Some cables I hear a difference in, other cables I don't.  I've taken the time to explain my listening protocol and what it is a listen for and now you want me to conveniently write off my experiences to satisfy your need to explain why you can't hear a difference?
That would explain why you hear something others do not.
No it wouldn't.  That's the "theory" which you and others have grabbed onto.  Your basic premise is, "If I can't hear a difference, then nobody can hear a difference."  After writing what you just wrote, maybe you'll better understand why I write some of what I write in that, based upon what I and others have written, you and others still are missing out and you're having trouble grasping the reality of this point, your ears didn't get invited to the party.
Me?  If I were left out of the party in this fashion, I wouldn't worry about it as it's just not my party to participate in.  Let those who can party, party.  It's no big thing.  But when folks try to shut another down, just because they themselves can't hear a difference, it speaks reams about their character.  Let people enjoy their cables.  They're happy with their cables.  Why the need to be a buzz kill?
Aug 17, 2010 at 4:21 PM Post #287 of 881
I actually cant honestly vote in this poll because my response would be...
"Yes, because I can hear the difference, better or worse, that it makes in my system."
Aug 17, 2010 at 4:53 PM Post #288 of 881
Do those of you who believe that cables positively affect the sound of your systems also believe in the positive benefits of psychotherapy?  This is not a trick question.
Aug 17, 2010 at 5:28 PM Post #289 of 881

Do those of you who believe that cables positively affect the sound of your systems also believe in the positive benefits of psychotherapy?  This is not a trick question.

Yes, I do. I have a degree in Bio/Psych, so I know psychotherapy is effective for various disorders. There's many different forms of therapy based on different schools of thought (cognitive, behavioural, psychoanalytic etc.), all of which have their particular uses, though cognitive-behavioural methods have typically yielded the best results in terms of therapeutic value.
I think I know where you're going with this, but would you explain why you asked?
Aug 17, 2010 at 6:21 PM Post #290 of 881
The whole act of listening to music is itself psychotherapy.  Were playing back a recording of a singular event, one that will never fully be recreated perfectly, but we do our best through the best gear we can get or have.  Cables included.
Aug 17, 2010 at 7:02 PM Post #291 of 881
Would you accept that any difference is not then due to the cable, but instead it is down to you alone?
No.  Why?  Then that would make me and a bunch of cable lovers delusional.
That's the "theory" which you and others have grabbed onto.  Your basic premise is, "If I can't hear a difference, then nobody can hear a difference."

So you admit that you don't except the evidence against cables for purely emotional reasons.  Not because there isn't evidence, not because there are flaws in the evidence, not because you have objective evidence for you position, but because you are scared.  Scared to be wrong.
I can't speak for others, but I for one will not laugh at or make fun of you if you admit you are wrong.  I not here to rip on you, or anyone else who believes in cables.  You have rather strong subjective evidence in your favor.  It can be hard to discount.  You need to discount it though.  You need to learn why you should discount it.  You need to learn that subjective evidence is meaningless in science.  That science is the the only way we have to understand the world.  If it is not possible for everyone who tries to replicate your results simply by following your procedure, than how can we say that it is really true?  How can we say that it isn't in your mind and not the cable?
People have subjective evidence in favor of all sorts of fantastic notions that you probably don't believe in.  Do aliens abduct people on a regular basis?  Is Elvis still alive?  Does ritual magic actually work?  People believe all this and more on the strength of purely subjective experiences.  Experiences that can not be verified by any objective observer.  Do you believe those notions?  They have just as much evidence in their favor as you do.  If you don't believe them, then why should you ask us to believe you instead?
This is the important part.  It's something that many people need to learn.  Not just you, and not just cable believers.  You need to learn to apply skeptical thinking and logic to your own experiences.  You probably already know this in your heart.  You just can't come to terms with it.  Its vitally important that you do though.  It's vitally important that everyone does.  The human species depends on it.  Logic, reason, empirical experimentation, and above all, the scientific method are the tools we need to fully understand the would we live in.
Our perceptions aren't enough.  It's obvious they aren't enough.  If they were, no one would need to go to school.  The laws of physics would be obvious, we'd have no need for the crutch of mathematics, and we would be able to learn any skill after seeing it performed once.  Since its obvious that this is not the case, its obvious our perceptions have serious limitations.  We didn't evolve to live in the kind of world we now inhabit.  Our brains aren't up to task of living in it.  At least not without help.  Not without tools, both physical and mental.  From a wrench to the theory of universal gravitation, we must use tools painstakingly created and honed over eons of man hours to make our way through everyday life, to propagate our species, and to survive into the future.
Also that line should read:
That's the "theory" which you and others have grabbed onto.  Your basic premise is, "If nobody can hear a difference under controlled conditions, then nobody can hear a difference."
Aug 17, 2010 at 7:19 PM Post #292 of 881
So you admit that you don't except the evidence against cables for purely emotional reasons.
No, that's not what I wrote.
Not because there isn't evidence, not because there are flaws in the evidence, not because you have objective evidence for you position, but because you are scared.  Scared to be wrong.
Yes, that must be it.  I'm a scared little bunny, hiding behind my computer monitor.
Ya gotta love the creativity of the straw man argument.
You have rather strong subjective evidence in your favor.  It can be hard to discount.  You need to discount it though.  You need to learn why you should discount it.  You need to learn that subjective evidence is meaningless in science.
That science is the the only way we have to understand the world.
Is it?
If it is not possible for everyone who tries to replicate your results simply by following your procedure, than how can we say that it is really true?  How can we say that it isn't in your mind and not the cable?
I can't help you with that one.  You can't tell the difference.  I'm good.
People have subjective evidence in favor of all sorts of fantastic notions that you probably don't believe in.  Do aliens abduct people on a regular basis?  Is Elvis still alive?  Does ritual magic actually work?  People believe all this and more on the strength of purely subjective experiences.
Yes, and bless them for their creativity.
You need to learn to apply skeptical thinking and logic to your own experiences.
There ya go.  I haven't a clue how to be skeptical or use logic in challenging my personal experiences.  I get it.
You just can't come to terms with it.  Its vitally important that you do though.
Yes, it's a demon I badly need to wrestle with.
The human species depends on it.
Until folks wake up to the need for birth control, humanity's not anywhere in jeopardy.
Our perceptions aren't enough.  It's obvious they aren't enough.  If they were, no one would need to go to school.  The laws of physics would be obvious, we'd have no need for the crutch of mathematics, and we would be able to learn any skill after seeing it performed once.
You need to lighten up on the caffeine.
We didn't evolve to live in the kind of world we now inhabit.  Our brains aren't up to task of living in it.
Well, maybe not yours, but one will find, if paying attention to life's lessons, life's pretty darn easy.
At least not without help.  Not without tools, both physical and mental.  From a wrench to the theory of universal gravitation, we must use tools painstakingly created and honed over eons of man hours to make our way through everyday life, to propagate our species, and to survive into the future.
Yes, ya gotta love that evolution thingy.
So much for this being a cable show.
Here's to beer.

Aug 17, 2010 at 7:28 PM Post #293 of 881
This is like arguing with a Christian or a Republican, it's utterly pointless to try to convince them that science exists.
Aug 17, 2010 at 7:43 PM Post #294 of 881
The scientific method is the only way to reach common ground when discussing the physical world. You cannot just take every subjective experience as evidence that something works or actually exists.

I do think the majority of cable believers are sincere. They are telling the truth when they claim differences. The problem is that there are also sincere people who find no difference. So, how do you reconcile those beliefs? If you take all subjective views as truth, then there is a conflict. Both views cannot be right. It's possible that one is right and the other is wrong, but neither can both be right or both wrong.

The only way to get at the truth is to put the beliefs to the test. That includes controlling for all variables. Since humans are unreliable and subject to all sorts of biases, you have to conduct tests that eliminate those. That includes testing with machines and also conducting tests in a way that human expectations are removed. Once you do that, you can get closer to the truth about whether a physical difference actually exists or if it might be the result of a human bias.
Aug 17, 2010 at 7:44 PM Post #295 of 881
Cymbal Monkey wrote:
This is like arguing with a Christian or a Republican, it's utterly pointless to try to convince them that science exists.
So much for this being a cable show.
Aug 17, 2010 at 7:52 PM Post #296 of 881
Uncle Erik wrote:
I do think the majority of cable believers are sincere. They are telling the truth when they claim differences. The problem is that there are also sincere people who find no difference. So, how do you reconcile those beliefs?
What you're missing, they're not beliefs.  Why?  Because they're fact.  Cable lovers are hearing a difference and anti-cable people aren't hearing a difference.  What you're missing, there is no need to reconcile the differences.
If you can't hear a difference, I'm happy for you.  If you can hear a difference, I'm happy for you.  Where's the need to reconcile anything?
This is why I wrote it's an issues of insecurity on the part of the anti-cable group.  You need to prove, I can't hear what I'm hearing to validate your not being able to hear a difference.  Me?  I could care less if you can't hear a difference because your not being able to hear a difference, isn't going influence my listening pleasure.  And me knowing that you can't hear a difference, isn't going influence your listening pleasure.
Aug 17, 2010 at 7:58 PM Post #298 of 881

Yes, I do. I have a degree in Bio/Psych, so I know psychotherapy is effective for various disorders. There's many different forms of therapy based on different schools of thought (cognitive, behavioural, psychoanalytic etc.), all of which have their particular uses, though cognitive-behavioural methods have typically yielded the best results in terms of therapeutic value.
I think I know where you're going with this, but would you explain why you asked?

I guess I'm trying to understand why so many cable proponents react with horror at the thought that perceived differences possibly are due to their subconscious desire to hear them.  Especially when some of those same people express such delight with the "emotional" aspect of cables.  But dare to suggest that the subconscious may be at work, and the retort is so often "Are you calling me and every other pro-cabler crazy?!"  It begins to sound like some of these proponents believe they have complete control over their every inner thought, urge, bias, etc.  And I'm wondering if that is coupled with a general belief that things like psychoanalysis are useless or for "crazy" people.
I think it would be interesting to know this about people who think cables don't make a difference, as well.
Aug 17, 2010 at 8:08 PM Post #299 of 881
Quote: Originally Posted by maverickronin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You pressed my button, so here goes. 

So you admit that you don't except the evidence against cables for purely emotional reasons. 
Of course it's not for emotional reasons.  Few have been as repetitive as beeman and yet you err in this way?  Wow!
Not because there isn't evidence, not because there are flaws in the evidence, not because you have objective evidence for you position, but because you are scared.  Scared to be wrong.
LOL!!!  Your credibility got a blow here.
I can't speak for others, but I for one will not laugh at or make fun of you if you admit you are wrong. 
On your terms it would seem.  Quite manipulative and imposing, isn't it?
I not here to rip on you, or anyone else who believes in cables.  You have rather strong subjective evidence in your favor.  It can be hard to discount.  You need to discount it though.  You need to learn why you should discount it.  You need to learn that subjective evidence is meaningless in science.  That science is the the only way we have to understand the world.  If it is not possible for everyone who tries to replicate your results simply by following your procedure, than how can we say that it is really true?  How can we say that it isn't in your mind and not the cable?
Science is not the only way we have to understand the world and I'm very happy that this is the case.  You are revealing your severe myopia with regards to life and how you can learn from it.  Unfortunately, there are way too many out there with this sort of mentality.  Science is a word man came up with.  He gave it meaning.  We created our scientific methods etc. for our own purposes.  Science has admittedly assisted us in many, many ways.  However, let's not get overboard and rely solely on it.  This is a foolish position to take.  You need to realise this.  

People have subjective evidence in favor of all sorts of fantastic notions that you probably don't believe in.  Do aliens abduct people on a regular basis?  Is Elvis still alive?  Does ritual magic actually work?  People believe all this and more on the strength of purely subjective experiences.  Experiences that can not be verified by any objective observer.  Do you believe those notions?  They have just as much evidence in their favor as you do.  If you don't believe them, then why should you ask us to believe you instead?
There are more pertinent questions to ask than about aliens and which science cannot begin to answer.
This is the important part.  It's something that many people need to learn.  Not just you, and not just cable believers.  You need to learn to apply skeptical thinking and logic to your own experiences.  You probably already know this in your heart.  You just can't come to terms with it.  Its vitally important that you do though.  It's vitally important that everyone does.  The human species depends on it.  Logic, reason, empirical experimentation, and above all, the scientific method are the tools we need to fully understand the would we live in.
The Human species needs to not listen to what you're saying. :)  Thankfully, they don't.  In the same way that many discredit science in general, by siting faulty scientific methodology or where science has failed or erred, you are now discrediting the metaphysical and knowledge outside contemporary science in the same way. 
Our perceptions aren't enough.  
Science is based on our perceptions!!! Without our perceptions there would be no science. Science is based on what we observe.  We may build tools to observe or measure for us, but in the end there must be an interpreter to look at what the measuring device has to say, so in the end it's still us making that final observation. Science is based on reproducability of what we observe, concensus of experience and being able to predict what will be observed to happen next, and in turn, we manipulate the phenomena we observe happening around us.  It starts with us and what we perceive.  When you look more deeply, our very observing is essential and actually affects what happens.
Through our observations we discover new things for scientific investigation.  It's through observation that we pick up inconsistencies in predicted observable patterns which initiate further investigation.  Once you realize how central our perception is to science as we know it, you grow to respect and value your perceptions.  It's all that we have.  It fools us yes, but we must not forget where they got us and will take us as we develop as beings. 
It's this realization that makes one who hears a difference in cables, so resistant to scientific data that refutes their experience.  It doesn't mean that they are against science.  I've asked this before and I'll ask again, I'd love to hear from anyone involved in these discussions, who currently hears differences between cables and smiles in wonder at the illusion of it, while trusting that the DBT's out there are correct in claiming that the difference they're hearing is like a mirage.  I'm willing to bet that there are no anti-cablers here who hear differences between cables and this, to me, is one of the failings of that cause.
It's obvious they aren't enough.  If they were, no one would need to go to school.  The laws of physics would be obvious, we'd have no need for the crutch of mathematics, and we would be able to learn any skill after seeing it performed once.  Since its obvious that this is not the case, its obvious our perceptions have serious limitations.  We didn't evolve to live in the kind of world we now inhabit.  Our brains aren't up to task of living in it.  At least not without help.  Not without tools, both physical and mental.  From a wrench to the theory of universal gravitation, we must use tools painstakingly created and honed over eons of man hours to make our way through everyday life, to propagate our species, and to survive into the future.
It's true that we need to be careful with our perception and that we can be fooled by them.  However, consider who is behind the observation and documentation of scientific data, phenomena and theory.  None other than us same individuals, using those same flawed and limited perceptions to try to observe and understand what's happening around us.
I hope that you can now see how foolish it is to not put so much trust in science?  If there's anyone that's scared, it's actually you since you are too scared to venture outside the warm, cozy comfort of science... a comfort that's illusory and has no genuine basis for it.
Also that line should read:
That's the "theory" which you and others have grabbed onto.  Your basic premise is, "If nobody can hear a difference under controlled conditions, then nobody can hear a difference."
Ok, I do agree that this is a more reasonable way to look at the anti-cabler's position.
Aug 17, 2010 at 8:25 PM Post #300 of 881

The scientific method is the only way to reach common ground when discussing the physical world. You cannot just take every subjective experience as evidence that something works or actually exists.

I do think the majority of cable believers are sincere. They are telling the truth when they claim differences. The problem is that there are also sincere people who find no difference. So, how do you reconcile those beliefs? If you take all subjective views as truth, then there is a conflict. Both views cannot be right. It's possible that one is right and the other is wrong, but neither can both be right or both wrong.

The only way to get at the truth is to put the beliefs to the test. That includes controlling for all variables. Since humans are unreliable and subject to all sorts of biases, you have to conduct tests that eliminate those. That includes testing with machines and also conducting tests in a way that human expectations are removed. Once you do that, you can get closer to the truth about whether a physical difference actually exists or if it might be the result of a human bias.

Hey Eric,  again you continue to impress me with your comments.
I agree whole heartedly that the only way to reach common ground when discussing this issue is through the scientific method.  It's all that we have to use and admittedly, there's no reason why it shouldn't be able to answer the question.
It's really refreshing that you're still motivated to continue exploring this issue, rather than seeing these threads as a mere exercise of trying to make gullible and irrational folk too quick to trust their perceptions, sane again. 

I agree that with such a conflict of opinion, both views cannot be right and I do think that it deserves attention since there is enough skepticism out there on both sides to leave the door open for further testing on this issue.  Hopefully, we'll find a way to test enough individuals in a blinded fashion and also in a way that's practical and appropriate for those being tested.  In this way, most will come away feeling happy that whatever results are obtained, are reasonable and therefore need to be taken very seriously.  I say most, since there are those who are prepared to lay to rest some of their long held beliefs.

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