Whats your endgame setup?
Feb 23, 2014 at 2:52 PM Post #16 of 27
Dont be that guy, dude :)

LOL I am not a fan of the audiophile "must get more more more bigger bigger better better." I'm about maximizing my aural experience. At one point you have to ask why you're buying the next thing. Is it improving your enjoyment of the music, or is it just a shiny toy? 
Feb 23, 2014 at 2:53 PM Post #17 of 27
LOL I am not a fan of the audiophile "must get more more more bigger bigger better better." I'm about maximizing my aural experience. At one point you have to ask why you're buying the next thing. Is it improving your enjoyment of the music, or is it just a shiny toy? 

But you just said you're only interested if the toy is shiny... 

Feb 23, 2014 at 3:28 PM Post #18 of 27
But you just said you're only interested if the toy is shiny... 

LOL touche. I did say that. But my point was more unless there's a tangible improvement, I don't see the need to upgrade. Like if a pair comes out that sounds as good as the V-Moda's but looks CRAZY slick, I might pick 'em up, or if there's a pair that looks pretty much the same but it's a guarantee that they'll be INSANELY better sonically. 
I guess what I'm really saying is that out of the current crop of products, there's nothing. I'm open to a new product popping up that really does what I want, but theres' nothing at the moment. I'm not perpetually "looking upward" as it were. Even if I had six thousand dollars to just drop on a super high end pair with an amp, I probably wouldn't except just to say I tried 'em.
Feb 23, 2014 at 7:09 PM Post #20 of 27
Funny, I was worried that I was being that guy with my upgraded original set up endgame, then some guy out that guys me. (Try saying it fast three times.)

Haha, you know, I don't think it's a bad thing to care about style. You put two cans in front of me with comparable sound but one looks goofy as **** and the other is sleek but more expensive? I'm buying the nice looking pair. It's gonna be on my dang head, why not spring for a nice look?
Feb 23, 2014 at 7:20 PM Post #21 of 27
All else being equal, I too would choose the better looking headphones.
Feb 23, 2014 at 8:08 PM Post #22 of 27
I find that one of the hardest part of this hobby is that you need to pay a lot more for just a slight improvement in the sound quality. I am still fairly new to all this, so maybe I can't even tell the difference just by auditioning for a few minutes at the store. I did most of my purchases based on the reviews here and the look of the product. Just curious, how long do you guys audition a product before the purchase?
Feb 23, 2014 at 8:13 PM Post #23 of 27
LOL I am not a fan of the audiophile "must get more more more bigger bigger better better." I'm about maximizing my aural experience. At one point you have to ask why you're buying the next thing. Is it improving your enjoyment of the music, or is it just a shiny toy? 

Yea, I agree but sometimes a shiny toy can improve your enjoyment of the music. I for sure will enjoy my music just by looking at a WA 7 shining in the dark...lol
Feb 23, 2014 at 8:44 PM Post #24 of 27
Depending on the popularity of a product, my dealer usually let's me borrow a piece of gear, either overnight, from when the store closes to the next morning, or for a few days.
The only things that I've bought without listening first, are my Little Dot 1+, wich I bought based on the many favorable comments it got here on Head-Fi. And my Grado Bushmills X. The reason I bought those is because they're a limited edition, so I figured that I could try them, with the hope of at least get my money back, if I didn't like them. And who knows, they might even appreciate with time.
Feb 23, 2014 at 8:56 PM Post #25 of 27
At the moment I have HD 650's and I drive them on Vali/Modi combo. When I invest on a pair of active speakers in the future, I'll go for the Asgard 2 and be happy.
Feb 23, 2014 at 9:07 PM Post #26 of 27
Thats very nice to have a few days to try out the product. Its so hard for me to hear noticeable differences with such a short amount of time especially with amps/dacs. It gets even harder when you believed that the product needs burn in. Sometimes I just buy it hoping the sound changed after burnt in. Its like 50% reviews 50 % listening for me.
Feb 23, 2014 at 11:40 PM Post #27 of 27
I'll be done playing the game when my Bottlehead Crack/SB arrives to pair with my Beyer T1s.
It's going to be quite some time before my desire to upgrade outgrows my headphone budget.

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