Whats the most physical pain you ever experienced
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:05 AM Post #16 of 114
In order to deaden the optic nerve in my right eye, a surgeon once inserted a 4" long needle into my eye socket. I'll leave it at that...
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:10 AM Post #17 of 114
I had a filling fall out and the tooth cracked in half while eating. The pain was memorable, to say the least.

But I don't think it even compares to some of the other stories here.
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:13 AM Post #18 of 114
I have avoided most injures/sickness and I still have a life time of pain ahead of me.

The most acute was the removal of a catheter, but that only lasted a split second.

It might be more discomfort than pain, but last year I had a terrible 24 hour stomach flu. I was immobilized, because any type of movement caused a wave of nausea and a headache.
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:15 AM Post #19 of 114

Originally Posted by kramer5150 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Pinched nerve in my lower back / hip. My left leg was searing with pain. I could not straighten it, walk or move. My quadracep (thigh) and hamstring muscles were in a constant burning/cramping type pain. sneezing, farting, and caughing were torture. It lasted for 3-4 days. I had to crawl around the house.

This is about where I have been for the past five months, but it's almost never that severe (key word: almost). I apparently dislocated my hip (thought I had just pulled a muscle) and since I took four months to see the doctor, I had severely shortened and weakened my hamstring muscles due to the limping and overall inactivity. Physical therapy for two weeks has made some progress, but it's very slow going. Piece of advice: if something hurts for a week, see the doctor. Please.

EDIT: Though my worst acute pain would have to be the second and third week of the month that I had mono. Oh man, I wouldn't wish that on anybody (well, almost anybody
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:24 AM Post #20 of 114
I'd have to say it was the kidney stone I had a few years ago. I was in so much pain when my mom drove me to the hospital I had to have her pull over so I could throw up. I was in so much pain that I couldn't think straight. The doctor even said that the stone was to big for it to pass on its own. I have broken a couple of ribs, broke my left ankle, sprained my left ankle, and dislocated my knee. None of those could even compare to them amount of pain the kidney stone put me in.
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:25 AM Post #21 of 114
I have been pretty lucky not to sustain major injuries, but I did dislocate my shoulder once playing basketball...then pain was bad, but having it put back in was disgustingly worse...
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:26 AM Post #22 of 114
Car accident 1982. Some girl driving daddy's new Trans-Am wasted my Chevette. Went through the windshield, messed up head and face, and shattered my leg. I was in the hospital for one month. Multiple leg surgeries. One time, they were trying to re-break it and I needed to be conscious for some reason. It hurt so badly, I actually left my body. I went up and to the left, and clearly remember looking down on myself screaming, but I was no longer in pain. I don't care what anyone says, that leaving the body stuff is real, and thank god for it. Still, to this day, my right leg will knock me flat down in pain if I do too much.
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:33 AM Post #23 of 114

Originally Posted by SoundGoon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You and your cousin may not want to hear this, but that dog should probably be put down immediately. It is either trained or has had ancestors (mother/father, etc.) that were trained to be attack/fighting dogs. Pit bulls are notorious for having genetic "aggressiveness," and could very easily be a physical and financial danger to your cousin and those around him/her.

He was put down... but only later after biting my cousin's sister. (for the eight thousandth time) Their parents didn't really give a crap about what he did to me....

(my dad isn't exactly fond of them for that)
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:45 AM Post #24 of 114
I get migraine headaches on a weekly basis, and sometimes they get so bad any light in my eye or standing up at all makes me wish i was dead. It gets real bad when i have to throw up.

This doesn't sound that bad, but when i get cramps in my calf and hamstring during sports, it sucks.
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:47 AM Post #25 of 114
Being thrown off an ATV after hitting a fallen log while going almost 60mph. Messed my leg up pretty bad
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:48 AM Post #26 of 114
When I had a job working at a golf course, I was cutting the fairways one day. The machine, cuts the grass with blades that spin. So, like normal, the cutters got jammed, because some parts of the grass were too long. (Pretty obvious where this story is going

So, like I usually did, I jump out, and run a stick, or may hand under the blades, to get the grass out, and back on the machine I go.

But one time, that wasn't the case. The machine was running, but the blades were stuck. I got out, but I couldn't even use a stick, to lossen the grass. So I put my hand in, to spin it, but just then, the hydrolics sank, thus turning the blades. My had was stuck in there, I was in shock/pain, that I couldn't even yell out to the golfers, 20 feet away. So, I somehow, reached around, turned off the machine, and pulled my hand out.

The good part, was the blades were not at their sharpest points, and thus, got 25 stitches, a pinkie finger that no longer functions and a few bones out of joint.
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:55 AM Post #27 of 114
kidney stones & gall bladder -- both equally painful
Jan 2, 2007 at 2:57 AM Post #28 of 114
Damn people, I rolled an atv over thanksgiving break and was stuck under it but suprisingly it didn't hurt, just crushed me, getting wisdom teeth pulled didn't hurt, dislocating a kneecap was a strange feeling, but my worst was breaking 4 metacarpels in my left hand diving back to a base in baseball, but none off this is close to some of the stories here.

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