What's the best USB audio cable for the money?
Mar 6, 2016 at 8:47 AM Post #61 of 1,343
  Seems like you are looking for the most expensive cable.  So if your definition of "best" includes price, buy the most expensive cable.
For those who prefer to pay less, but still get the same results, try AmazonBasics cable.
It's a very simple cable.
Data packets (up to 1023 bytes) in USB are protected by CRC16. If CRC check fails, receiver does not ACK it and transmitter sends the data packet again till ACK is received (data was not corrupted).
If you read this far, you can think what would happen if your $5000 cable alters the bits.

Actually no, I am not. If there is a cheaper option that I can try, I don't mind. 
At the very least, I'm hearing a difference with the FAW cable (after A/B-ing with the stock cable that I have) that I bought so I'm thinking of trying other brands. Curious Cables appaarently has raving reviews and prices are not that bad so I was thinking of trying that. The Wywires cost higher actually : 
Platinum Priced from $899
Silver Priced from $499 (classic)
Blue Priced from $249
Mar 6, 2016 at 1:10 PM Post #62 of 1,343
Stright Wire PSYT USB cable is silver plated copper wire for only $20 which I think is a bargain value given the fact that custom USB cables with silver plated copper wires cost 10x more.
I use it to feed to my iUSB 3.0 Micro which then goes to my DAC via Gemini cable.
Mar 7, 2016 at 3:46 AM Post #64 of 1,343
Mar 7, 2016 at 5:37 AM Post #66 of 1,343
Wow, I'm surprised to hear that! What's your setup?

Hi - yep. I was surprised also (actually the past few years less than 50% of system changes I made resulted in what I was generally expecting..)
... the setup listed in my profile is pretty current.. dedicated fanless PC, LPS's, batteries, various USB do-dad's, etc.. things were much simpler way back before CD's :)
Mar 7, 2016 at 7:14 AM Post #67 of 1,343
I have just recently installed a 0,5M Pangea and really surprised, seems on the same details level as my PPA cables. In my system the Pangea would be preferable to the iFi Gemini, Supra, Furutech, Curious, and a couple others that I have also tried. 

That's reassuring.  I have a .5 Meter Pangea due to arrive in 2 days and my new DAC a couple days behind it.
Apr 5, 2016 at 10:34 PM Post #68 of 1,343
I have and heard a few hi end USB cables and my favorite is the Lavricables made of 2 separate cables one for the power and one for the data. 
Inside each cable there are 4 solid silver condunctors. compared to kimber silver USB cable , cardas, wireworld, audioquest and my previous favorite
the silnote all silver USB cable the Lavri sounds cleaner without sounding analytical or harsh, it sounds more dynamic with better attack and more detail.
Apr 8, 2016 at 4:06 AM Post #69 of 1,343
I'm currently using the USB cable from Amazonbasics...
Apr 8, 2016 at 9:20 PM Post #70 of 1,343
I picked up the Pangea Audio 24 ga solid silver 0.5 Meter cable for $40, and I too found it preferable to the ~$100 iFi Mercury. I found it a little softer and more detailed; a subtle but distinctly more enjoyable upgrade.

I've also tried Audioquest Evergreens, which both the Mercury and Pangea blow away.

Thanks, great rec!

Apr 8, 2016 at 9:43 PM Post #71 of 1,343
In case you guys did not see this, it is a little summary by iFi of some of the USB data transfer problems (that seemingly have only been discovered over the past 2 years or so?).
Apr 8, 2016 at 10:23 PM Post #72 of 1,343
 I still think for the price, the Belkin Golds mentioned above cannot be beat, and I now use those with the Schiit Wyrd. I've heard more expensive cables and the Belkin's sound best to me and are a fraction of the price. They seem to have less digital glare, which I like. 
I've learned that getting the digital signal transmitted is not the issue, any USB cable can do that fine.  You don't need silver USB cable to do that, it does nothing for the sound. 
It's the interference and noise rejection capabilities of a cable that makes a difference and gives a smoother, more pure sound. 
Speaking of Pangea, I don't really like that brand in general as they are just the house brand of Audio Advisor although I do have a couple of their 14se MKII power cables, but I only bought them because they have Cardas copper in them for a fairly good price, and I like Cardas. (They perform well in my system btw). 
Apr 9, 2016 at 3:12 AM Post #73 of 1,343
I've learned that getting the digital signal transmitted is not the issue, any USB cable can do that fine.  You don't need silver USB cable to do that, it does nothing for the sound. 
It's the interference and noise rejection capabilities of a cable that makes a difference and gives a smoother, more pure sound. 

You just contradicted yourself.
Apr 9, 2016 at 6:21 AM Post #74 of 1,343
  Actually no, I am not. If there is a cheaper option that I can try, I don't mind. 
At the very least, I'm hearing a difference with the FAW cable ...

As USB cables do not affect the sound, if you are hearing a difference that's because the price/appearance of the cable is leading you to believe the cable sounds better.
The answer to your question, "What's the best cable for the money?" is; an AmazonBasics cable. Actual sound quality doesn't get any better than that, at ANY price! If however you're not interested in actual sound quality but in how much the price/appearance of a cable might help you to believe that the sound is better, then obviously "the best cable for the money" for you personally is the prettiest, most expensive one you can afford, as Safarix already told you!
Apr 9, 2016 at 5:20 PM Post #75 of 1,343
For those that do not believe in USB cables, let me have a go at explaining to you why USB cables make a difference.

First a short background about my experience on USB cables. I'm the type of person who only believes in cables or whatnot only after I have heard them and can hear differences between them.

When I first started out, I tried a few different USB cable but could not tell the differences between them. After all, its just digital data right?

But recently after trying a few USB cables, I have heard differences between them. So I went on to do research as to why digital cables would make a difference in sound.

If you think about it, any digital signal is an analogue signal. Digital data is just 0s and 1s. In a perfect world, that would be a perfect square wave. But in analogue electronics, it's hard to keep a square wave perfect to the DAC. Jitter, noise, reflection, etc... will affect the integrity of the square wave. The square wave is still able to transmit the 0s and 1s over, but wont be perfect.

This is measurable, the signal integrity can be measured into an eye pattern.

For a good illustration, have a look at this article:

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