What Would You Do With $4000
Feb 16, 2003 at 3:54 PM Post #31 of 54
Biggie: Nah she wasn't watching me but I figure I've been pumping alot into audio lately so getting her something nice and then using the remainder of it for school and stuff would be smart.

But then again....I could get my analog system and the speaker system I want. Heh, remember that is 6k Canadian and that would solve all my audio purchasing problems for the next 5 years or so.
Feb 16, 2003 at 5:16 PM Post #32 of 54
I'd probably get a pair of HP-1000's, one of those spiffy new phillips SACD/DVD players, a half-decent HDTV to replace the 19" POS TV in my room, and then probably spend the rest on some nites to cut apart

Seriously, i'd probably spend quite a bit into cable research, ambitions for the future
Feb 16, 2003 at 5:43 PM Post #34 of 54
The following used equipment:

Magnepan 3.6 speakers
MacIntosh 1201 Monoblock Power Amps (2)
Sunfire True Subwoofer

I might actually be a bit short of money for all this...oh well.
Feb 16, 2003 at 6:19 PM Post #35 of 54

Originally posted by lextek
Ok you came upon $4000 that you could spend in any way you wanted. What would you buy?

Somebody got a nice IRS check.

...and since ours was a refund, we are going to get a deck for the house.

Then I would have a very nice place to sit and listen to headphones in the summer.
Feb 16, 2003 at 11:40 PM Post #38 of 54
Personally I would probably save it, toss it into a CD or something.

(and, of course, the CD i am referring to is a certifcate of depost not a really rare mostly plastic disc!)

If you don't currently have anything you wanted to buy with it now, don't force yourself to spend it now. Save it, and spend it when there's something you want. Otherwise you'll blow it on something and than later will regret it when you come up with something better you shuold have gotten.

However if there's something you've been waiting to be able to buy, go for it!
Feb 17, 2003 at 12:19 AM Post #39 of 54
Let's see, what have I been wanting to listen to at the mini-meets? Some Audio Technica A1000's, a Headmaster, one of those new tube amps Hirsch has, the new Philips CD player, a maxed out META42, and a few cases of quality rootbeer. Get the old lady something nice with the money left over.
Feb 17, 2003 at 3:00 AM Post #42 of 54
Take a vacation with my wife. We haven't had a real vacation since our honeymoon 6 years ago, so we are long overdue and in need of some time alone to relax.

Then, upon returning to Ecuador, I would use some of the rest to buy a pair of Axiom Audio M80ti speakers and bring them down here with us to enjoy our movie time we have for relaxation here in Ecuador.
Feb 17, 2003 at 3:20 AM Post #44 of 54
i'd go with tanfenton and get a pair of quad esl 63's. that, or i'd buy a magnifying transformer and try to reconstruct a tesla death ray to destroy the world.
Feb 17, 2003 at 3:30 AM Post #45 of 54
Get a sweet tube amp, new source and a new PC

and a pair of shoes for work

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