What should I buy next? SR-009?
Feb 25, 2013 at 7:36 PM Post #196 of 274
Well, I put down my deposit for the HeadAmp Blue Hawaii SE with Alps RK50. The reviews overall were just so excellent for it, I felt that I couldn't go wrong with it, so I ended up choosing the BHSE. Now I just have to wait a long time...
Feb 25, 2013 at 8:30 PM Post #197 of 274
Well, I put down my deposit for the HeadAmp Blue Hawaii SE with Alps RK50. The reviews overall were just so excellent for it, I felt that I couldn't go wrong with it, so I ended up choosing the BHSE. Now I just have to wait a long time...

So now, what should you buy next? A pair of Stax 007, just for those recordings which allegedly come a little too “bright” with the 009/BHSE?
Feb 25, 2013 at 9:00 PM Post #198 of 274
So now, what should you buy next? A pair of Stax 007, just for those recordings which allegedly come a little too “bright” with the 009/BHSE?

I don't know, this should be the last headphone I need to buy right (at least for a few years)? 
 I've heard rumors about Sennheiser coming out with another electrostatic headphone, either that or wait for the HD 850, HD 900, HD 1000, or Stax SR-011, haha.
Feb 26, 2013 at 2:58 AM Post #199 of 274
I don't know, this should be the last headphone I need to buy right (at least for a few years)? 
 I've heard rumors about Sennheiser coming out with another electrostatic headphone, either that or wait for the HD 850, HD 900, HD 1000, or Stax SR-011, haha.

The HD1000 was released long long ago back in the 1990's.  The HD1000's codename is "Charleston".
Feb 27, 2013 at 2:31 PM Post #200 of 274
"Since silver is a better conductor than copper, the silver plating causes any frequencies on the "skin" of the wire to travel better and faster than the frequencies in the "core" of the wire. Since it is well known that the "skin effect" is a result of high frequencies traveling on the "skin" of the wire, and low frequencies traveling in the core, adding silver plating to the "skin" of the wire will only make the "skin effect" worse than no plating. The high frequencies will travel better and faster, and arrive at the speaker before the low frequencies will, thereby "smearing" the coherence of the signal. The effect will be bright and brash, with added time-distortion, that IMO, will do nothing good for the system. I personally would not use it"

I think this makes a lot of sense.  I think of of electrons flowing through a wire have a fluid characteristic like water through a pipe.   The flow can be disrupted by too much pressure / too little capacity, or dissimilar materials.  Well, I could be wrong, I seem to remember that from some high school shop class long ago and far away.  LOL . . .
I think the internal wiring of the HD800 uses a silver plated copper wire that I had replaced (or maybe it was the entire stock cable?)  . . . certainly sounds good now.
Feb 27, 2013 at 8:08 PM Post #201 of 274
I think this makes a lot of sense.  I think of of electrons flowing through a wire have a fluid characteristic like water through a pipe.   The flow can be disrupted by too much pressure / too little capacity, or dissimilar materials.  Well, I could be wrong, I seem to remember that from some high school shop class long ago and far away.  LOL . . .
I think the internal wiring of the HD800 uses a silver plated copper wire that I had replaced (or maybe it was the entire stock cable?)  . . . certainly sounds good now.

Electrons are a wave...wait I thought they were particles? No wait, both, better still, we haven't a clue! Damn Young's Double Slit Experiment! 

Feb 28, 2013 at 11:27 AM Post #202 of 274
I think this makes a lot of sense.  I think of of electrons flowing through a wire have a fluid characteristic like water through a pipe.   The flow can be disrupted by too much pressure / too little capacity, or dissimilar materials.  Well, I could be wrong, I seem to remember that from some high school shop class long ago and far away.  LOL . . .
I think the internal wiring of the HD800 uses a silver plated copper wire that I had replaced (or maybe it was the entire stock cable?)  . . . certainly sounds good now.

Yeah... none of that is true.  The "electricity as water" is used compare them at the most basic level but it's mostly just wrong.  
Feb 28, 2013 at 12:13 PM Post #203 of 274
The HD1000 was released long long ago back in the 1990's.  The HD1000's codename is "Charleston".

Hmm, that's interesting, they seem pretty rare. What I really meant though is a successor to the HD 800, who knows what they will call it. All I know is that I'll definitely be getting it whenever it does come out (assuming Sennheiser says it's better than the HD 800).
Feb 28, 2013 at 1:46 PM Post #204 of 274
Yeah... none of that is true.  The "electricity as water" is used compare them at the most basic level but it's mostly just wrong.  

True or not-many people can hear the differences between an spc cable vs pure silver or copper. Also, I'm sure the 36 guage hair thin wire isn't doing the HD800s any favors...
Feb 28, 2013 at 6:50 PM Post #205 of 274
True or not-many people can hear the differences between an spc cable vs pure silver or copper. Also, I'm sure the 36 guage hair thin wire isn't doing the HD800s any favors...

Since you are appear not to be taking a position one way or the other by stating "true or not", then, unless I am mistaken about that, I am guessing you meant to say "many people report they can hear the differences..."
Feb 28, 2013 at 7:24 PM Post #206 of 274
I think this makes a lot of sense.  I think of of electrons flowing through a wire have a fluid characteristic like water through a pipe.   The flow can be disrupted by too much pressure / too little capacity, or dissimilar materials.  Well, I could be wrong, I seem to remember that from some high school shop class long ago and far away.  LOL . . .
I think the internal wiring of the HD800 uses a silver plated copper wire that I had replaced (or maybe it was the entire stock cable?)  . . . certainly sounds good now.

Read. Listen. Think critically. 
Feb 28, 2013 at 10:36 PM Post #207 of 274
I'd would be nice if the discussion went back to the SR-009, not about cables, which is likely to bring endless discussions about it.
Feb 28, 2013 at 10:59 PM Post #208 of 274
I know exactly where you are coming from.  I believe you also have Stax Sigmas.  While not perfect they give the 007's and 009's a run for their money and they also have the unque ability to create a quasi realistic sound stage. I have the low bias Sigmas , Sigma pro's and the Sigma/404 (a custom modded pro). These, especially the Sigma/404 are just about Nirvana in my listening especially with all kinds of vocal music, including choral, pop and opera.
Even with conventional phones (i.e. non-Sigmas) you are still getting a more coherent acoustic image than any speakers, simply because phones don't cause phantom channels of sound when the left channel feed the right ear and right feeds the left.  Aside from some usuallly negligible cross-channel leakage, most phones give you a pure left and right channel to the appropriate ear.  I am also an owner of Polk SDA speakers that  suppress the phantom signals with some success and give  amuch cleaner image with almost tangible localization.
I have been surprised over the years that so few people even grasp the phantom channel issue and yet it is one of the key advanatges of phones over speakers.
Feb 28, 2013 at 11:13 PM Post #209 of 274
Since you are appear not to be taking a position one way or the other by stating "true or not", then, unless I am mistaken about that, I am guessing you meant to say "many people report they can hear the differences..."

Um, yeah? Just like many people report they[B ] cannot hear differences. And yes, I can hear the difference on my rig, mainly with low level transient smearing with spc in the chain.

Mar 1, 2013 at 12:03 AM Post #210 of 274
I know exactly where you are coming from.  I believe you also have Stax Sigmas.  While not perfect they give the 007's and 009's a run for their money and they also have the unque ability to create a quasi realistic sound stage. I have the low bias Sigmas , Sigma pro's and the Sigma/404 (a custom modded pro). These, especially the Sigma/404 are just about Nirvana in my listening especially with all kinds of vocal music, including choral, pop and opera.
Even with conventional phones (i.e. non-Sigmas) you are still getting a more coherent acoustic image than any speakers, simply because phones don't cause phantom channels of sound when the left channel feed the right ear and right feeds the left.  Aside from some usuallly negligible cross-channel leakage, most phones give you a pure left and right channel to the appropriate ear.  I am also an owner of Polk SDA speakers that  suppress the phantom signals with some success and give  amuch cleaner image with almost tangible localization.
I have been surprised over the years that so few people even grasp the phantom channel issue and yet it is one of the key advanatges of phones over speakers.

Yeah, you get what you pay for, I guess, as the idiom closely goes by. Very expensive speakers generally do sound better than less expensive ones.

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