What do you guys do (JOB)??
Apr 9, 2003 at 4:57 PM Post #91 of 211

Originally posted by sorrywhat?
here's a question to ponder. i'm generally a cynical person who needs definitive proof before accepting something. it fits well with what i do for a living.

this is the question: did you choose your current profession because it suited your attributes or did you develop certain tendencies BECAUSE of your job?

I chose my profession because i felt i had a natural affinity for it.
I feel the best way to judge whether you're making a correct decision for yourself careerwise is to pursue something that you'd do anyway, as a hobby, even if you wouldn't be paid for it.
Perhaps you end up choosing something that is initially not as lucrative as other professions, but your drive and natural interest will keep you working at it while others tire and become disenfranchised in higher paying, but less rewarding jobs.
Ultimately you will perservere, because you're doing what you love to do and always getting better at it - financial success generally follows you when you choose a profession in this manner......enough rambling.....
Apr 9, 2003 at 5:27 PM Post #92 of 211
Not too many grad students on this thread huh?
I am, you guessed it, a graduate student. I study Russian and Japanese cultural history. Right now I am writing about Nikolai Kasatkin, a missionary who founded Orthodox Christianity in Japan. A little weird for me, since my interest in religion is almost non-existant. He was just an incredible guy, so it makes for intersting writing and research. The good thing about my "job" ('cause I do receive a salary after all...it is very different from undergrad) is that I get to travel to Japan. The bad part is that I get to travel to Russia (just kidding, I love Russia...in doses).
Apr 9, 2003 at 5:58 PM Post #93 of 211
Accountant/lawyer/private banker. I was a college prof for 15 years (not counting my grad student days) before moving into private banking in the Cayman Islands. I'm now teaching a CPA revew course on the side and loving it!
Apr 9, 2003 at 6:00 PM Post #94 of 211
hey i'm a graduate student
Apr 9, 2003 at 6:04 PM Post #95 of 211
2nd last year of highschool, intending to study Physical Chemistry at the end of it all. The BIG exams start in 5 weeks, so I'm having to revise just now =(

Also I work a lot at shooting grounds: trapping and ref-ing and stuff. Get to handle LOTS of money!!

Apr 12, 2003 at 4:39 AM Post #101 of 211
Undergrad: Marketing. In my senior year and about to finish. I have no clue what a marketing dude does. Probably because I haven't got any expeirience ... stupid job market is in a slump
Apr 12, 2003 at 7:37 PM Post #104 of 211
Learnt programming at a higher technical college of engineering (kinda programming/business mix branch) for 6 years (i liked 4th grade so much, I did it twice <notice sarcasm please>) and am halfway through my civil year now. so basically I'm a programmer, maybe I'm kinda right in getting a little bit more into it again. My life has been only parties and (psychedelic) drugs for half a year now and I don't see that ending anytime soon right now.
So I'm kind of a freelance philosopher and artist at the moment. I might get a real job in half a year, not sure yet (partying, getting to know people, you know... :p.) I might also get into "pro"-gaming again (fps/rts probably).

There seem to be tons of programmers and architects around here... kinda strange, isn't it?
Apr 12, 2003 at 11:18 PM Post #105 of 211
I am a Mechanical Engineer.

Originally I work for the Navy designing missiles at the Naval Weapons Center in China Lake Ca. After ten years there I went to work for Northrop as a project manager. Highlights of my time there include working on the B-2 Bomber before it came out of the black. I also worked on a system that was in the SR-71 Blackbird.

I now manage a group of software developers for Siemens.

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