What book are you reading right now?
Jul 7, 2016 at 3:38 PM Post #4,351 of 5,373
Do visual novels count? If so:
Memorable characters. Heartfelt friendship descending into heartwrenching tragedy. Psychological horror at its finest. One of the most compelling plots I've ever seen. These are just a few things to say about this masterpiece. I'm obsessed...which is fortunate, because the entire thing is hundreds of hours long.
Jul 9, 2016 at 12:53 PM Post #4,353 of 5,373


Jul 16, 2016 at 5:01 PM Post #4,355 of 5,373

Readable if not terribly well written revision of the accepted views on the strategies of the Second World War in Europe. Mosier brings forth more than a few facts which have been long glossed over by accounts previously written. For students of this particular point in time I would have to say it is a must read if not for the conclusions, then more for the factual counterpoints he lays out.
  Personally, I have long been skeptical about the myths of German Armour and it's invincibility in the early stages of the war. The accepted views of that and their airpower have never quite jibed with what I have read and heard from veterans. Here Mosier puts some numbers and facts down that lay fertile ground for his theories on battles later on in the war. There is no doubt that this is a valuable analysis if for no other reason than it will have one re evaluating and appraising events from a more critical standpoint.
Jul 17, 2016 at 12:39 AM Post #4,356 of 5,373

One of the best yet mostly unappreciated American writers.  An unlikely admirer of Lardner, Virginia Woolf said about him : ".... he writes the best prose to come our [Britain’s] way” although often “in language which is not English.”  
Jul 17, 2016 at 5:17 AM Post #4,357 of 5,373

One of the best yet mostly unappreciated American writers.  An unlikely admirer of Lardner, Virginia Woolf said about him : ".... he writes the best prose to come our [Britain’s] way” although often “in language which is not English.”  

I didn't realise Woolf was a fan. A very unlikely one, too!
Lardner's out of copyright, so you can get some of his books free as Kindle downloads. A funny guy.
Jul 17, 2016 at 8:24 PM Post #4,358 of 5,373

One of the best yet mostly unappreciated American writers.  An unlikely admirer of Lardner, Virginia Woolf said about him : ".... he writes the best prose to come our [Britain’s] way” although often “in language which is not English.”  

I didn't realise Woolf was a fan. A very unlikely one, too!
Lardner's out of copyright, so you can get some of his books free as Kindle downloads. A funny guy.

Hi PalJoey,
Thanks for the information.  Much appreciated.  Aside from the "Library of America" volume I have two other Lardner compilations.  All three books combined, contain just about everything he wrote that was published.  It's always refreshing reading him again after a while.
Jul 21, 2016 at 12:34 PM Post #4,359 of 5,373
Hi PalJoey,
Thanks for the information.  Much appreciated.  Aside from the "Library of America" volume I have two other Lardner compilations.  All three books combined, contain just about everything he wrote that was published.  It's always refreshing reading him again after a while.

Thanks for reminding me of Lardner's work. It prompted me to download the two volumes I didn't have, and I am currently reading Gullible's Travels.
Jul 23, 2016 at 4:41 AM Post #4,361 of 5,373

Jul 23, 2016 at 11:47 PM Post #4,362 of 5,373
Hi PalJoey,
Thanks for the information.  Much appreciated.  Aside from the "Library of America" volume I have two other Lardner compilations.  All three books combined, contain just about everything he wrote that was published.  It's always refreshing reading him again after a while.

Thanks for reminding me of Lardner's work. It prompted me to download the two volumes I didn't have, and I am currently reading Gullible's Travels.

Glad I could be of help/ remind you.  Enjoy Pal Joey. 


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