What book are you reading right now?
Jan 2, 2012 at 3:28 PM Post #2,266 of 5,373
Also, this. I'm probably the biggest 16 year old Bigfoot hobbyist for the past 6 years now. We are heading up to Marble Mountain next week for an expedition. Going to be fun, hoping to get wood knockings and some growls back, possibly, although highly unlikely!

Jan 7, 2012 at 4:05 PM Post #2,267 of 5,373

Jan 11, 2012 at 11:32 PM Post #2,269 of 5,373

Well technically I finished it yesterday, bought it the day before.
And now:

Jan 16, 2012 at 8:24 PM Post #2,272 of 5,373
Now I'm on to:
"The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man: How Reliable Is the Gospel Tradition?" by Robert M Price.
Jan 24, 2012 at 4:38 PM Post #2,273 of 5,373
Just began reading "Moby Dick" for the third time. There's a new translation out in my language that is absolutely stunning, giving the humour and the existential drama of this epic tale just the right flavour..
Jan 31, 2012 at 12:40 AM Post #2,280 of 5,373

Just finished The Forever War. Some interesting concepts, particularly the effect of time dilation on individuals waging war across the galaxy. I was expecting a drawn out behemoth, but was disappointed to reach the end in no time. The pace and fragmentation of events did not make it less epic however.
This was written in the 70's and it was somewhat distracting to connect some of the imagery and themes to popular forms of entertainment that have blatantly drawn from it. Ridley Scott was attached to an adaption of this material. Shoot me into a "collapsar" and bring me back if/when that eventuates.

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