What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Dec 22, 2013 at 12:00 PM Post #48,571 of 137,413

  That does sound interesting. I'll add it to my Bandcamp wishlist so I can find it later.
There's so much good music on Bandcamp I can't keep up. There are currently 54 items on my Bandcamp wishlist and it keeps growing at a faster rate than I add music to my collection. Thankfully the holidays are here so hopefully I should be able to do some catching up.
Boris - Akuma no Uta
This has always been one of my favorite Boris albums but I'm surprised I'd forgotten just how good this album really is. It is pretty much perfect.
The album cover pays nice tribute to Nick Drake – one of Boris's main influences.

+1-big Boris fan here! Amazing unique band. Japanese band for anyone not in the know-female guitarist that is just OUT OF THIS FREAKING WORLD! This band is absolutely chameleon like.
Some recent posts re: Boards of Canada...I'm on an ambient, dark, eletronic kick. Some great releases on the end of year lists I've been checking out.
Just streamed a new album that's getting some buzz-Darkside-Psychic. I'll definitely pick this one up. Think proggy Pink Flody space rock and psychadelia meets electronic music.

Also, on a bunch of year end lists-Forrest swords-Engravings...good year for electronic atmospheric music...instrumental evoking English landscapes...dark, melodic, lovely

Kammarheit -Starwheel Dark Ambient from 2011

Now, back to some old fashioned rock and roll!
Dec 22, 2013 at 12:40 PM Post #48,572 of 137,413
  That does sound interesting. I'll add it to my Bandcamp wishlist so I can find it later.
There's so much good music on Bandcamp I can't keep up. There are currently 54 items on my Bandcamp wishlist and it keeps growing at a faster rate than I add music to my collection. Thankfully the holidays are here so hopefully I should be able to do some catching up.

Boris - Akuma no Uta
This has always been one of my favorite Boris albums but I'm surprised I'd forgotten just how good this album really is. It is pretty much perfect.
The album cover pays nice tribute to Nick Drake – one of Boris's main influences.

Oh I totally agree with that. I have so many Bandcamp items on my wish list, it feels almost intimidating. However music is my divine escape, so I too hope I can do some catching up as well. I hope you will come to like Burma Project. His work is very dark and ambient, but listening to it I always get the notion that it is conveying a story.

I need to hear more of their work, I haven't gotten too deep beyond a few of their recent albums. I never knew Boris was heavily influenced by Nick Drake. That indeed is an interesting fact. On another note, I also learned they record their music using analogue equipment and track their songs in a "live" studio session. I actually did test this method myself this past semester with a few friends and the sound was incredible in the sense of how expressive the material was. We are still in the process of finalizing the song (an original composition) but it had so much emotion that I really was thrilled to work in this setting. I even consulted with my instructor on this particular form of recording music and he noted saying it was indeed an older method but one that always worked best. So all in all, I indeed did learn something from Boris and plan to apply the same method to future recording sessions. : - )

Virlyn - Man Asleep
Another ETA Label release that I just happened to stumble onto just recently. I am definitely ordering the CD, this album is enchanting and dare I even say: mesmerizing. The method he uses in crafting his music is indeed interesting and perhaps a very modern and "analogue" way of approaching electronic music.
Dec 22, 2013 at 1:19 PM Post #48,573 of 137,413
  Oh I totally agree with that. I have so many Bandcamp items on my wish list, it feels almost intimidating. However music is my divine escape, so I too hope I can do some catching up as well. I hope you will come to like Burma Project. His work is very dark and ambient, but listening to it I always get the notion that it is conveying a story.

I need to hear more of their work, I haven't gotten too deep beyond a few of their recent albums. I never knew Boris was heavily influenced by Nick Drake. That indeed is an interesting fact. On another note, I also learned they record their music using analogue equipment and track their songs in a "live" studio session. I actually did test this method myself this past semester with a few friends and the sound was incredible in the sense of how expressive the material was. We are still in the process of finalizing the song (an original composition) but it had so much emotion that I really was thrilled to work in this setting. I even consulted with my instructor on this particular form of recording music and he noted saying it was indeed an older method but one that always worked best. So all in all, I indeed did learn something from Boris and plan to apply the same method to future recording sessions. : - )

Virlyn - Man Asleep
Another ETA Label release that I just happened to stumble onto just recently. I am definitely ordering the CD, this album is enchanting and dare I even say: mesmerizing. The method he uses in crafting his music is indeed interesting and perhaps a very modern and "analogue" way of approaching electronic music.

Some of the best music for me is the kind that tells a story without the need for words.
Boris's influences are about as eclectic as their music. I'm a BIG fan of recording "live" in the studio. I find that the too perfectionistic production techniques kill a lot of modern-day music. You can't replicate the things recording all the musicians together at the same time brings to the music.

Been relistening to this. After my initial encounter I was undecided, but now on my second and third time going through I've really taken a shine to this record. It has such immense depth in its haunting and ethereal beauty that lies hidden beneath the surface.

Azurium - Untold
https://azurium.bandcamp.com/album/untold (FREE!)


Michael Wollny's [em] - Wasted & Wanted
I got this CD in the mail on Friday. I'm now finally giving it a first audition. Michael Wollny seems to be a really talented musician and has based on what I've read so far a quite interesting approach to music. Below are some live performances of songs that appear on the album. The first one is a rendition of a Kraftwerk song and the second of the first movement of Mahler's 5th symphony. That should give some indication of how broad a spectrum Wollny is drawing things from. His coming album with a new trio even has a version of P!nk's God Is a DJ on it!
Dec 22, 2013 at 1:26 PM Post #48,574 of 137,413
I love this thread for finding music I haven't heard before! Just checked out Nick Drake based on a previous post and ended up buying a greatest hits album on SACD called A Treasury http://www.amazon.com/A-Treasury-Nick-Drake/dp/B0002VE198/

Off topic but did I miss the CD exchange this year or did Head-fi not do it? I guess I wasn't paying enough attention.

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