What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Dec 8, 2023 at 9:09 PM Post #130,877 of 137,785
Dec 8, 2023 at 10:37 PM Post #130,879 of 137,785

March, 1976 - Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco
Dec 8, 2023 at 10:39 PM Post #130,880 of 137,785
Dec 9, 2023 at 5:44 AM Post #130,884 of 137,785
Ok, sorry if I misread you: it seemed I might have inadvertently caused offense and that's something I hate to do, so I can over-correct myself. Thanks for the clarification!

Disco is just plain fun! It was fading in popularity when I was a toddler, but I still remember hearing it on the radio growing up. In my 30's I started adding some to my collection (along with more soul/funk/rnb).

It's fun to experience your musical proclivities shifting over time. I still love my core genres of (broadly) classic rock, 80's metal and just about all other popular 80's music, 90's grunge/alt/metal, classical (especially the romantic era), and 50's and 60's jazz, but I've gone much deeper into genres/sub genres and eras I didn't explore much in my formative years but still causally liked (such as soul/funk/rnb, singer/songwriter, rap, etc).

It's an axiom (or at least should be) that we all have different preferences in a great many things, including our musical passions, and there is no objective right or wrong here (I don't have any "guilty pleasures" in music: if I like it, I like it and there's nothing wrong with that!). I don't understand why so many don't comprehend that and implicitly or explicitly laugh at/attack others' tastes (it even happens in this thread from time to time!). Musical snobbery is particularly odious to me.

So, yes, let's all enjoy the music we enjoy and not worry what others think about our selections! :thumbsup: (Mini-rant over :smile:)

Thanks for the conversation!

I'm not much for "reaction porn" lol, but she's fun and interesting in her critiques, and I think her reactions are genuine (or she's a good actor). She points out things on first listen that I didn't notice after thousands of listens over decades! Very perceptive.

She's done several other Rush songs (and she doesn't do that with every singer/group, so it's safe to say she's somewhat of a fan at least), including 2112, and at one point even described Geddy's vocals as "beeaauutiful" . That might be the first time I ever heard anyone, especially a professional singer, say that about Ged's vocals! (But I fully agree with it!)

My favorite Rush era has always been '80 - '91, but '75 - '91 is what I consider their best years overall (even if I strongly prefer their 80's output over their 70's). Clockwork Angels is also a favorite and in some ways I think it's their best album ever. Just a very mature, accomplished, deep, and yet fun/rocking sprawling masterpiece. I can't imagine a more perfect swansong for them.

I've long realized that I simply can not have a favorite Rush album or song, even if I do have a favorite era. There's so much in their catalog that is incomparable; for instance, Show Don't Tell is one of my top Rush tracks, but so is 2112. Incomparable tracks. Both outstanding in their own way. Just like so many of their albums. I'm just glad there's so much variety in their music that you can pick tracks/albums according to mood (unless your mood is for mellow music! lol).


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I agree with you about The Charismatic Voice. She's genuinely passionate about music, and she's kind and sweet. She's also knowledgeable and good at what she does.
I recently bought Boston's self titled album because of her..

Dec 9, 2023 at 7:52 AM Post #130,886 of 137,785

As if Richard & Linda Thompson...

Dec 9, 2023 at 7:56 AM Post #130,887 of 137,785
Dec 9, 2023 at 8:01 AM Post #130,888 of 137,785
As a fan of Carbon Based Lifeforms, I don't know how I missed this latest album which was released in June! Enjoying it now...

Dec 9, 2023 at 8:19 AM Post #130,889 of 137,785
Oh man, if you like it as much as I do, you're in for a treat!

One of my favorite live Rush albums. The recording is pretty good (and much better than some other live Rush albums) for one thing.

I saw them twice on the Test For Echo tour, both legs, (and once on the Counterparts tour, which was my first rock concert ever as I was old enough) and the 1st performance on that tour remains one of my favorite Rush concerts (I saw them 10, 11? times from '93 to '15).

As for Liz; I just finished her Xanadu analysis and was somewhat surprised that she pretty much gushes over Geddy's vocals for about 15 minutes (with of course music listening and analysis too) starting here:

Once again, I learned some new things, found myself nodding with agreement and impressed with her perspicacity when she "got it" and made connections others would have missed (especially on the first listen: I know I did!) and her joy for music (and seemingly just life in general) is infectious. Her effusive expressions/reactions make me actually laugh (in a good-natured way) sometimes as she's just fun to watch and kind of goofy. She has such an expressive face and you can tell when she's really into a song/band (there's even her body language: she'll start almost dancing in her chair, leaning forward, wiggling and emoting semi-involuntary "oooohhhhh!" sounds and such). She's really "adorkable" lol. I hope she listens to Xanadu live, because you haven't really heard that song until you've heard it live imo: my favorite version is on R40.

Hope you enjoy!

You've described her with much more grace than I did, so thank you for that! And I agree that her authentic love for music is the draw to watch her videos, and you should watch her videos analyzing Dio if you haven't already. 😊

As for live shows, the only tour I was able to catch was Moving Pictures in May of 1981 in Syracuse NY (I was 15 at the time), and what I remember of it, it was amazing. Exit Stage Left is the only live album of theirs I've listened to so far, but I'm looking to rectify that.
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