What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Jul 8, 2023 at 3:13 PM Post #125,656 of 139,159
Buckingham Nicks - Self titled album (the one and only)
Jul 8, 2023 at 5:05 PM Post #125,657 of 139,159
I always look forward to new releases in the Haydn 2032 series tbh.

But there is another cycle in the make I like no less maybe even better... There are ca. 17 volumes available to date.
Yes I like those recordings. The overall character of these performances sit somewhere in between the performances of Trevor Pinnock and Frans Brüggen. I especially like Nirochika Iimori's recording of symphony no. 56
The only other recording of no. 56 I know is that of Christopher Hogwood, a fine recording but the strings sound a bit forced/stressed. Iimori's bit slower and deliberate bouncy tempo of that march-like theme in the 1st movement I also like better and the sound of his recording is vastly superior.

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Jul 8, 2023 at 5:25 PM Post #125,658 of 139,159

You finally arrive on Earth. You recall how excited the operators at base were to experience the fruits and nature of Earth, including its rare flowers. What you sense can only be described as foreign. Plentiful patches of grass remain, and the virile and tingly scent stimulates your nose. The bright sun's warmth is embraced by your abnormally pale skin. Looking up, you don't see the movements of life. "Confirmative", you thought, "9S stated birds are rarely seen". What surrounds you seems untouched by centuries. Massive metallic or stone buildings jut out of the ground. Brown, dilapidated, and leaning, they are overrun with the surrounding plants. Giant stalks of trees protruded from various buildings. The ground, slightly flooded with oddly pure water, showed old forms of transportation. What is also visible from scores of meters above is a massive transport system made of stone that has also crumbled. "This is not the time for sight-seeing", you say. After all, you recall your mission given by HQ and also the treacherous surroundings, sparsely filled with enemies. You run towards the encampment marked on your map. You cannot help but take some time to look around the area, taking in organic and inorganic materials as you move towards your destination.

City Ruins - Rays of Light
clocks in at 6:22, the fourth-longest track from the album. It is the first thing you hear after arriving on Earth and can be described as a fairly ambient piece. The vocals are foreign, not dissimilar to the area around you. Presumably a female, the voice sounds similar to an alto, occupying half of the song's melody. With not many words and drawn out: It's warm, breathy, and quite calming. The track starts instrumentally: Thin, airy, and infrequent guitar strumming with a higher-pitched guitar for accompaniment. Low, ascending and descending droning takes appears in the background. The starting melody is built up with singular, reverberant piano notes. The next phase begins at 0:58. A dissonant cello, bass ostinato, and rhythm change in guitar. The vocals follow shortly. At 2:24, the linear piano is well contrasted by the held, higher notes of that vocal. A tempo change occurs at 3:22, and the bass ostinato stops for the rest of the track while repeating the first phase until the coda. The coda starts at 5:40, introducing a fading drone while scaling all the instruments. Only a brief piano melody is left.​
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Jul 8, 2023 at 5:29 PM Post #125,659 of 139,159
As guilty as a pleasure can be (yes I am late to the party). That said, the song is actually very well written. Great melody!

Jul 8, 2023 at 8:56 PM Post #125,661 of 139,159
OK so I discovered the composer Tan Dun a couple months ago and really love his double concerto (piano/violin) so I gave his guitar concerto a listen. I simply could not make it through the entire piece. It is just noise to me. YMMV!!!

Jul 8, 2023 at 9:30 PM Post #125,662 of 139,159
OK so I discovered the composer Tan Dun a couple months ago and really love his double concerto (piano/violin) so I gave his guitar concerto a listen. I simply could not make it through the entire piece. It is just noise to me. YMMV!!!

Thanx for the heads-up as I'm curating from our posts here new classical suggestions (as well as other genre's) as I'm sure others are.
In my home system I have a hybrid-tube preamp which is of some advantage with difficult recordings - though with advancing age I can be easily discouraged from finishing all too many albums due to as you say "sounds like noise amplified" lol .

I have my eye on an all tube BAT VK-90 preamp just out of necessity, and for giggles :astonished::relaxed:
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Jul 8, 2023 at 10:26 PM Post #125,664 of 139,159

Syd Barrett - "Barrett" and "The Madcap Laughs"
Jul 9, 2023 at 1:55 AM Post #125,668 of 139,159

Jul 9, 2023 at 2:10 AM Post #125,669 of 139,159
Rudolstadt Festival Day 3:

Very hot day (only getting hotter now) with a lot of good music, but some personal disappointment as well :D

The first concert was by Tony Avila in the Theater, a truly great perfomance that captivated the audience completely, nobody wanted to leave! He teared up at the end because he was so moved by the audience.

After that I went to the Park where Telmary Y Habanasana performed, it was a very good concert but I was so exhausted this day that I had to leave early. The last two nights were so cold that I had to walk around the city from 3-5 AM so I would not freeze in my tent.
And then it was also it was freaking hot during the day.
So I saw some of their songs, but left early.

Next up, back to the theatre (it was colder in there)
A very interesting piece of history was revived by the granddaughter of it's founder Siti Bind Saad. I am talking about a music genre called Taarab, which only existed in Sansibar and the aarab country which colonised it. Siti Muharam and her band played the traditional songs created by her grandmother in the traditional style. Many people left the theatre. I enjoyed the perfomance, but I get it also. They will play again with modern influences today and I think I will take another look.

Here is also link for the history of Taarab:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taarab

After that I saw the Orchester Im Treppenhaus, they played original compositions from all over the world that they had collected under the "Disco" theme. Very enjoyable and creatively orchestrated dance music, performed purely acoustically.

Next up (and unfortunately last for me) was the Hong Sung Hyun Art Company that played a show inspired by korean shaman music. This was a special concert, they really gave it their all and literally played the audience out of the theatre in the end, dancing and playing with us in the hallway.

The audio quality of this video is not great unfortunately and does their music a great injustice.

The last concert I wanted to see was by Los Van Van at 1 am. They are a beloved cuban band, one of the biggest names their and apparently the founder of Songo. But I was so exhausted that I went to my tent and slept pretty much until the next morning.

So I am sad that I didn't see their perfomance, but at least I feel better today. The last day!
Jul 9, 2023 at 5:18 AM Post #125,670 of 139,159

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