What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Nov 14, 2016 at 7:46 AM Post #70,621 of 137,779
Last night just after midnight New Zealand Day Light Saving Time I was enjoying my last LP for the night  an Australian pressing of Cleo Laine: "Cleo's Greatest Hits." VPL2-7200.
I was running in my new Lyra "Delos" cartridge and on Friday I had just installed a new Mapleshade Maple Platform for my turntable which was mounted on 3 Mapleshade Micropoint Megafeet. After I had set it all up I thought jeez I wonder how this will perform if there were an earthquake???  I thought no more about it.
Back to Sunday night I am about 1/3 into side one and about 6 hours odd on the cartridge, cat on my lap and then there was this gentle jolt followed by another gentle jolt, the cat was gone, then the house started to slowly move in a circular motion. I am still sitting on the couch with the headphones on trying to comprehend what the hell is going on. The needle is still tracking the groove and the record is playing fine, I then realise what is happening, I get up as the house starts rotating a bit quicker and move over to the turntable to get the arm up. By now it is starting to get a little difficult to walk, the amazing thing is the needle is still tracking and I manage to lift the arm before it skips. By now the doors in the house are swinging open and shut, the house is creaking and shacking, there is a lot of noise and the house is not only going around in a circular motion but it is rolling up and down as well and it is growing in intensity. Not only that but normally when an earthquake hits they usually die down after 15 to 25 seconds but this beasty kept going and it was getting bigger and stronger. It was starting to get a tad scary and it didn't want to stop. It was also starting to get very difficult to stand up and I wasn't worrying about the stereo anymore. The quake seemed to go on for ages and when I looked at the Geonet drum for my area it showed 6 minutes. It felt every second of that and I was 300 kms away from the epicenter!!!!!!!! Can you imagine what it must have been like for the people that were right on top of it?
We are lucky here in New Zealand as we have strict building codes regarding earthquake protection and mitigation, but we also dodged a massive bullet last night as the quake struck in low population farming district away from any major cities and at midnight. Unfortunately 3 people died but it could have quite easily been a major disaster.
The turntable was still sitting on top of the Mapleshade Platform and had not moved after it was all over, a great test for their isolation system I think and almost earthquake proof as well. 
Nov 14, 2016 at 5:54 PM Post #70,630 of 137,779
<a data-cke-saved-href="http://mephistophelesaustralia.bandcamp.com/album/sounds-of-the-end" href="http://mephistophelesaustralia.bandcamp.com/album/sounds-of-the-end">Sounds Of The End by Mephistopheles</a><a data-cke-saved-href="http://peculate.bandcamp.com/album/the-chain-industry" href="http://peculate.bandcamp.com/album/the-chain-industry">The Chain Industry by Peculate</a> 
Nov 14, 2016 at 11:34 PM Post #70,634 of 137,779

Nov 15, 2016 at 2:19 AM Post #70,635 of 137,779

Midnight Oil - Diesel and Dust

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