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Dec 4, 2021 at 10:39 PM Post #1,081 of 1,326
Bo Ne (Vietnamese steak and eggs)

Bo Ne is the Vietnamese version of steak and eggs and I gotta say…this was the best version of steak and eggs I’ve ever had. What a fantastic version.

This Bo Ne was served with a dollop of pâté on top of the eggs and also 2 Vietnamese meatballs as a bonus.

Keep in mind that not all Bo Ne versions are the same. Some restaurants will serve mediocre versions so you mileage may vary if you decide to try it.

Although this photo looks a little ugly. It was excellent.


Wow...one of the very few VN dishes that I have never tried.
Dec 8, 2021 at 12:52 PM Post #1,082 of 1,326
Paneer Tikka Sandwich

From an Indian restaurant that specializes in sandwiches only which is rare here in America but they do exist.

Made with organic Sach brand paneer marinated in yogurt, lime juice, Kashmiri chili paste, North Indian spices, onions, peppers, desi slaw, cilantro, chutney and wrapped in a warm buttered naan bread.

What is paneer?…it’s a cheese from India.

This sandwich is not only the best cheese sandwich I’ve ever had but it’s also one of the greatest sandwiches I’ve ever had.

I believe this sandwich could be very popular in America if it were promoted in media. It’s very easy to love and I believe that even if you don’t like Indian food, you will probably love it. It’s really that amazing.

What an incredible food discovery. Simply amazing.

Dec 8, 2021 at 1:01 PM Post #1,083 of 1,326
Soup dumplings

This is one of the most interesting food items in the world of authentic Chinese food. Difficult to find but excellent.

It’s a dumpling with meat and soup inside. When you put it inside your mouth and bite, the soup bursts inside your mouth and it’s awesome.

Your mileage may vary. I’ve had mediocre versions but this particular version has the right texture and was spot on. Really enjoyed this one.


In the photo above I topped it with spicy chili oil. There was also Chinese black vinegar too on the table which is great to pour on top of dumplings.


For more info, there are some YouTube videos about soup dumplings. They’re actually kind of famous.
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Dec 8, 2021 at 1:17 PM Post #1,084 of 1,326

This is Chinese sticky rice wrapped with bamboo leaves. This particular version has Chinese boiled peanuts and pork.

I believe this could be popular with Americans if it were promoted. It’s actually a very good food item and you can eat it at room temperature or warm.


A great thing about it is that it’s portable. Take it with you on a hiking trip, picnic or on a long road trip. Easy to throw in your pack back since it’s wrapped up.


Here’s what it looks like when it’s opened. I poured spicy chili oil on top. This is a great food item that’s easy to like.
Dec 9, 2021 at 12:52 PM Post #1,085 of 1,326
Fried whole fish from a Colombian restaurant

Fried whole fish in country of Columbia is part of the culture. It’s also very common in many Mexican communities too. In the past few years I have seen many Mexicans enjoying this specialty.

This version was above average and really good. Moist and juicy like a chicken wing because of the bone.

I also noticed many other customers ordering the same dish too in the room.

Very popular and people love it.

Dec 9, 2021 at 1:01 PM Post #1,086 of 1,326
Restaurant DIY Tteokbokki

This restaurant makes you cook Tteokbokki at your table with a portable stove. (10 minutes cooking time)

Tteokbokki is a Korean rice dough like food. It kind of tastes like pasta and dough and also has a similar quality to Japanese mochi but they are not the same.

Here’s the before photo before the cooking process at my restaurant table


After it’s cooked here’s the pic.


It’s delicious with a spicy flavor. Nice soft and chewy texture too.
Dec 9, 2021 at 1:04 PM Post #1,087 of 1,326
Fried whole fish from a Colombian restaurant

Fried whole fish in country of Columbia is part of the culture. It’s also very common in many Mexican communities too. In the past few years I have seen many Mexicans enjoying this specialty.

This version was above average and really good. Moist and juicy like a chicken wing because of the bone.

I also noticed many other customers ordering the same dish too in the room.

Very popular and people love it.

There's some bomb-ass Columbian food. That fish looks tasty. Fish is great fried in the surface. I particularly luv Columbian BBQ. South Americans knows how to eat meat.
Dec 9, 2021 at 1:20 PM Post #1,088 of 1,326
There's some bomb-ass Columbian food. That fish looks tasty. Fish is great fried in the surface. I particularly luv Columbian BBQ. South Americans knows how to eat meat.

I agree. South American food is really good and under rated. South American soups have really impressed me in the past few years.

A few months ago, I had a Colombian chicken soup with chicken gizzards and it blew me away. Probably the best chicken soup I’ve ever had.
Dec 22, 2021 at 1:17 PM Post #1,089 of 1,326
Classic Cantonese duck noodle soup

This is one of my all time favorite noodle soups and also one of my favorite dishes in the category of authentic Chinese food.

This version has egg noodles which in my opinion is the best type of noodles for this soup, roasted duck, Chinese greens and as a bonus I requested some shrimp dumplings as an add on.

In my opinion one should order this dish at a restaurant that specializes in duck. I personally would not order this dish at a Chinese restaurant that does not focus on duck. But your mileage may vary.


How I discovered this dish:

I actually discovered this dish years ago when I was walking around in Chinatown Philadelphia on a very cold winter night.

It was so cold, dark, miserable and depressing. When I stepped inside a restaurant called “Joe’s Duck House” (no longer there) I had ordered this dish. It was so warm and comforting. This was a bowl of love.

It was so therapeutic on that cold miserable winter night. I was suddenly filled with happiness and I developed an emotional attachment to this dish.
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Dec 22, 2021 at 1:32 PM Post #1,090 of 1,326
Vietnamese meatball Bánh mi.

What is Bánh mi?

Bánh mi is a Vietnamese sandwich on a long roll. Typically the filling options are pork, chicken, sardines, etc….along with Vietnamese vegetables.

This particular version has meatballs.

Vietnamese meatballs? Yes. Meatballs are actually a part of the culture.

This was from a dedicated Bánh mi shop that only has Bánh mi on their menu and nothing else. It was possibly the best Bánh mi I’ve had so far.

The meatballs were outstanding. They were soft and juicy and melted in my mouth. The vegetables were extra crisp due to the super fresh conditions. Since the menu was limited I feel the management really monitored the ingredients better.

Not all Vietnamese meatballs are the same in every restaurant. Your mileage may vary so keep that in mind if you decide to search for the perfect meatball.



This place also used a Vietnamese brand hot sauce which was excellent. I feel that Chin Su hot sauce could potentially be popular in America if it was promoted. I think it could go well with breakfast eggs and breakfast potatoes too. I believe this Vietnamese hot sauce can blend well with American food.
I will keep an eye open for it in france, because they have many Vietnamese restaurants, presumably because it was part of the french colonial past.
Dec 27, 2021 at 2:14 PM Post #1,092 of 1,326
Garlic roasted bone marrow noodle soup

This is a very unique noodle soup. The broth had that deep roasted garlic beef flavor. The bone marrow was delicious.


The dish also had braised pork belly too which elevated the dish further
Dec 27, 2021 at 3:01 PM Post #1,093 of 1,326
Garlic roasted bone marrow noodle soup

This is a very unique noodle soup. The broth had that deep roasted garlic beef flavor. The bone marrow was delicious.

The dish also had braised pork belly too which elevated the dish further
The properly cooked Ramen are usually broth from cooked bones, no? Thant looks good by the way. Noodles and boiled bone broth does go together. It's a nice touch to put the cutlets on the top.
Dec 27, 2021 at 4:57 PM Post #1,094 of 1,326
The properly cooked Ramen are usually broth from cooked bones, no? Thant looks good by the way. Noodles and boiled bone broth does go together. It's a nice touch to put the cutlets on the top.

I think you’re right about bones and ramen.

This noodle dish did have a similarity to ramen but with the extra garlic flavor in a good way.

The restaurant did not call it ramen but the dish seemed to have used elements of ramen.

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