what are you drinking right now..
Dec 13, 2021 at 11:53 AM Post #1,081 of 1,188
Elf on the shelf

The name of this cocktail is Elf on the shelf. Another Christmas drink.

This had St. George Baller Single Malt whiskey, calvados, tonic wine, banana amaro and maple syrup.

The interesting thing about this is that it had St George Baller Single Malt whiskey which is a whiskey from California. I was actually surprised since California is not known for whiskey.

A very good drink and fit for a king.

Dec 26, 2021 at 1:05 PM Post #1,082 of 1,188
Mezcal Negroni with a small splash of absinthe

This is a Negroni cocktail but with a different variation.

It has mezcal instead of gin. It also has a few drops of absinthe. Absinthe has a very strong flavor so you only need a tiny amount to make a difference with the flavor profile.


Wow. I love this drink. It’s so good.

The standard Negroni with gin is great too so if that’s your only choice at a bar, that’s great. I was fortunate to have an adventurous bartender to experiment with a different variation
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Dec 26, 2021 at 1:38 PM Post #1,083 of 1,188
Smoky, and extends the flavour of Laphroig.
Works well with lemon zest.
Spotted it on sale in my local delicatessen, and bought a bottle for my pre-christmas birthday.
Costs more than I would normally pay, but I reckoned I deserved it for all the hard work during 2021.

Enjoyed it so much that I returned and bought a bottle for Christmas/New Year.

I don't think it has a large production run, so that is it until next Christmas.

Dec 26, 2021 at 2:17 PM Post #1,084 of 1,188
Vespers martini (Original James Bond drink from the Ian Fleming 1950s book)

This has gin and vodka and Cocci Americano liquor. In the original version Lillet was used but modern Lillet is not the same as the 1950s novel version from Ian Fleming who wrote the story.

As a result, modern bartenders use Cocci Americano instead which is similar to the old 1950s version of Lillet.

Also FYI, Cocci Americino is an Italian product and it’s great.


I love this drink. It has a certain type of refinement and I can see why Ian Fleming the creator of James Bond liked it


If you go to a high end bar, a well knowledgeable bartender should be able to make it properly
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Jan 5, 2022 at 2:53 PM Post #1,085 of 1,188
Here’s another version of the Vespers martini from another bar I’m having right now.

This version has Bustletown vodka (made in Georgia USA), Martin Miller gin (made in England) and Cocchi Americano (Italy)

It’s excellent. In my opinion, matching the right brands is the key to a successful martini


This version is dry, crisp and refreshing. It also has a nice complexity that kind of reminds me of some of the good white wines.

It does not have that harsh unpleasantness you may experience with other martinis.
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Jan 5, 2022 at 3:26 PM Post #1,086 of 1,188
Negroni Flip

This is an Italian Negroni cocktail but with an unusual variation.

It’s an Italian Negroni cocktail with raw egg mixed in. Typically there is no egg but this version has it.

It’s not for everyone and some people have criticized the egg part saying that it dilutes the flavors but I love this drink. Also FYI, adding an egg to a cocktail is an old tradition that goes back to many centuries so it’s not a new idea.

I really like this drink

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Jan 13, 2022 at 12:10 PM Post #1,087 of 1,188
Japanese whiskey cocktail infused with ginger snap cookies

This cocktail is one of the best cocktails I’ve ever had. It’s also super crazy creative.

The bar infused figs and ginger snap cookies in house with the whiskey. It also has pale sherry, lemon juice and garnished with a dried candied piece of ginger.

It has a complex whiskey flavor and you can taste the ginger cookies. It’s as if the bartenders are mad scientists with their own infusion laboratory

Yes I know it sounds crazy but it’s shockingly good. It’s slightly sweet so it’s not really a dessert drink but it’s also sophisticated in its flavor profile.


If there is an award, this cocktail should win this year. It’s fantastic.
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Jan 16, 2022 at 11:51 AM Post #1,088 of 1,188
Classic Hot Toddy

This a great classic warm winter cocktail that you will find in Ireland and the UK. You can also find it here in America too but it’s best to go to a bar where the bartender understands this drink. My bartender grew up in Ireland so he knew how to make it.

This version is a simple one with hot water, a small amount of sugar, lemon studded with cloves and Powers Irish whiskey. It’s simple but great.

This is from an Irish bar in an old building probably about 100 years old with a beautiful fireplace.


Drinking a nice warm Hot Toddy on a cold winter day and sitting by the fireplace is such a joy. It’s classic and timeless.
Feb 12, 2022 at 5:01 PM Post #1,089 of 1,188
Dalgona Coffee

According to Wikipedia, this is a coffee drink that was popular on social media during the Covid 19 pandemic.

I don’t know much about this cold coffee drink but it is delicious. It is kind of unique tasting and I can see why it was a thing on social media


Edit: The late afternoon sunlight made this photo extra nice. I normally don’t drink coffee in the late afternoon though
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Feb 18, 2022 at 2:39 PM Post #1,090 of 1,188
Here’s another version of the Dalgona drink but this time it’s the Matcha Green tea version.

This is excellent. Very creative and the matcha tea blends well. I hope this version becomes popular. Personally I think this is more interesting than other popular drinks at other popular coffee places


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