Watts Up...?
Apr 19, 2024 at 7:42 PM Post #4,623 of 4,887
It's also a scientific thing. Neuroscience/psychology/evolutionary biology has for decades recognized conscious, slow, directed thought ("System 2", as many in the field call it) as a much later-evolved (as recently as 200,000 to 100,000 years) and very different process from the millions-of-years-old System 1, automatic, instant, unconscious thought that our brains use 90%+ of the time. When you sit around trying to "find" differences, you're using System 2. When you just listen to music to get lost in it, that's System 1.

It's analogous to sitting out on a sunny day, eyes closed, enjoying the breeze, versus thinking about the breeze and the sun. As Kahneman has pointed out, it's almost impossible to fully enjoy something while you're focused on analyzing it.

I hear night-and-day differences with the M-Scaler on, but I don't listen to them, I just notice them. My most recent experience was a snare drum. I first listened M-Scaler off. Fine. Then M-Scaler on, my brain immediately notices "wow there's a snare drum in the room." Only THEN did I analyze why I heard the difference.

The brain didn't evolve to listen to music. It evolved to understand the environment you're in. And it's INCREDIBLY good at that. And losing yourself in music is, to the brain, an exercise in experiencing the environment.

But if you contaminate that process with analytical thought, the brain can't do as good a job. If you doubt me, go to a concert sometime and see how much you enjoy the music while thinking about your financial situation.
Excellently put, only Rob's stuff gets me to System 1, the rest is system 2 😂 😂 😂
Apr 20, 2024 at 8:01 PM Post #4,624 of 4,887
Just dropping a followup to my post a few days ago.

Okay now I’m starting to understand the HMS. Once I stopped rapid A/Bing and listened for a couple hours…I began unconsciously hearing the expanded sound stage, increased depth and clarity. Thanks again to all for the suggestions.
Apr 21, 2024 at 2:01 AM Post #4,625 of 4,887
Just dropping a followup to my post a few days ago.

Okay now I’m starting to understand the HMS. Once I stopped rapid A/Bing and listened for a couple hours…I began unconsciously hearing the expanded sound stage, increased depth and clarity. Thanks again to all for the suggestions.
Glad you’re starting to hear it’s benefits.

Personally, the best way to see just how good the Mscaler is, is to just listen and enjoy your music for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks remove it from your system.

When I first got the Mscaler I was a little but underwhelmed.

When I ended up doing the above, the difference was so evident that it will never leave my chain unless I upgrade to their replacement scaler one day.
Apr 21, 2024 at 3:18 AM Post #4,626 of 4,887
Hello, these days I'm really interested in Chord's technology and planning to buy a Qutest.
Meanwhile, I came up with a question.

Chord's proprietary digital filters and algorithms reduce errors in DA conversion and if so, AFAIK, the same can be achieved in AD conversion.
Because, in theory, the anti-aliasing filter for AD conversion and reconstruction filter for DA conversion are ideally identical.
So.. have ever Chord tried to apply its technology to AD converters for recording studio or even consumer recorders?

I know this is an unrealistic question that is obsessed with theory, but can't resist to ask here.:raising_hand:
Apr 21, 2024 at 3:23 AM Post #4,627 of 4,887
Hello, these days I'm really interested in Chord's technology and planning to buy a Qutest.
Meanwhile, I came up with a question.

Chord's proprietary digital filters and algorithms reduce errors in DA conversion and if so, AFAIK, the same can be achieved in AD conversion.
Because, in theory, the anti-aliasing filter for AD conversion and reconstruction filter for DA conversion are ideally identical.
So.. have ever Chord tried to apply its technology to AD converters for recording studio or even consumer recorders?

I know this is an unrealistic question that is obsessed with theory, but can't resist to ask here.:raising_hand:
Hmm.. the anti-aliasing filter for AD conversion should be an analog filter and the other is a digital filter..
Sorry guys I don't even know what I'm asking.
Apr 21, 2024 at 3:29 AM Post #4,628 of 4,887
Hello, these days I'm really interested in Chord's technology and planning to buy a Qutest.
Meanwhile, I came up with a question.

Chord's proprietary digital filters and algorithms reduce errors in DA conversion and if so, AFAIK, the same can be achieved in AD conversion.
Because, in theory, the anti-aliasing filter for AD conversion and reconstruction filter for DA conversion are ideally identical.
So.. have ever Chord tried to apply its technology to AD converters for recording studio or even consumer recorders?

I know this is an unrealistic question that is obsessed with theory, but can't resist to ask here.:raising_hand:
The AD converter (Davina-Project) is still in development.
Apr 21, 2024 at 9:02 AM Post #4,630 of 4,887
Wow thanks!
I first remember Davina being mentioned just after Dave was launched so the project has been running for several years.
Rob occasionally posts about the progress, and I think he now has prototype boards, plus has been recording live music to enable him to compare the live music he hears during the recording sessions, with the results of the overall chain of Davina ADC > MScaler > DAVE DAC.
Give the number of items (gear) that needed to be developed, it is not surprising that this was not an overnight project.
Apr 21, 2024 at 9:16 AM Post #4,631 of 4,887
The main problem still being the demands of the recording industry, which are often quite a bit different from Robs philosophy. But since it is mainly made for them he needs to play ball. Meeting these requirements but still achieving his own goals was/is the challenge from what I understand.
Apr 21, 2024 at 9:23 AM Post #4,632 of 4,887
The main problem still being the demands of the recording industry, which are often quite a bit different from Robs philosophy. But since it is mainly made for them he needs to play ball. Meeting these requirements but still achieving his own goals was/is the challenge from what I understand.
That's exactly right, the recording industry's main focus is making money for sure, while Rob's is getting as close as possible to the sound of unamplified live music.
Apr 21, 2024 at 10:00 AM Post #4,633 of 4,887
That's exactly right, the recording industry's main focus is making money for sure, while Rob's is getting as close as possible to the sound of unamplified live music.
Yea.. I think the recording industry won't be so interested in Rob's attempts but personally as a consumer I'll be more excited for reduced ad/da conversion error and better reconstruction of analog recording as it is in CD quality than the "Hi-Res" BS. :)
Apr 23, 2024 at 3:56 PM Post #4,634 of 4,887
Can I ask - is it better to have a Chord Poly 2 when putting together a system and using the digital pulse array pre-amp in the Poly 2 which should be better than "any" analog pre-amp (in a purist sense) - or continue using a Chord Qutest into a standard deleterious analog pre-amp?

Apr 23, 2024 at 7:38 PM Post #4,635 of 4,887
Can I ask - is it better to have a Chord Poly 2 when putting together a system and using the digital pulse array pre-amp in the Poly 2 which should be better than "any" analog pre-amp (in a purist sense) - or continue using a Chord Qutest into a standard deleterious analog pre-amp?

I have found through personal experience that both Bluetooth and WiFi for streaming is VASTLY INFERIOR to cabled ethernet (Fibre or copper+RJ45 it doesn't matter all cabling is better than over-the-air transmissions).

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