Watching the Watchmen...
Mar 17, 2009 at 7:52 AM Post #61 of 77

Originally Posted by Dr. Strangelove /img/forum/go_quote.gif
1: Over your head.
2: Sex sells? What is your implication here?

"For non-readers, you'd expect them to not understand the movie at all, like one of my friends just walked out of the cinema after an hour just because the movie did not make sense at all."

Person I was with (has not read the GN) was quite interested in story and said the movie was very good (deep, thought provoking, sweeping epic).

That was the person you were with. I'm afraid I wasn't with that person. Over my head? When you've watched Anime which had done better in the same style of story, you'll get what I mean. Sex sells, as it says. *spoiler*Glowing blue penis, tight costumes, cliche sex scenes *yawn*


Originally Posted by appophylite /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I honestly believe that if you did give the book a chance and do like the book, you might find that you like the movie a bit more. My sister, her friend, her brother and his friend all went to see it on Saturday and the only one out of the three who found the movie enjoyable was my sister. Not one of the four had read the book but my sister had asked to explain what was going to happen and so I explained the book to her and she kind of skimmed through my copy. She says that that helped her to get more enjoyment out of the movie as opposed to the rest of the posse she went with who seems to have had a similar opinion.

Damn, I like what I've been hearing about the movie but I still have nearly an entire week before I can watch it and the wait is really starting to kill me!

Ah but you see, they needed to read/skim through the book and ask you to understand it. Whereas I did not. Which is why IMO, I can say that the movie itself is bland and lifeless. Same reason as what I told Strangelove. Better Anime.
Mar 17, 2009 at 1:02 PM Post #62 of 77

Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Over my head? When you've watched Anime which had done better in the same style of story, you'll get what I mean.

1st: The comic was written before just about all anime you have watched I would assume.
2nd: I watch a lot of anime too, and have not found a comparable narrative to that of Watchmen (theme and story-wise).


Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sex sells, as it says. *spoiler*

I need no better proof that you are incapable of understanding a piece of cinema beyond the surface; this movie is quite cerebral therefore it is no wonder you found little interest in it.
Mar 17, 2009 at 2:19 PM Post #63 of 77
1st: So what? It's like some person who's born a year older than the other person telling him/her, "I'm older than you by a year!". So what?
2nd: Then that's your opinion and your own problem. Doesn't mean it affects my opinion anyways. Again. So what?

To you the movie is quite cerebral. Again. So what? That's your own opinion. AGAIN. If I was incapable of understanding something like "Watchmen" then I wouldn't have said it was predictable to begin with.
Mar 17, 2009 at 3:20 PM Post #64 of 77

Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
1st: So what? It's like some person who's born a year older than the other person telling him/her, "I'm older than you by a year!". So what?
2nd: Then that's your opinion and your own problem. Doesn't mean it affects my opinion anyways. Again. So what?

I know it doesn't effect your thinking, it does however tell others that there is disagreement with your view of things.


Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If I was incapable of understanding something like "Watchmen" then I wouldn't have said it was predictable to begin with.

Somehow I doubt your logic here. Just because you claim to have predicted the narrative does not mean you have an understanding of the subversive themes at work in the film.

Once more, I state that you seem to have taken Watchmen at face value, instead of digging a little deeper. Your comment about "sex sells" proves my point beyond a shadow of doubt.
Mar 17, 2009 at 4:26 PM Post #65 of 77

I did not really think that any level of predictability spoiled the setting of the movie for me. Being that many themes from the story are based on symbolism, politics, the nature of human kind, and philosophy, these concepts are already understood or presumed as so when reading or following the movies narratives. It is how the themes were depicted visually and faithfully through multiple narratives that interested me. The philosophy of the nature of being and presence/absence of a higher being provided transportation of some of the key elements of Moore's written insight to motion.

It is to the perception of the viewer/reader what thoughts are evoked while observing the source material, which I found interesting when reading the book and watching the movie. There are intelligible cues throughout both the motion picture and written novel that correlate to Moore's objectives.

I am not disagreeing with you or anyone else on this, however.
Mar 18, 2009 at 1:44 AM Post #66 of 77

Indeed. All in all it's my view of the movie. I'd rather have people disagree with my view with proper reasoning rather than going personal and saying "I need no better proof that you are incapable of understanding a piece of cinema beyond the surface".
Mar 18, 2009 at 7:51 AM Post #67 of 77

Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
'd rather have people disagree with my view with proper reasoning rather than going personal and saying "I need no better proof that you are incapable of understanding a piece of cinema beyond the surface".

Excuse me but it was deduction on my part: everyone involved in the production of the GN and film who have commented on the "sex" you described have talked about it in context of a subversive theme, a deconstruction of typical elements in super hero movies, or essential to the plot (Dr. Manhattan not caring about his appearance).

The person I was with even got what the movie was trying to say in those regards.

No where have I seen the people involved in production of either film or novel comment that the graphic elements were inserted to boost ticket sales...
Mar 18, 2009 at 10:06 AM Post #68 of 77
Well your deduction is wrong. Indeed it was an attempt to portray to proper elements of the book. But I don't see how filming a sex scene in a flying contraption for God knows how many minutes, in slow-mo to add, would actually benefit the movie. Much like the director's 300 sex scene which bored me to death. Hell. he even changed the storyline of Watchmen, based on what I read earlier on in this thread.
Mar 18, 2009 at 10:31 AM Post #69 of 77

Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But I don't see how filming a sex scene in a flying contraption for God knows how many minutes, in slow-mo to add, would actually benefit the movie.

While I did not like the style of said scene I am quite sure the director did not add it in for kicks.

[/QUOTE]Hell. he even changed the storyline of Watchmen, based on what I read earlier on in this thread.[/QUOTE]
In my mind it is as faithful to the comic as it could possibly be in it's running time.
Mar 18, 2009 at 11:31 AM Post #70 of 77
That's where your opinions differ from mind. I do know that the sex scene was part of the story but the style was the problem. That's my whole issue with the movie. The style. I did not say the STORY was bad. I said the MOVIE was bad.

And I prefer a live adaptation based on a story to actually stick to the storyline. If it was just a plain old live adaptation like Transformers was, that's forgivable in my book.
Mar 18, 2009 at 11:36 AM Post #71 of 77

Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And I prefer a live adaptation based on a story to actually stick to the storyline. If it was just a plain old live adaptation like Transformers was, that's forgivable in my book.

It WAS faithful to the story line... I am shocked at how close Zack was able to get it to the comic with out WB throwing a fit.
Mar 18, 2009 at 11:30 PM Post #72 of 77

Originally Posted by Dr. Strangelove /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It WAS faithful to the story line... I am shocked at how close Zack was able to get it to the comic with out WB throwing a fit.

I don't see how changing the ending made it faithful, sadly.
Mar 18, 2009 at 11:40 PM Post #74 of 77

Originally Posted by Calexico /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Shouldn't people who have actually READ the Watchmen know what captures the themes and overall mood of the book better than someone who doesn't but happens to be extremely educated on the nuances of the Wikipedia article?

It's, sadly, devolved to simple trolling at this point.

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