WARNING...Very important read. Sleeping while wearing headphones.
Apr 14, 2006 at 4:17 PM Post #31 of 84
what are you.... INSANE???? Sleeping with a lit candle

How loud were you listening to them? My smoke detector is PIERCINGLY loud. You can hear it from the front driveway (I had a toaster incident one morning so I know
) I hope your ears are OK, listening that loud. double yikes. IMHO you should never listen to headphones so loud that they block out the normal sounds of everday life.... kids crying, phone ringing...etc...As you point out it can be bad for reasons other than tinnitus and hearing damage.

Thank goodness you weren't burned or seriously injured.

I think youre OK listening to headphones at night. Just turn th evolume down and find a substitute for the candle light. Sometimes I leave the TV on an un-tuned station. The TV glow and flicker are kind of like candle light. You can go to sharper image and find relaxation products. I think they have lightbulbs that flicker too.

IMHO the glow of tubes at night is TOTALLY relaxing. get a millet with orange LEDs
I have an earmax coming!!!
Apr 14, 2006 at 4:22 PM Post #33 of 84

Originally Posted by Sovkiller
I don't think so, unless a noise cancelling headphone....The fire alarm piercing sound, and others as well, will go even through the Etys seal...I have demo them myself, and even through those muff-sound headphones used in the factories to isolate you....that is why they used those frequencies in the first instance....but remember that you state that you were not hearing while you remove the heapdhones, in your shoes, and to be on the safe sound I would make any doctor to exam your ears, as THIS IS NOT NORMAL at all .... Headphones them selves are not a threatening issue, if used wisely, otherwise they would not exist....now to put something on the oven, or on the stove, or to light a candle or a ciar or cigarette, and go to sleep is....OK???

I agree with a lot of what you say there Sovkiller. I probably should get a Dr to check my ears/hearing. It would be good to know.

I think my body/mind/brain (if I have one?) was still kind of asleep at the time. Perhaps my hearing was all there? but my mind wasn't really focusing on it at the time due to the freaking out. Maybe that's why I can't remember hearing anything or wasn't listening at time. This is something I could ask my Dr. My heart was beating though.. that's for sure. Nothing is wrong there! LOL
Apr 14, 2006 at 4:30 PM Post #34 of 84

Originally Posted by Sovkiller
to light a candle or a ciar or cigarette, and go to sleep is....OK???


Originally Posted by HeavyBassMan
previously lit a candle in my bedroom and intended to distinguish the flame before I finally went to sleep.

He had no intention of sleeping with the candle burning.

I came home from work one day and found my locked window open
and the smell of smoke. My next door neighbor had left his apartment
with a candle burning. Completely torched his place. Mine was fine,
except for the smell. The fire dept had opened my window looking
for the fire.

I have decided that candles are for emergencys and birthday partys only.
Apr 14, 2006 at 4:48 PM Post #35 of 84
HeavyBassMan said:
I think my body/mind/brain (if I have one?) was still kind of asleep at the time. Perhaps my hearing was all there? but my mind wasn't really focusing [/QUOTE

I've been feeling a little under the weather. And I pulled a muscle in my
side the other day. After work yesterday I was really hurting. I went to
the store for a few things. I started feeling woosie and sat down in the
deli section. Next thing I know I open my eyes and can't figure out what
I'm looking at. Stared for at least five seconds and finally looked to the
side. There's a lady standing over me. I'm flat on my back in the store.
I had passed out. For the 5 or 10 seconds I was looking at the ceiling
I couldn't hear a thing. When the lady and I started talking the
dream feeling went away and I could hear fine.

Now how did I end up from an upright sitting position to flat on my
back on the concrete floor, without the slightest bump or tender spot
on the back of my head? Maybe I just layed down and don't remember.
Apr 14, 2006 at 5:04 PM Post #36 of 84

Originally Posted by HeavyBassMan
Hi all,

I thought this was pretty serious and therfore had to post.

Last night, I put my phones on and went to bed. This is something I always do.. I had previously lit a candle in my bedroom and intended to distinguish the flame before I finally went to sleep. I love candlelight. Here is what happend.

At 5:00am, I suddenly awoke. Something was not quiet right. I could NOT hear. I worked out that my music had stopped (sleep timer), and my phones were still on my head. Upon my sleepy daze of waking at 5am, I looked down to the end of my bed. What I saw shocked me. There were flames at the foot of my bed. I had gone to sleep without putting out the candle. Something under the candle caught on fire.

I took my phones off as quick as I could. I thought I was having a nightmare. This was every bit real though. Once the phones were off.. I could not hear at all.. and it took about 30 seconds until I regained my hearing. Only then could I hear the smoke alarm which was VERY loud, just outside my bedroom door.

I put out the fire, and stopped the smoke alarm. I was in absolute shock. Wearing headphones had prevented me from hearing the smoke alarm. I am very thankfull that I woke up. I would hate to think what could have happened if I chose my IEMs instead

I've read reports that indicate it is common for people to sleep through their smoke alarms.. and this is WITHOUT having any headphones on...now I believe this is true. Lighting the candle and not putting it out was a very stupid thing to do. I learned my lesson and I will never do that again. Wearing headphones only made things worse.

This is a real warning for everyone who sleeps with their headphones. Fires can and do happen all the time. Please don't think 'this will never happen to me'.. I thought something like this would 'never happen to me'
....it just did. I was so lucky.

I live alone, I could have easily not woken up. I could have died.

This is why you NEVER light a candle and lay down, or leave one unsupervised, especially when living by yourself.

Great to hear you are OK, this important to your safety as well as any pets you may have..as my girls cat likes to chill at the foot of the bed sometimes..and any monitoring done "in bed" should be waaay low vol, and picking CD's that are only 20-40 minutes in length help too, (and not on repeat)

Generally good advice to fall asleep with the cans on, as it seems to be more meant for the conscious minded, though the music seems to get through to the subconscious too somehow..

Now scary part, if you are in an apt or condo, or share closer living spaces with other people, know that this is a possibility in every home not just yours...so listening at a lower level with the cans can be a good thing for safety sake all around, especially in the PM and while laying down in bed..
Apr 14, 2006 at 5:35 PM Post #37 of 84
Good that you are still with us. Did your wallet burn?

I have had a close call too. My dorm firealarm went off and I didn't hear it(I had my SFPros on). Thank goodness my roommate, was there to alert me. My saving grace was that it was just a firedrill.
Apr 14, 2006 at 6:10 PM Post #38 of 84

Originally Posted by dbintoro
Thank god you are okay man! God has woke you up. =P

yeh, I also think God has woke him up then...

............to let him know it is time to get married

it's kate working there he has to get at grocery
, not a lamp or something like that...
Apr 14, 2006 at 6:36 PM Post #39 of 84
Glad you're ok. How loud did you listen? Better have those ears examined. I doubt the ATH-A900 could block a proper smoke alert in the same room. And always, always, always put something fireproof under your candles.
Apr 14, 2006 at 7:44 PM Post #41 of 84
2 lessons to to be learned here.

1. Never go to sleep with a candle burning (maybe avoid open candles period).
2. Get yourself an open set of cans to sleep with.

Seriously glad you are ok man.
Apr 14, 2006 at 9:28 PM Post #42 of 84
Thais has to be the most dumb thing I've ever heard about... having a lit candle near *any* flammables is plain idiotic. If anything is close enough to a lit candle to catch fire, especially your damn bed when you are in it, then you have to be a few sandwiches short of a full picnic!

It's nice to know you're ok, but really, you needed this particular wake up call before you put others at risk.
Apr 14, 2006 at 9:38 PM Post #43 of 84

FYI...The candles could never left unattended under any circumstances....

I might urge anyone else in this situation to refer to the Flashlight page and Candlelight forum http://www.uwgb.edu/nevermab/led.htm for nifty items that will make your candles obsolete. There are some great rechargeable lanterns and flashlights (I use one every day) that gives you safety and coverage.

I use the Sherpa for long burns and the great Fenix lights for all my portable illumination.
Apr 14, 2006 at 9:57 PM Post #44 of 84

Originally Posted by Otto
For the 5 or 10 seconds I was looking at the ceiling
I couldn't hear a thing. When the lady and I started talking the
dream feeling went away and I could hear fine.

I passed out once and had the same thing happen to me. It was like I had "beer headphones" on or something; what sounds I could hear sounded distant and muffled until I took a minute or two for my hearing to come back.

I've never had it happen to me sleeping, but maybe it does? In any case, good thing you're okay.

Oh, and to everyone saying sleeping with a candle lit is dumb, the OP KNOWS. It's in his post. What would make him really stupid isn't doing it once, but doing it again after something like this happens.

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