WARNING...Very important read. Sleeping while wearing headphones.
Mar 12, 2007 at 8:31 PM Post #76 of 84

Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What was wrong in that picture was the candle and not to wear the headphones....

The tilte must say "Warning...Very important read. Sleeping while leaving candles on"

FYI...The candles could never left unattended under any circumstances....

So you're basically saying that if someone broke into my house and I couldn't hear the alarm due to sleeping with headphones, then I should be the one at fault for not buying bullet proof glass to keep the guy out? Sure, you could argue that the police would come after a while, but a lesson is a lesson. I don't think that this can be disregarded right away, although I do respect your opinion.
Mar 12, 2007 at 9:22 PM Post #77 of 84

Originally Posted by M0T0XGUY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So you're basically saying that if someone broke into my house and I couldn't hear the alarm due to sleeping with headphones, then I should be the one at fault for not buying bullet proof glass to keep the guy out? Sure, you could argue that the police would come after a while, but a lesson is a lesson. I don't think that this can be disregarded right away, although I do respect your opinion.

hrm i'm sure this is some sort of fallacy.. but whatever.

putting the blame on the headphones is probably wrong. it could be partly blame, at the most, but i'd put more concern on reevaluating your decision to really listen to music that loud/using headphones that are designed to block out noise.

Anyways is it the headphones fault that someone broke into your house in the first place?
Mar 13, 2007 at 1:07 AM Post #78 of 84
I think you should have titled the thread "WARNING - don't fall asleep with a candle still lit", as that was your real problem, not the headphones.

Still, glad to hear you're ok and you lived to tell your tale.
Mar 13, 2007 at 1:09 AM Post #79 of 84

Originally Posted by Pm@c /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok...umm... it isnt smart to go to sleep with an active flame REGARDLESS of whether you have headphones on or not. If there is an active flame in the house and you fall asleep, of course it could start a fire. Frigging extinguish it before you go to bed next time.

THANK YOU. The headphones weren't the issue, the friggin' lit candle WAS.
Mar 13, 2007 at 1:39 AM Post #80 of 84
Candles look cool. But rarely serve a real purpose. Ambiance (please).

headphones = good

candles = bad

Mar 13, 2007 at 1:43 AM Post #81 of 84
The headphone was an issue because the fire could've been caused by anything. A fire can happen in your house due to a number of issues not involving you leaving an open flame while you sleep.
Mar 13, 2007 at 3:06 AM Post #82 of 84

Originally Posted by Otto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've been feeling a little under the weather. And I pulled a muscle in my
side the other day. After work yesterday I was really hurting. I went to
the store for a few things. I started feeling woosie and sat down in the
deli section. Next thing I know I open my eyes and can't figure out what
I'm looking at. Stared for at least five seconds and finally looked to the
side. There's a lady standing over me. I'm flat on my back in the store.
I had passed out. For the 5 or 10 seconds I was looking at the ceiling
I couldn't hear a thing. When the lady and I started talking the
dream feeling went away and I could hear fine.

Now how did I end up from an upright sitting position to flat on my
back on the concrete floor, without the slightest bump or tender spot
on the back of my head? Maybe I just layed down and don't remember.

A similar thing happened to me a few months ago. I was in my basement about to go upstairs, the next thing I know I'm on the floor staring at the ceiling and I hear my brother running down the stairs. He said he heard a loud noise so he came down to see what it was, What the **** happened is my question (I couldn't of slipped because the floor was carpeted).
Mar 13, 2007 at 4:05 AM Post #83 of 84
Oh man! The same thing happened to me but I did not have headphones on? Thing is my blanket caught on fire and I burned my back pretty bad. Put the fire out with my bare hands, I was freaking out. Then I started to spit on it and continue to put it out with my hands even after they bubbled up and popped. It was crazy. I will never light a candle before bed agian.

Another note, I told my gf that I was going to be sleeping with headphones on just a day ago and she said that is really dangerous. Anyone can break into your house and rob you and you'll never see it comming.

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