WARNING...Very important read. Sleeping while wearing headphones.
Apr 14, 2006 at 12:42 PM Post #16 of 84
I'm glad your ok as well...

its also a good thing you reacted and kept your cool by putting out the fire and stopping the smoke alarm rather than being hit by a big mental blank due to the shock...
Apr 14, 2006 at 12:50 PM Post #17 of 84
Thank you for bringing up this very important safety consideration.

Our little ones sometimes go to sleep with their 'phones on, and while we do sometimes light candles around the house; the kids haven't yet done so in their rooms.

This is one excellent reason to be absolutely sure that they don't in the future!!

Glad that you survived this ordeal and were able to inform the rest of us!

Points well taken! Thank you!
Apr 14, 2006 at 1:13 PM Post #18 of 84
glad to hear you're okay

there are more than one problem with sleeping with your phones on though. If you always sleep with music playing, then try for one night to turn off all noise and when you wake up see if you notice that you are more refreshed and easier to get up in the morning. whenever i goto sleep with music on i am always tired in the morning because i dont get a deep enough sleep. anyway, why listen to music when you're unconcious anyway? turn them off when you think you're about to get there
Apr 14, 2006 at 1:15 PM Post #19 of 84
The fire alarm probably did wake you. I mean, i cant imagine that you just awoke from a deep sleep for no reason and by coincidence your room was on fire and the fire alarm was going

I'd say this has far less to do with listening to headphones as it does using candles while sleeping when you live alone
Apr 14, 2006 at 1:18 PM Post #20 of 84
What was wrong in that picture was the candle and not to wear the headphones....

The tilte must say "Warning...Very important read. Sleeping while leaving candles on"

FYI...The candles could never left unattended under any circumstances....
Apr 14, 2006 at 1:19 PM Post #21 of 84
I usually go to bed with my HD570s on now (with movies, LOW volume), and yet I always take them off my head at some point because when I wake up they're never on. And I rarely if ever remember taking them off.
Apr 14, 2006 at 1:30 PM Post #23 of 84
Glad that nothing too serious (though any fire is a bit serious!) happened to you. However I will offer up something that happened to me when I was younger (as a warning to all and especially to those with younger children)

I used to always read a bit in bed before going to sleep when I was younger and had a lamp by the side of my bed to read by. On a couple of occasions I'd find that I fell asleep before turning it off and awoke to find it still on. Once though I'd fallen asleep and, while sleeping, my pillow had moved so that the edge was actually touching the bulb (it was a spotlight so we're talking a very hot bulb here) and started to smoulder.

A few hours later my dad was actually going to the bathroom when he could smell something bad coming from my room, opening the door he was just hit my the stink/smell of smouldering pillow and almost choked from just one breath of it. Scared that I might already be dead he ran into the room and pulled me out before running back in to open the window (once he realised I was ok)

All through it all I never woke at all (till my dad pulled me out) From that point on the lamp was attached to the wall above the bed far away from anything that might touch the bulb rather then being sat on the bedside table right next to the bed.
Apr 14, 2006 at 1:46 PM Post #24 of 84
alot of people die from falling asleep with lit cigarettes... i dont think you can get any more stupid than that
but yeah i also always wake up with them off if i fall asleep with them on and my mp3 player on the floor
Apr 14, 2006 at 2:06 PM Post #25 of 84

Originally Posted by squall2072
Glad to hear your ok, but your bed on fire and being deaf for a few moments! That would really mess me up!

Pehaps you woke up because of the smell of smoke, luckly you did.

Nice to see your still with us mate!
And remember to put out the candles, or just get a lamp instead!

Unfortunatly the smell of smoke will not wake you up,its the smoke that will actually put you into a deeper sleep and kills you before the flames each you.
Apr 14, 2006 at 3:54 PM Post #26 of 84

Originally Posted by Sovkiller
What was wrong in that picture was the candle and not to wear the headphones....

The tilte must say "Warning...Very important read. Sleeping while leaving candles on"

FYI...The candles could never left unattended under any circumstances....

I'm in no way having a go at you Sovkiller, but...No (to comment re title of thread). Let me explain why.

The headphones themselves were likely to have blocked out the high frequency noise from the smoke alarm. Not hearing properly is the main problem. It had nothing to do with the candles, or how any fire starts for that matter. Candles are not the only things which start fires.

The candle use was and is a seperate issue altogether. I wouln't have had a fire in the first place if I didn't use a candle. I know that.

What if a fire started (for whatever reason), and it's in a kids bedroom? A faulty little bedside kids lamp is now on fire, and the parent can't hear anything properly to wake them up to save their own child (due to wearing their noise cancelling headphones). Headtphones can block important and life threatening alarms/sounds. Whether it be a fire alarm, child crying, police siren, etc, etc... Get the idea?

I probably would have woken up a bit earlier had I not worn the headphones in the first place. Any more time asleep, and I may not have made it. I'm glad to have posted this thread. Who knows, this story could save a life.

That's the main point of posting this. I knew some members would mention the candle use (as expected). I even pointed it out in the original post how stupid I was.

I guess some people didn't read my post thoroughly enough.

Apr 14, 2006 at 3:55 PM Post #27 of 84
Damn it! That was a close call. Thank God you're alright. Anyway, I sleep through alarms even without headphones on, so there is no way I'll sleep with them on! Being deaf for a few minutes must've been traumatising to say the least... Be careful next time.
Apr 14, 2006 at 4:08 PM Post #29 of 84

Originally Posted by HeavyBassMan
I'm in no way having a go at you Sovkiller, but...No (to comment re title of thread). Let me explain why.

The headphones themselves were likely to have blocked out the high frequency noise from the smoke alarm. Not hearing properly is the main problem. It had nothing to do with the candles, or how any fire starts for that matter. Candles are not the only things which start fires.

The candle use was and is a seperate issue altogether. I wouln't have had a fire in the first place if I didn't use a candle. I know that.

What if a fire started (for whatever reason), and it's in a kids bedroom? A faulty little bedside kids lamp is now on fire, and the parent can't hear anything properly to wake them up to save their own child (due to wearing their noise cancelling headphones). Headtphones can block important and life threatening alarms/sounds. Whether it be a fire alarm, child crying, police siren, etc, etc... Get the idea?

I probably would have woken up a bit earlier had I not worn the headphones in the first place. Any more time asleep, and I may not have made it. I'm glad to have posted this thread. Who knows, this story could save a life.

That's the main point of posting this. I knew some members would mention the candle use (as expected). I even pointed it out in the original post how stupid I was.

I guess some people didn't read my post thoroughly enough.


I don't think so, unless a noise cancelling headphone....The fire alarm piercing sound, and others as well, will go even through the Etys seal...I have demo them myself, and even through those muff-sound headphones used in the factories to isolate you....that is why they used those frequencies in the first instance....but remember that you state that you were not hearing while you remove the heapdhones, in your shoes, and to be on the safe sound I would make any doctor to exam your ears, as THIS IS NOT NORMAL at all .... Headphones them selves are not a threatening issue, if used wisely, otherwise they would not exist....now to put something on the oven, or on the stove, or to light a candle or a ciar or cigarette, and go to sleep is....OK???
Apr 14, 2006 at 4:12 PM Post #30 of 84

Originally Posted by milkpowder
Damn it! That was a close call. Thank God you're alright. Anyway, I sleep through alarms even without headphones on, so there is no way I'll sleep with them on! Being deaf for a few minutes must've been traumatising to say the least... Be careful next time.

LOL.. I always sleep through my work alarm. Headphones are usually off my head by that stage.. It's funny how I can't wake up for my work alarm, but I will if my bedrooms on fire!! hahaha (I guess I shouldn't joke about it now though



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