Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!)
Jan 25, 2016 at 9:56 PM Post #1,651 of 6,030
New baby is home and well. V281 with the relay attenuator (no DAC).

First impressions:
Build quality is very good. Knobs have a nice 'feel' and the unit reeks of tank-like robustness.
Sound vs Taurus - want to put at least 100 hours on this unit and then do some careful A/B testing vs my Taurus, but my first impression is that the V281 is doing what I had hoped it would do - darken the sound a little and smooth the treble without stomping on the dynamics and punch like the 430HA did. Matched with the HD800S it is performing admirably right out of the box.
I am going to run this baby 24/7 until the weekend, and then do some extended A/B against the Taurus (as an amp and preamp).
My first thought of keeping the Taurus for classical / instrumental listening might be the way to go. Is anyone else doing this (using a brighter amp for classical / instrumental and the V281 for everything else)?
Jan 25, 2016 at 9:57 PM Post #1,652 of 6,030
Just a general comment about the state of things in my setup. The V281 has been with me close to a month now, and I am seriously enjoying it so far. I am THISCLOSE to saying I have finally found my end game. If I ever am able to tear myself from listening and enjoying this thing (and of course work and all that other stuff in real life) I will post a full narrative report. 
Man, the balanced out on this thing is a beast!
Jan 25, 2016 at 10:06 PM Post #1,653 of 6,030
  My first thought of keeping the Taurus for classical / instrumental listening might be the way to go. Is anyone else doing this (using a brighter amp for classical / instrumental and the V281 for everything else)?

Kinda in the same boat, but not the Taurus, specifically. 
I'm leaning towards keeping my Burson Soloist for Classical, orchestral, Film scores and themes, etc. as a back-up. Need to do more A/B listening as well as extended listening sessions before I decide. My other gear will definitely be on the market soon. 
Jan 25, 2016 at 10:22 PM Post #1,654 of 6,030
  Just a general comment about the state of things in my setup. The V281 has been with me close to a month now, and I am seriously enjoying it so far. I am THISCLOSE to saying I have finally found my end game. If I ever am able to tear myself from listening and enjoying this thing (and of course work and all that other stuff in real life) I will post a full narrative report. 
Man, the balanced out on this thing is a beast!

Have to give the HE6 a test in the V281. I am told it packs the juice to drive this power hungry beastie.
EDIT: Bugger me! It very much does have the juice to drive this headphone. The Taurus doesn't quite have enough to deliver the sort of bass punch that the HE6 is capable of. The V281 does. Oh my - that is very, very good. Driven from the speaker taps of my power amp will give slightly better bass performance, but the overall tonality from the V281 is so much better to my ears that I will take that compromise any day of the week.
I will be packing up my speaker tap rig shortly. Don't need it anymore with the V281 in the house.
Jan 25, 2016 at 10:32 PM Post #1,655 of 6,030
Have to give the HE6 a test in the V281. I am told it packs the juice to drive this power hungry beastie.

Heard the same, but unfortunately could not source an HE6 where I'm at. Importing it would be a bit too much with duties right now, even at the discounted prices I see on Amazon. Still recovering from the V281-sized dent on my card. :p
Jan 25, 2016 at 10:34 PM Post #1,656 of 6,030
Heard the same, but unfortunately could not source an HE6 where I'm at. Importing it would be a bit too much with duties right now, even at the discounted prices I see on Amazon. Still recovering from the V281-sized dent on my card. :p

Just did it with my HE6. Comments above. It's a winner.
EDIT: Been listening to K.D.Lang's 'Hallelujah' on my HE6 and HD800S from the V281. SQ is wonderful. A high end tube amp - like my Glenn 300B with TA300B tubes - will do it better - but not by a huge amount - and for twice the price. Really great amp with the vocals. As good as the Taurus is, after about an hour the brightness and sparkly treble does my head in with vocal/pop/rock.
Thank you to the folks that recommended the V281 + HD800S pairing. It works. Very well.
Jan 26, 2016 at 2:01 AM Post #1,657 of 6,030
I spent a couple of hours doing some A/B testing with the Taurus vs V281. I know my V281 is fresh out of the box, however a number of forumites have stated that the V281 doesn't change significantly during burn in, so I don't think an early comparison is invalid. Some folks might find these amateur observations interesting.
DISCLAIMER - THESE ARE EARLY IMPRESSIONS OF A FRESH AMP I HAVE SPENT ABOUT 4 HOURS TOTAL WITH. Take all this with suitable caution - I will do more testing and report back in a few weeks. I don't expect my first impressions to change much, but you never know...
As a Preamp:
Setup has the V281 fed from the Vega (via XLR) and the Taurus also from the Vega (via RCA). Both then feed the XLR and RCA inputs on the Accuphase P-4200 power amp. One set of speaker taps is wired up to my HE6 via a HiFiMan adapter box. This adapter box has had all the internal resisters and circuitry removed - it is a 'straight thru' device. I use it as it allows me to plug any headphone into the speaker taps via an XLR socket (but only doing this with the HE6 makes any sense for me - perhaps if I had an Abyss?). When I repeat this testing in the coming weeks I will swap the V281 vs Taurus with the XLR vs RCA connections and see if that makes any difference.
Here's a pic of the setup:

The important thing with this rig is that I can swap the preamp source between the V281 and Taurus almost instantly with the press of an input selector button on the power amp. It takes a fraction of a second to swap over - no changing headphones or unplugging anything. You can also do solo blind testing by not looking at the setting and pressing the button several times so that you lose track of which input is selected. More about that later.
As an aside, this is the rig I used to confirm my suspicions regarding the 430HA. It's lack of dynamics, speed and punch compared to the Taurus becomes rapidly apparent when testing like this. Picking the difference in blind testing between the 430HA and Taurus was comparatively easy.
Some observations on the V281 vs Taurus as preamps driving the HE6 via the P-4200.
  1. Both amps are excellent pieces of kit. The sound from these amps are far, far, far more alike than different. Only certain parts of certain tracks, using my most revealing headphones (HD800S / HE6) could I tell much difference. That 2% difference, but a very important 2% for my needs (more on that later).
  2. Detail - plankton aplenty from both. The slightly brighter presentation of the Taurus might give an impression of greater detail, but I think that is more an audio illusion than a real difference. If you like detail, either amp is going to do it for you.
  3. Soundstage, separation and imaging - slight edge to the V281. It's close. Both are very good. I will do this again later on with the XLR and RCA feeds reversed and see if that changes things.
  4. Tonality. It would be easy to make too much of this. I keep coming back to the fact that these amps are far more alike than different. Trying to tell these amps apart in blind testing purely on tonality isn't easy. Put a gun to my head and make me commit myself and I would describe the Taurus as slightly on the bright side of neutral and the V281 as slightly on the dark side of neutral. Both are neutral amps to my ears, with each having a slightly different take on what 'neutral' is (if that makes sense to folks).
  5. Bass / mids / speed / punch... both are excellent. Not going to waste too many words here.
  6. Treble - now this is the killer issue for me. The Taurus combined with the HD800S / HE6 can get a little too much for my tastes in the top end. After about an hour (or less) I get fatigued and have to quit. Too much sparkle gets distracting and pulls me away from enjoying the music. The V281 renders the treble in a way that I find much more pleasant and natural - it is smoother and loses that aggressive edge that can be there with the Taurus. The treble is still there - this is not treble roll off. The different treble rendition is the only difference in these amps that is significant enough for me to pick the difference in blind testing most of the time (and sometimes I got it wrong).
As a Headamp:
Same rig, but using the XLR output of each headamp to drive the HD800S. I use XLR extension cables so I can easily change headphones and these cables can also be used to solo blind test (face away from the amps and randomly move the connectors around in your hand so you don't know which connector is hooked up to which amp - as long as your XLR extension cables are identical this will work).

All the comments above regarding the differences as preamps apply when using these amps as headamps. Again, it is the treble rendition that makes the critical difference for my needs.
When using this rig to drive the Ether C the differences became essentially irrelevant to me. As good a headphone as the Ether C is, and I like it a lot, it is simply not in the same league as the HD800S or HE6 when it comes to revealing minor differences in the upstream gear. This was after only a brief test of a few tracks - I will spend more time with the Ether C and these 2 amps later on and see if I change my mind.
Driving the HE6: The V281 can do this with authority and strong bass that comes close to what my power amp can do via the speaker taps. The Taurus cannot. Enough said.
My initial thinking was that it might be worth keeping the Taurus alongside the V281 for classical / instrumental. I don't think that idea stands up after the testing above. What is the Taurus going to do that the V281 cannot do at least as well, if not better? Nothing I can think of. Might be selling it soon.
Some questions that folks might want some feedback on:
I am contemplating getting a V281 or a Taurus - which should I buy? To me that is an easy one - if you can afford the (relatively) small price difference, get the V281. Mine has the relay attenuator and the remote. I am lazy slob by nature and I LIKE having a remote. Note that a remote is not an option on the Taurus. Throw in better treble rendition and slightly better sound staging and I am pushing V281 all the way.
I already have a Taurus, should I upgrade to the V281? Probably not. Your audio dollars might be much better spent elsewhere. The Taurus is a very, very fine amp and there isn't much the V281 will do that the Taurus cannot. Exceptions would be if you are experiencing treble fatigue with the Taurus and/or you want to drive the HE6 close to the limit of its capability with a headamp. I ticked both those boxes and got a V281 and I am happy with my choice.
My closing comment is regarding blind testing. There is no substitute for it. Do it - I promise you will learn more about your gear than you thought you would.
Jan 26, 2016 at 3:40 AM Post #1,659 of 6,030
  I am contemplating getting a V281 or a Taurus - which should I buy? To me that is an easy one - if you can afford the (relatively) small price difference, get the V281. Mine has the relay attenuator and the remote. I am lazy slob by nature and I LIKE having a remote. Note that a remote is not an option on the Taurus. Throw in better treble rendition and slightly better sound staging and I am pushing V281 all the way.

First of all thanks for the writeup. I once considered getting a Taurus, did not do it but remained a bit indifferent about that decision. I think I'll now be able to finally cross that one off.
Regarding price difference I might add that the version you have (which is the one I also bought, but for the simple reason of liking the relay volume) is the most expensive one. Taking the simpler pot-based version (without remote) it costs substantially less, skewing the decision even more in the direction of the V281.
Jan 26, 2016 at 3:59 AM Post #1,660 of 6,030
I spent a couple of hours doing some A/B testing with the Taurus vs V281. I know my V281 is fresh out of the box, however a number of forumites have stated that the V281 doesn't change significantly during burn in, so I don't think an early comparison is invalid. Some folks might find these amateur observations interesting.

DISCLAIMER - THESE ARE EARLY IMPRESSIONS OF A FRESH AMP I HAVE SPENT ABOUT 4 HOURS TOTAL WITH. Take all this with suitable caution - I will do more testing and report back in a few weeks. I don't expect my first impressions to change much, but you never know...

As a Preamp:

Setup has the V281 fed from the Vega (via XLR) and the Taurus also from the Vega (via RCA). Both then feed the XLR and RCA inputs on the Accuphase P-4200 power amp. One set of speaker taps is wired up to my HE6 via a HiFiMan adapter box. This adapter box has had all the internal resisters and circuitry removed - it is a 'straight thru' device. I use it as it allows me to plug any headphone into the speaker taps via an XLR socket (but only doing this with the HE6 makes any sense for me - perhaps if I had an Abyss?). When I repeat this testing in the coming weeks I will swap the V281 vs Taurus with the XLR vs RCA connections and see if that makes any difference.

Here's a pic of the setup:

The important thing with this rig is that I can swap the preamp source between the V281 and Taurus almost instantly with the press of an input selector button on the power amp. It takes a fraction of a second to swap over - no changing headphones or unplugging anything. You can also do solo blind testing by not looking at the setting and pressing the button several times so that you lose track of which input is selected. More about that later.

As an aside, this is the rig I used to confirm my suspicions regarding the 430HA. It's lack of dynamics, speed and punch compared to the Taurus becomes rapidly apparent when testing like this. Picking the difference in blind testing between the 430HA and Taurus was comparatively easy.

Some observations on the V281 vs Taurus as preamps driving the HE6 via the P-4200.
  • Both amps are excellent pieces of kit. The sound from these amps are far, far, far more alike than different. Only certain parts of certain tracks, using my most revealing headphones (HD800S / HE6) could I tell much difference. That 2% difference, but a very important 2% for my needs (more on that later).
  • Detail - plankton aplenty from both. The slightly brighter presentation of the Taurus might give an impression of greater detail, but I think that is more an audio illusion than a real difference. If you like detail, either amp is going to do it for you.
  • Soundstage, separation and imaging - slight edge to the V281. It's close. Both are very good. I will do this again later on with the XLR and RCA feeds reversed and see if that changes things.
  • Tonality. It would be easy to make too much of this. I keep coming back to the fact that these amps are far more alike than different. Trying to tell these amps apart in blind testing purely on tonality isn't easy. Put a gun to my head and make me commit myself and I would describe the Taurus as slightly on the bright side of neutral and the V281 as slightly on the dark side of neutral. Both are neutral amps to my ears, with each having a slightly different take on what 'neutral' is (if that makes sense to folks).
  • Bass / mids / speed / punch... both are excellent. Not going to waste too many words here.
  • Treble - now this is the killer issue for me. The Taurus combined with the HD800S / HE6 can get a little too much for my tastes in the top end. After about an hour (or less) I get fatigued and have to quit. Too much sparkle gets distracting and pulls me away from enjoying the music. The V281 renders the treble in a way that I find much more pleasant and natural - it is smoother and loses that aggressive edge that can be there with the Taurus. The treble is still there - this is not treble roll off. The different treble rendition is the only difference in these amps that is significant enough for me to pick the difference in blind testing most of the time (and sometimes I got it wrong).

As a Headamp:

Same rig, but using the XLR output of each headamp to drive the HD800S. I use XLR extension cables so I can easily change headphones and these cables can also be used to solo blind test (face away from the amps and randomly move the connectors around in your hand so you don't know which connector is hooked up to which amp - as long as your XLR extension cables are identical this will work).

All the comments above regarding the differences as preamps apply when using these amps as headamps. Again, it is the treble rendition that makes the critical difference for my needs.

When using this rig to drive the Ether C the differences became essentially irrelevant to me. As good a headphone as the Ether C is, and I like it a lot, it is simply not in the same league as the HD800S or HE6 when it comes to revealing minor differences in the upstream gear. This was after only a brief test of a few tracks - I will spend more time with the Ether C and these 2 amps later on and see if I change my mind.

Driving the HE6: The V281 can do this with authority and strong bass that comes close to what my power amp can do via the speaker taps. The Taurus cannot. Enough said.

My initial thinking was that it might be worth keeping the Taurus alongside the V281 for classical / instrumental. I don't think that idea stands up after the testing above. What is the Taurus going to do that the V281 cannot do at least as well, if not better? Nothing I can think of. Might be selling it soon.

Some questions that folks might want some feedback on:

I am contemplating getting a V281 or a Taurus - which should I buy? To me that is an easy one - if you can afford the (relatively) small price difference, get the V281. Mine has the relay attenuator and the remote. I am lazy slob by nature and I LIKE having a remote. Note that a remote is not an option on the Taurus. Throw in better treble rendition and slightly better sound staging and I am pushing V281 all the way.

I already have a Taurus, should I upgrade to the V281? Probably not. Your audio dollars might be much better spent elsewhere. The Taurus is a very, very fine amp and there isn't much the V281 will do that the Taurus cannot. Exceptions would be if you are experiencing treble fatigue with the Taurus and/or you want to drive the HE6 close to the limit of its capability with a headamp. I ticked both those boxes and got a V281 and I am happy with my choice.

My closing comment is regarding blind testing. There is no substitute for it. Do it - I promise you will learn more about your gear than you thought you would.

Great review/comparison. I'm gonna try some comparisons of the V281 versus a Chord Hugo TT over the weekend. I'll also compare the dac side of the TT against my V850 feeding the amp to see what gives the best results. Shame all this great gear is so dam expensive!
Jan 26, 2016 at 4:16 AM Post #1,661 of 6,030
... Shame all this great gear is so dam expensive!

Yep. Buying the something you aren't happy with gets expensive very quickly in this hobby.
Gotta mention again the great pairing of the V281 and HD800S. This is the best I have heard solid state sound, ever. The touch of warmth and smooth treble of the V281 is just what the HD800S needs to bring out its best. Having bags of power on tap also helps.
Jan 26, 2016 at 4:27 AM Post #1,664 of 6,030
  @TonyNewman, excellent write up. Very enjoyable read. Looking forward to more. 
Celebrating end-game with my V281, whilst I read your post. 

With an excellent beer choice I see

It's hard to tell in the picture, but is that a HD800 lurking next to the Audeze headphone? How do you find the HD800 vs Audeze with the V281?
Jan 26, 2016 at 4:35 AM Post #1,665 of 6,030
With an excellent beer choice I see

It's hard to tell in the picture, but is that a HD800 lurking next to the Audeze headphone? How do you find the HD800 vs Audeze with the V281?

Thanks, yes that is the finest Belgian Ale in my experience. :) Limited though it may be. 
That is indeed the HD800, sharing the night with an LCD 2 rev 2. The HD800 on the balanced out is currently the most enjoyable I have experienced. There is a very palpable grip and control on the drivers that enhances all the HD800's strengths. The treble is indeed tamed just a little bit, which helps, though I have to state that I've never had an issue with the treble even on the Burson Soloist. At least not with the music selection I put them through.
Balanced out, the LCD 2 rev 2 is showing me that it still has hidden talents I have not heard. I believed that I had maxed it out with the Burson Soloist - after the first day of owning the V281, I realised it was still capable of scaling higher. It's been back in my rotation since. 
Mayhap I am overly gushing. You know, new toy syndrome. We'll see what happens three months down the line, but for now, I am well and truly satisfied - and I haven't tried half my gear on the V281 yet! 

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