Dec 7, 2015 at 3:56 PM Post #1,607 of 3,183
Anyone know a dry herb vaporizer that will get me completely *****in ripped for under $150?

Those products are NOT a wise discussion topic. You might want to ask on a different forum.
Dec 7, 2015 at 8:07 PM Post #1,609 of 3,183
we're both in WA state where it's legal. 

You two might be, but Head-Fi's main offices are NOT.
Both of the Internets largest vaping sites (ECF & VU) do not allow any kind of Drug/Dry Herb discussions. So what would make you think that it is OK here?

Take your discussion to PM.
Dec 8, 2015 at 11:37 AM Post #1,612 of 3,183
I couldn't care less either way. It's legal in some places so I feel it's a grey area.
If the feeling is that topic isn't encouraged here or there,
I'm sure there are other forums dedicated to vaping herb/oil, etc.
Dec 10, 2015 at 4:42 PM Post #1,615 of 3,183
Was gonna get a Squonker, but it's just not in my soul. The blue isn't my thing either, but it spoke to me.

Now I run out for matching tips and barrels and I need to dye my liquids ocean blue.
Dec 11, 2015 at 11:31 AM Post #1,616 of 3,183
  Upgraded from kbox with subtank mini to Joytech evic vtc mini with goblin mini rta and im in love! Just downside that you need to unscrew small screw on the bottom of rta to fill it.

gob mini is a good one.  i've had mine for a good 5 months or so.  i still use it a fair amount. 
  Was gonna get a Squonker, but it's just not in my soul. The blue isn't my thing either, but it spoke to me.

Now I run out for matching tips and barrels and I need to dye my liquids ocean blue.

that's a nice looker there. 
Dec 11, 2015 at 4:34 PM Post #1,617 of 3,183
Lowkey getting the Launch Box Louie.

As for vaping I've been running dual 20g 10 wrap in my Troll with chuff. Satisfactory vape and clouds at 40-50w. Turn it upto 120w and blow 10ft+ clouds with the right technique. Finishing off my Native Wicks. Not sure how I feel about it yet
Dec 11, 2015 at 6:54 PM Post #1,618 of 3,183
cool man.  let me know how that launch box works our for you via pm. 
other than the clapton wire i sent you, i haven't tried vaping anything bigger than 24ga.  i'm still happiest vaping at 26ga 6-8 wraps 2.5mm on my tanks and i'm going back n forth between that and my new mouth to lung attys using twisted 30ga or 28ga at low wattage.  RDA's i like dual 26ga parallels 4-6 wraps at 40-60w
that little nectar i got is pretty sweet.  i think i want to get the micro instead of the nano tho.  the nano holds about as much juice as any other RDA.  but it's nice and tiny.  it's smaller than my haze mini rda and k.loud+g. 
Dec 16, 2015 at 2:31 PM Post #1,619 of 3,183
Just wondering if maybe I'm the oldest vape head here...I'm 60 and have been vaping for 2 years. I was able to drop cigs and cigars cold turkey on day 1 of vaping. The trouble is I still have 2 boxes of expensive cigars in a humidor which I can no longer stand the taste of!
On a side note, I find the brief discussion about "dry herb" vaping....ummm...curious.
Dec 16, 2015 at 2:49 PM Post #1,620 of 3,183
I'm 25. And congrats! How long were you a smoker for previously?

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