Vali 2 tube rolling
Apr 30, 2023 at 3:12 PM Post #6,227 of 6,437
I purchased the adapter as it’s from 5670 to 6922.
I might still have some 6922 valves around from a phono stage I used years ago.

Do any of you use 6s7n with the Vali 2++?
not the ++, but with the original 2. They're OK, I guess (I need to double stack adapters so that could be a choke point. far simpler for me to use either a 6cg7 (no adapter), or ecc40 (just 1 adapter)). I imagine performance/sound would be the same with the 2++
Apr 30, 2023 at 4:20 PM Post #6,228 of 6,437
I purchased the adapter as it’s from 5670 to 6922.
I might still have some 6922 valves around from a phono stage I used years ago.

Do any of you use 6s7n with the Vali 2++?
Not with the 2++, but I've used quite a few 6SN7's in the OG version to good effect. Would require a different adapter than what I have, but sonically should act about the same.

This is a 7N7 which is identical electrically to a 6SN7, just has a different base:

Vali and Frank.jpg
May 3, 2023 at 9:03 PM Post #6,230 of 6,437
Um, I think I'm stocked up now, potentially overstocked..... These arrived today to add to the collection.
Not to be overly pedantic, but there's no such thing. 🤣 🤣

Nice lookin' pile of 396A's there!
May 3, 2023 at 11:59 PM Post #6,231 of 6,437
Not to be overly pedantic, but there's no such thing. 🤣 🤣

Nice lookin' pile of 396A's there!

Yeah, pretty excited about that deal I struck. I had a laptop sitting around that I had listed on market place for months with no activity, bought my first 2 396's from a guy that said he had several, figured why not ask if he would be interested in trading and he was like "actually my wife does need a laptop"! When I bought the 2, I had already discussed with him that it was for single tube operation and I was looking for ones that were well balanced to themselves and when he sent these 6 he tested all that he had and sent me the best balanced that he had.

He tests on a Hickok that he says was recently calibrated and the numbers on these are pretty solid:

  • 8200/8200
  • 8500/8570
  • 9820/9800
  • 9600/9680
  • 9200/9235
  • 7800/7790
May 4, 2023 at 3:39 AM Post #6,232 of 6,437
And if you can find any, the triple mica Foton 6N3P from the '50's. They were all the rage several years ago until the supply was eradicated. 🤣
I am contemplating ordering the Vali 2++ since I can't really find a way to drive my AKG K612 Pro to its full potential and also because I have got a bunch of 5670 type tubes. This exact same type of tube is used in my MHDT LAB Canary DAC. Now, one of the best sounding 5670 type tubes in this DAC (to me that is) is the Soviet 6N3P DR - and it is important that it is the DR version, the simple 6N3P is not that well regarded in this DAC, so if anyone would like to try this tube in the Vali 2++, they would want to order one with the DR designation over the Bay.
The Vali is praised for its value but if I consider shipping and import clearance, it is not so inexpensive after all. Decisions, decisions...
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May 4, 2023 at 10:39 AM Post #6,233 of 6,437
Check this out:
May 4, 2023 at 2:58 PM Post #6,236 of 6,437
Not to mention, the vital matching service - mismatched adapter mayhem is not what you want when you're wanting to pin down your wanton tube pins. :joy:
😢 for a 5670 tube, no matter how many times one tries to match, there will always be a pin left out … 😫
May 4, 2023 at 3:56 PM Post #6,238 of 6,437
May 4, 2023 at 8:19 PM Post #6,239 of 6,437
Worth paying the extra cash to ensure the adapter is balanced, high gained, and low microphonic?
Balanced? Maybe. Maybe even probably.
Low microphonic? Depends on what they mean. As there is no standard test for microphonics, how is this evaluated? Beyond that, not so important in a headphone amp unless the amp is situated on a desk by your keyboard and you're a, um, deliberate typist. And beyond that, a tube can become microphonic with use, so is there a microphonic warranty period? And beyond that, I would consider a new tube that's microphonic to be defective and I'd return it. So, um, no not worth it (to me).
High gain? Don't know what this means. If they mean high emission (or GM), that doesn't make a tube high gain. Perhaps there is something valid behind this, but I don't know what it is.
May 4, 2023 at 9:41 PM Post #6,240 of 6,437
Balanced? Maybe. Maybe even probably.
Low microphonic? Depends on what they mean. As there is no standard test for microphonics, how is this evaluated? Beyond that, not so important in a headphone amp unless the amp is situated on a desk by your keyboard and you're a, um, deliberate typist. And beyond that, a tube can become microphonic with use, so is there a microphonic warranty period? And beyond that, I would consider a new tube that's microphonic to be defective and I'd return it. So, um, no not worth it (to me).
High gain? Don't know what this means. If they mean high emission (or GM), that doesn't make a tube high gain. Perhaps there is something valid behind this, but I don't know what it is.
Sure that may all be relevant if we're talking tubes, but we're ordering adapters here. I needs to know if I really have to have a balanced high gain adapter.:laughing:
…and what's with the serious delays? Does this mean something more than Doug phoning in hungover again?

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