Vali 2 tube rolling
Jan 8, 2016 at 7:03 AM Post #2 of 6,437
Could we extend on the idea of this thread a bit? It seems the Vali 2 is shipping with different stock tubes. Would be nice to know what everybody got as the stock tube, and what it's sonic performance is compared to the tubes used for rolling. I got a US made Sylvania, have to check the exact spec and number once I finish work, will add a pic as well.
Jan 8, 2016 at 11:06 AM Post #3 of 6,437
Could we extend on the idea of this thread a bit? It seems the Vali 2 is shipping with different stock tubes. Would be nice to know what everybody got as the stock tube, and what it's sonic performance is compared to the tubes used for rolling. I got a US made Sylvania, have to check the exact spec and number once I finish work, will add a pic as well.

Sure, anything to do with tubes for this amp would be great.
Jan 8, 2016 at 12:55 PM Post #4 of 6,437
Subbed. I'll be picking up my Vali 2 today, and I've got an Electro-Harmonix 6CG7 (current production) on the way from Tube Depot. I have my eye on one or two NOS tubes as well, but I didn't want to order them yet, as they're more expensive, and I think two tubes is good enough to start.
Jan 8, 2016 at 4:17 PM Post #6 of 6,437
I just received my 6CG7 EH from Tube Depot today.  I've only got about 3 hrs on it so far but it's not sounding anywhere near like the 6922 EH.  I have a post in the main thread on the 6922 EH.  I'll give the 6CG7 some more time to break-in but it's got a long way to go equal the 6922 EH. I don't have much faith it's gonna make it.  The difference is great and easily apparent as it stands right now.
I also have a JJ 6922.  It doesn't have much time on it.  I was pretty much underwhelmed when I tried it.  It was bland sounding.  I'll have to put some more break-in time on it, but it's last in the queue.
And I have the stock tube.  Mine is an ITT 6BQ7A (Japan)  I have a great idea for that one.  A hammer.
Ok, that might be a little extreme, but I don't like the one that came with mine.
I'll give some kind of a comparison post sometime later when I've had more time with em.
Oh,,, and I'm so smitten with the Electro-Harmonix 6922 EH, I've ordered another one from a different supplier just to see if the one I have just happens to be something special or what!   I'll let y'all know that too.
Jan 8, 2016 at 4:24 PM Post #7 of 6,437
Subbed, I'll be back....
Jan 8, 2016 at 4:34 PM Post #8 of 6,437
My Vali 2 is plugged and I'm listening now. The tube I got was stamped "Standard TV" (or TU possibly, the writing is a bit stylized). On the back is the number 6BQ7A, and on the side are numbers 4-17 and 274.
This hasn't been plugged in long but I'm feeling it's more crisp while simultaneously less harsh than the single-ended out of the Geek Out V2, which I was previously using for my amping needs. There seems to be a touch more clarity and instrument separation/definition as well. It's not night and day, more like dusk and day, but it still feels like a good upgrade.
Jan 8, 2016 at 6:35 PM Post #12 of 6,437
Here's my stock tube,
GE Electronic TUBE
Currently listening to the 6CG7 electro-harmonix and enjoying its more laid back sound compared to the stock tubes.
I also have a gold pin JJ E88CC. Will have to give the Electro Harmonix 6922 a try.
So far, from my limited time with all the tubes, the JJ E88CC falls somewhere in between the stock and 6CG7 in terms of sound.
Jan 8, 2016 at 8:53 PM Post #13 of 6,437
Ok, here is my stock tube...

And this one is the Philips 7DJ8...

After some reading around I finally decide to roll the 7DJ8 tube in, works fine, very very quiet and first few hours of listen is a really airy and smooth sound.
Bass is big and solid with a beautiful smooth mid range to die for! High's are noticeably more airy than the stock tube.
However the stock tube is a great and I mean great start, Schiit picked a very decent tube to pair with the Vali 2.
I can't wait for this tube to really burn in and open right up. 
Got my eye on a few tubes, so stay tuned!
Jan 8, 2016 at 9:23 PM Post #14 of 6,437
I also received a 6BZ7/6BQ7A CANADA as the stock tube. I need to listen to it more to see what way I want to go. I will follow this thread to see how other tubes compare.

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