V6 on the highs. Any way to tone them down?
Mar 25, 2004 at 6:04 AM Post #16 of 48
I think the biggest problem with the highs comes when the high-end on the cd is so drastically off level from the mids and lows. actually, it's probably mostly a poorly mixed low-end, low-volume, etc.

when you can't feel the lows enough (acoustic bass for example) and you want more, you're first reaction is to turn it up -- which causes the normal/correct highs (trumpet) to destroy your eardrums... after getting good headphones, the words "digitally remastered" means alot more. I can completely hear the difference in most of these older recordings.

plus, these headphones sound GREAT with dvd's.

so. I guess I'll have to buy remastered CD's or just self-EQ on the bad ones...

obviously, the highes are brighter than some other phones, but I think I still like them overall to deal with it.

Mar 25, 2004 at 6:13 AM Post #17 of 48
Anyone remember the Beyer/Tissue mod? It's something you can try. My 7506 came pre-modded which is a good thing because I'm lazy and I would have never attempted it otherwise.

(r3ccos' post is the first to mention it below)

Tissue-rolling, anyone?
Mar 25, 2004 at 9:55 AM Post #18 of 48
When I used to have a pair, I found they sounded best out of an old Sansui integrated's headphone jack, rolled off the highs nicely and actually made them sound somewhat balanced sounding.

Yes, the headphones are flawed. I eventually couldn't live with it any more (they sounded increasingly like ass as I tried them with better equipment, imagine that...) so I sold em.
Mar 25, 2004 at 3:50 PM Post #19 of 48

Originally posted by fewtch
You must be kidding, 280 Pros have harsher highs than V6's by a mile (to my ears anyway).

Based on very first impressions, my untrained ears have to agree with fewtch here. After doing a whole bunch of research here, I bought a pair of HD280's about two and a half weeks ago, as my first full-sized audiophile cans. I was very impressed from the first, and have noticed steady improvements as I burned them in. The thing that still bothered me, though, especially comparing them to my Shure E2's, is that the highs seemed harsh, grainy, and somehow lifeless.

I finally went out last night and picked up a pair of Sony 7506 for comparison (no V6's at my Guitar Center -- they spent ten minutes looking for the ones that the computer said were in stock, until they realized it was really talking about the V600's). Took me about thirty seconds of listening to realize that I like the 7506's a whole lot better, because the highs are both more present, and a whole lot cleaner-sounding, than in the HD280's. I know lots of people find the highs on the V6/7506 overwhelming, but it sounds just about right to me. I'll give it a few more days of comparison (I've still got almost two weeks left on the return policy for the HD280's), but I'm pretty sure the Senns are going back and the Sonys are staying.

Now, the thing that really drives me nuts: I love everything about the HD280's except the sound. The materials, the construction, the comfort, the isolation, even the appearance -- all of them seem much better/higher-quality to me than the 7506, but I can't stand the sound any more after comparing them to the Sonys. If I could (and if I thought it would work), I'd do a driver transplant from the 7506 into the HD280's.

(It doesn't help either that I wound up paying $30 more for the Sonys than the Senns.) Ah well, I know what the result's going to be, but I still need to kvetch.
(No more
for me, I guess.) I also suspect that the Beyer pads are in my future, since the 7506's aren't circumaural unless you've got ears approximately the size of walnuts.
Mar 25, 2004 at 5:34 PM Post #20 of 48

Originally posted by Axelrod1
Hi all.

Wearing the Sony V6, I love them -- except when I'm listening to poorly mixed highs that are so high they make my ears bleed. I'm talking about older Miles CD's and other jazz records. It's mostly horns, but some vocal mixes kill me too.

I love these phones, is there anything I can do about the highs?

Would the beyer pads help tone them down, or does it help by bringing your ears a little bit furthar from the drivers?



No, just replace the drivers with the drivers from the MDR-D77.
Mar 25, 2004 at 6:29 PM Post #22 of 48
With a pair of cans as inexpensive as the V6, why not just get a good quality graphic equalizer and put it inline? You're not getting "ultimate-fi" detail as it is with these cans, and an EQ makes it easy to tame highs while not hurting overall sound quality much.

Perhaps one of the DIYers could build you a very simple, basic EQ circuit with quality parts that does nothing but roll off the portion of the frequency spectrum that's harsh with the V6. You might try asking in the DIY forum, I'd imagine that it would be looked at as an enjoyable project.
Mar 25, 2004 at 7:40 PM Post #24 of 48
Believe it or not, I find the following to be effective:

1. Take two small pieces of Kleenex and roll them into little wads.

2. Pack them LOOSELY into your ears.

3. Wear the v6 as you normally would.

This actually seem to attenuate the highs!

Well anyway, it only costs one Kleenex to try it out. And you can adjust the level of attenuation easily.
Mar 25, 2004 at 7:46 PM Post #25 of 48

Originally posted by GanChan
Believe it or not, I find the following to be effective:

1. Take two small pieces of Kleenex and roll them into little wads.

2. Pack them LOOSELY into your ears.

3. Wear the v6 as you normally would.

This actually seem to attenuate the highs!

Well anyway, it only costs one Kleenex to try it out. And you can adjust the level of attenuation easily.

To REALLY save money, use toilet paper instead...
Mar 25, 2004 at 7:51 PM Post #26 of 48

Originally posted by fewtch
To REALLY save money, use toilet paper instead...

Sonic bliss is now as close as the nearest unoccupied stall!

Just make sure whatever toilet paper you use is marked "For Digital"....
Mar 25, 2004 at 8:02 PM Post #27 of 48

Originally posted by GanChan
Just make sure whatever toilet paper you use is marked "For Digital"....

But is it Surround Sound Ready?

(I sense a new business opportunity here... Surround Sound Bass-Reflex S-Logic Bionetic toilet paper for Digital Audio. Only $30/roll! I may sell a few $500 volume knobs on the side.
Mar 25, 2004 at 8:18 PM Post #28 of 48

Originally posted by Dixie Flatline
But is it Surround Sound Ready?

(I sense a new business opportunity here... Surround Sound Bass-Reflex S-Logic Bionetic toilet paper for Digital Audio. Only $30/roll! I may sell a few $500 volume knobs on the side.

Calling Bose....
Mar 25, 2004 at 8:23 PM Post #29 of 48

Originally posted by GanChan
Calling Bose....

You mean it's been done? Well...shoot. So much for that get-rich-quick scheme.

Guess it's back to sending Viagra spam, then.
Mar 25, 2004 at 8:44 PM Post #30 of 48

Originally posted by Dixie Flatline
You mean it's been done? Well...shoot. So much for that get-rich-quick scheme.

Guess it's back to sending Viagra spam, then.

Calling Hormel....

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