V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.
Jun 21, 2013 at 3:34 AM Post #15,121 of 23,366
Yes, this is why I want to give them another shot. What my ears heard was nothing like what others heard, almost at all. My friend also ended up selling them for M-100s, which he then sold because of some issues (I think comfort? He loved the sound though).... Now he is looking for yet another replacement. He got a set of Ultrasone DJ1s for cheap which he is using for now. He is looking into the Focal Spirit One at the moment.

The Spirit One is a great headphone IMO.  I don't have them on hand anymore, but they were a joy to listen to and review.
Jun 21, 2013 at 9:55 AM Post #15,124 of 23,366
Unless I'm missing something this bill isn't from V-Moda, or is it? I mean I fail to see how this is V-Moda's issue. e.g. if I buy something from V-Moda, I'm not going to expect them to know the extra fees Japan's going to charge me on top of the product and shipping costs. I just checked the V-Moda page: http://v-moda.com/shipping/ And it states: *Delivery times will vary depending on country. Also please note that as per the regulations in your region you may be responsible for any VAT/Import Taxes/Duties/Brokerage fees or other fees. I think it's fair enough for them not to know how much Croatia's, Taiwan's, Korea's, Japan's, Germany's, Canada's (etc.) tax may be.

If I'm not mistaken, under NAFTA (the North America Free Trade Agreement) all electronics originating from the U.S. are duty-free when importing into Canada. Do headphones not count as "electronics?"
Jun 21, 2013 at 10:20 AM Post #15,125 of 23,366
If I'm not mistaken, under NAFTA (the North America Free Trade Agreement) all electronics originating from the U.S. are duty-free when importing into Canada. Do headphones not count as "electronics?"

Ummm no, if you're a business whose importing yes but if you're a consumer you get raped with duty when you order something in. NAFTA is in place for the businesses not the average Canadian consumer.
Jun 21, 2013 at 10:47 AM Post #15,127 of 23,366
I got hit with duties and taxes when I ordered them back in January. Lesson learned. I do not order anything across the border which ships via UPS. In fact, I always insist on USPS and if that's not an option, I pass. On another note. I've been breaking in a pair of HD800's over the past month ans when I started listening to the M100's over the last few days, I found them painfully unlistenable. Yeah, not nearly in the same class and my expectations are differet for them. Could not stand the recessed treble. Tried Treble Enancer EQ setting on my iPod and that brought them back to life for me. Saved by EQ. I pretty much only use them for travel and some very oocasional listening in bed. Also looking forward to the XL pads. They're still doing the trick for what I want them for.
Jun 21, 2013 at 12:35 PM Post #15,128 of 23,366
The UE6000 / UE9000 are pretty good if you use them in passive mode, they are not amazing sound quality and detail compared to the Momentum or M-100 but they do have a nice sound and if you just want to sit and listen to music without analysing it too much they are pretty good I think, very comfortable as well and pretty well built, good for the Money. I think the Momentums are better though for pure sound quality. M-100 beat the UE for electronic music but the UE are pretty good all rounders, just don't expect reference sound quality or bright detailed treble. Comfort though the UE are absolutely great.
Jun 21, 2013 at 12:57 PM Post #15,129 of 23,366
If I'm not mistaken, under NAFTA (the North America Free Trade Agreement) all electronics originating from the U.S. are duty-free when importing into Canada. Do headphones not count as "electronics?"

Under NAFTA 90% of all headphones are "Duty Free" what he paid was a Brokerage Fee...
That is what you pay UPS/DHL/FedEx for the privilege of handling your parcel across the imaginary line. 

Jun 21, 2013 at 3:01 PM Post #15,132 of 23,366
I didn't like the UE900s as much as I thought I would. And the UE9000s I liked the sound but I was listening to it from one of my friends and something bothered me about them. Looking back it might have been that ANC was on and that screwed with the sound a bit. I really should give them another go though.

you can get it used like new on amazon for 280 right now :D
Jun 21, 2013 at 3:04 PM Post #15,134 of 23,366
damn, i was really hoping the ue9000 would be around the same level as the momentums, I also love how i get more feedback on this thread than making my own thread about it, thanks guys!, and i need to start going to the gym again my neck blubber isnt helping me when i hang my headphones on my neck hahaha

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