V-MODA CROSSFADE WIRELESS: Exclusive Preview, Videos, Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.
Nov 3, 2015 at 2:29 PM Post #556 of 1,160
Right. But if people think they can just plug their analog cable into anything, and experience “no human perceptible latency” or “zero latency”, they might be in for a surprise. That’s why I’d still like to know what sort of latencies we can expect from the crossfades in wireless mode. Cause talking about latency when cabled is kinda just like trying to steer the conversation away from the topic. So far, my question has not been answered.

Seems like splitting hairs slightly and I honestly wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't mention it.  It also seemed pretty important for you to note that he should, "refrain from using terms such as “zero latency” when cabled," otherwise why would you bring it up?
Nov 3, 2015 at 2:44 PM Post #557 of 1,160

I bring it up, because I’m tired of all the false advertisement/false info that people just eat up without questioning it. When I heard interview after interview of Val claiming these cans sound as good wireless as they do cabled, I knew something was up. I could also make a product and run around claiming it had 0.00000000000% latency and 0.000000000% loss of signal etc. etc. but we all know that is not the truth. You might fool the average consumer, but so far I haven’t had some pretty simple questions of mine answered. Such as; what sort of noise floor we can expect, what sort of latency we can expect etc. You can’t just claim that this sounds as good as that, if it doesn’t. I get that most of you guys do not have “golden ears” or years of experience with professional audio, and therefore think all this is totally irrelevant and unimportant. I don’t claim to be a know it all either. But I would LIKE to “know it all”, I would LIKE to have my questions answered before buying. And I would LIKE for people to give less of a damn about WHY I ask these questions, and give more of a damn about WHY they are not answered by the actual people in charge. 
Nov 3, 2015 at 2:49 PM Post #558 of 1,160
Let’s take CSR/APT-X for instance. They claim 1.8-1.9ms latency with their live code supposedly. Val says 40-50ms with the low latency APT-X codec. I read on reddit that it’s 32ms for both live and low latency modes..What to believe? Are there even any consumer devices that use APT-X Live? And do those devices actually run at those <2ms latencies? I totally respect what Val is doing, don’t get me wrong. I just wanna make the correct decision as a consumer, because I’ve wasted enough money on crappy devices that claim more than they can deliver. 
Nov 3, 2015 at 3:43 PM Post #559 of 1,160
I bring it up, because I’m tired of all the false advertisement/false info that people just eat up without questioning it. When I heard interview after interview of Val claiming these cans sound as good wireless as they do cabled, I knew something was up. I could also make a product and run around claiming it had 0.00000000000% latency and 0.000000000% loss of signal etc. etc. but we all know that is not the truth. You might fool the average consumer, but so far I haven’t had some pretty simple questions of mine answered. Such as; what sort of noise floor we can expect, what sort of latency we can expect etc. You can’t just claim that this sounds as good as that, if it doesn’t. I get that most of you guys do not have “golden ears” or years of experience with professional audio, and therefore think all this is totally irrelevant and unimportant. I don’t claim to be a know it all either. But I would LIKE to “know it all”, I would LIKE to have my questions answered before buying. And I would LIKE for people to give less of a damn about WHY I ask these questions, and give more of a damn about WHY they are not answered by the actual people in charge. 

It has little to nothing to do with having, "golden ears,"  and is more about intended use for $300 wireless headphones.  I also hope you don't claim to be a know it all because no one likes a know it all lol. 
V-Moda has a 60 day test drive so you could try these out and test them without worry of wasting your money.
How many CEO's post on these forums?  Honestly, I'm new here.
Nov 3, 2015 at 3:59 PM Post #560 of 1,160
  It has little to nothing to do with having, "golden ears,"  and is more about intended use for $300 wireless headphones.  I also hope you don't claim to be a know it all because no one likes a know it all lol. 
V-Moda has a 60 day test drive so you could try these out and test them without worry of wasting your money.
How many CEO's post on these forums?  Honestly, I'm new here.

If every user had passed the Philips golden ears with flying colors, they’d probably be able to tell the difference between wireless and wired in a second :) I agree that this product is not targeted at professional use, my only hope was that it might be capable, therefore eliminating the need for bulky wireless transmitters and receivers. And yes a know it all is probably the worst scum human being living :p I’m sure there are lot’s of CEO’s in here. Not that they’re necessarily any smarter than the rest of us :wink: Anyway I’ll be following along and let someone else test this stuff out. Personally I’m leaning more towards a proper set of in-ears and a 2.4Ghz wireless monitoring solution instead :)
Nov 3, 2015 at 4:13 PM Post #561 of 1,160
If every user had passed the Philips golden ears with flying colors, they’d probably be able to tell the difference between wireless and wired in a second :) I agree that this product is not targeted at professional use, my only hope was that it might be capable, therefore eliminating the need for bulky wireless transmitters and receivers. And yes a know it all is probably the worst scum human being living :p I’m sure there are lot’s of CEO’s in here. Not that they’re necessarily any smarter than the rest of us :wink: Anyway I’ll be following along and let someone else test this stuff out. Personally I’m leaning more towards a proper set of in-ears and a 2.4Ghz wireless monitoring solution instead :)

Assumptions do what now? lol
Also, a know-it-all is by definition: one who claims to know everything; also :  one who disdains advice
"All I know is I know nothing."
Good luck with the in-ears.  You really should do the V-Moda 60 day test drive, you could do the testing and report back without potentially wasting your money.
Nov 4, 2015 at 8:38 AM Post #565 of 1,160
  Anyone tried swapping out to the XL pads on the wireless? I assume it's not an issue and the XL pads that work on the M100 work on the wireless?

This will increase latency as they will be farther away from your ears

Nov 4, 2015 at 11:16 AM Post #567 of 1,160
  Hmm ok. Do you have an order number? I could call them for you to see if I can get an update since I live here in Los Angeles (send me a PM for security purposes). I got mine pretty quickly since they were laser engraved, I know that 3D printed shields take longer since the process is a bit more complex.

Sorry, was out of town and didn't see your reply! Thank you so much for offering to help. I've PM-ed you. Thanks again.
Nov 4, 2015 at 2:05 PM Post #570 of 1,160
Has anyone else noticed that in wireless mode, the bass tends to clip when maxing out the volume on both the XFW and your device unamped? At least this is what I am noticing for bass-heavy music (EDM, Hip-Hop, etc.). This is the case for my computer (Lenovo Y40-80), phone (LG G2), and an iPhone 6. Not a big deal, I just hope it's not just my cans.
Also, does anyone recommend a software EQ for my LG G2 (Android 4.1.2)? I've tried some of the most popular ones from the Play Store, and wasn't all that impressed. I understand that software EQs wont give me nearly the same results as hardware EQs, but I'd like to hear some of your recommendations.

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