Upgrading to Something Better
May 26, 2010 at 3:43 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 16, 2007
Hey guys, I haven't really kept up with new developments in the IEM world over the last 2 years, so I'm looking for a bit of help.
I currently use my UM2 with custom tips.
Over the last few months, I have noticed that my ear canal shape has changed and the tips no longer seal quite as well.
Over the weekend, in a rush, I managed to drop the tips on the street.
It was dark and I couldn't find them.
Since the fit was getting iffy anyways, I decided, just screw it, I'll just get new ones.
Only gonna cost me $90 canadian (I paid $80 last time but had to transit an hour away to get them).
Since I have to get new tips anyways, now is as good a time as any to upgrade the IEMs too.
Having tried my friend's UM3x, I wouldn't mind something a bit better than my UM2.
Because of the ear shape changing, I will not go all out and get the nice full customs (JH16, UE18, etc).
I can't really afford to get new customs every 3 years and I'm iffy about getting them re-shelled.
I am looking for a new pair of IEMs.
Need to be:
  1. Universal
  2. At least as bassy as the UM2
  3. Does not require portable amp (I think the new Cowon J3 will pump out a similar signal to my D2 which I've been quite happy with).
  4. Any cost
Any thoughts you guys wanna throw out there?
thanks guys!

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